What is Argo API?
The Argo API allows the use of data alteration, listing, retrieval and insertion services, such as requests, cost centers, billing, users, approval structures, advance / account information, etc. In addition to allowing the execution of actions such as advance payment and / or accountability, creation of requisitions (OS), approval of requests, etc.
Who can use it?
Travel agencies or corporations that have “Admin” access to the Argo application and want to manage their data and information in a practical, secure and automated way.
General overview - Argo API
This documentation aims to guide developers on how to integrate with the Argo API, representing the features and methods to be used with examples, facilitating the understanding and use of the services.
Intermediate knowledge of Web programming language (HTTP / HTTPS) and manipulation of Web files, are sufficient for integration with the ARGO API solution.
In this documentation it is possible to find the indications and main operations available in the Argo API.
API Features
The Argo API is related to the products made available by Argo Solutions (Travel and Expense), developed in RestFul (technology standard used in the market), being possible to integrate using the most variable programming languages:
Integration is carried out through services available as Web Services, with operations and transactions carried out using the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or PATCH methods.
GET Used to consult existing records in the application: Example: Consult requests (OS´s - Service order).
POST Used to submit an entity to a specific resource. Example: Insertion of users.
PUT Used to update a specific existing resource: Example: Update a user's registration data.
DELETE Used to delete an existing resource: Example: Finalize an approval structure.
PATCH Used to batch update existing resources. Example: Update of Cost Centers.
Integration tools
Postman is an API Rest Client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test and document APIs. This is done by allowing users to create and save simple and complex HTTP requests, as well as read their responses.
Understanding the application
In order to be able to use the methods and resources available in our API, it is important to understand the application concepts, in the link below it is possible to find the main functionalities and business rules of Argo:
Argo Wiki
Summary of features and operations
To facilitate the understanding of the application, we have below a glossary with the main terms related to Travel and Expense products:
Service |
Description |
CancelledProduct |
Allows you to return a canceled product |
ConfigsAccountingAccount |
Accounting accounts management. |
ConfigsApprovals |
Registration / update of approval structures. Know more |
ConfigsBudgets |
Registration / update of budgets |
ConfigsCities |
Retrieves the list of cities registered in the database |
ConfigsClients |
Customer registration / update. Know more |
ConfigsCommunities |
Registering / updating communities |
ConfigsCompanies |
Registration / updating of companies. Know more |
ConfigsCostCenters |
Registration / update of the corporation's Cost Centers |
ConfigsCreditCards |
Retrieves the list of registered cards |
ConfigsExpenses |
Registration / updating of expenses |
ConfigsExpenseManagementFields |
Allows to manage Expense management fields |
ConfigsFormsPayments |
Registration / update of payment methods used by the corporation |
ConfigsHotels |
Registration / update of the hotel directory of agencies / corporations |
ConfigsJustifications |
Registration / update of justification of choice |
ConfigsLevels |
Retrieves the list of user levels |
ConfigsManagementFields |
Registration / update of management fields |
ConfigsProjects |
Registration / update of corporation projects |
ConfigsReasonsTravel |
Registration / update of “travel reasons” used on the client |
ConfigsUsers |
Registering / updating corporate users |
ConfigsUsersProfile |
Registering / updating the profile of corporate users |
ExpenseAdvancePayments |
Lists requests that contain down payment |
ExpenseBlockedRequests |
Lists requests that are blocked and pending to be blocked |
ExpenseCards |
Allows the insertion of a list of expense cards for users |
ExpenseMobility |
Create a mobility expense in Argo Expense |
ExpensePayments |
Allows you to pay down payment requests / account payments |
ExpenseRefunds |
Lists requests that contain accountability / reimbursement |
ExpenseTypesPayments |
Lists the forms of payment registered for advance / refund / return |
PriceSummary |
Lists the summary of product values from stretches of a request |
Requests |
Retrieves requests summary |
RequestsAgents |
Retrieves the request attendant / consultant data |
RequestsAllocations |
Retrieves request allocation data |
RequestsApprovals |
Retrieves request approver (GET) data and allows approval / disapproval of a request (PUT) |
RequestsFees |
Retrieves the Request Fee data |
RequestsFlightsQuotations |
Retrieves the quotation data for the request area |
RequestsFlightsRequesteds |
Retrieves the air emission data for the request |
RequestsFollowUps |
Retrieves ‘Follow up’ section data from a request |
RequestsHotelsApartmentDetails |
Returns hotel room information from the quote |
RequestsHotelsQuotations |
Retrieves the hosting quote data for the request |
RequestsHotelsRequesteds |
Retrieves the hosting request issuance data |
RequestsJustifications |
Retrieves travel justifications included in a request |
RequestsManagementFields |
Retrieves the managerial fields for the request |
RequestsReasonsTravel |
Retrieves the travel reason entered in the request |
RequestsRentalsQuotations |
Retrieves the rental quote data for the request |
RequestsRentalsRequesteds |
Retrieves the rental issuance data for the request |
RequestsRequesters |
Retrieves request requestor data |
RequestsRoadsQuotations |
Retrieves the quotation data for the request road |
RequestsRoadsRequesteds |
Retrieves the road issuance data of the request |
RequestsServicesQuotations |
Retrieves the quote data for the request service |
RequestsServicesRequests |
Retrieves the service issue data from the request |
RequestsTravelers |
Retrieves traveler data from the request |
The following is a list of the main codes and descriptions that can be presented when returning the services provided, facilitating the understanding and possible adjustments for the correct functioning of the request.
Code |
Return |
Description |
200 |
OK |
Success. |
201 |
Created |
Indicates the request was successfully carried out and that a new resource was created. |
204 |
Body is empty |
Indicates that request body is empty. |
400 |
Bad Request |
The request has invalid parameter (s). |
401 |
Unauthorized |
The access token was not informed or does not have access to the APIs. |
404 |
Not Found |
The resource entered in the request was not found. |
405 |
Method Not Allowed |
Error caused when a method is not allowed by a web server at the requested URL. |
413 |
Request is to Large |
The request is exceeding the allowed limit for your access token profile. |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
The request has business errors. |
429 |
Too Many Requests |
The consumer has exceeded the time limit for requests. |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Unexpected error, something is broken in the API. |
503 |
Service Unavailable |
Error caused when server is not ready to receive the request. |
504 |
Gateway Timeout |
Time out error. |
First steps for using the Argo API
1. Create your account
Access the portal and create your account.
2. Create your app
After creating your account, create your app:
The "name" field must represent the licensee who will use the APP.
- If the licensee is "Agency 1", the field must be filled in as "AGENCIA1-HML"
- If the APP is of exclusive access to a corporation, the field must be filled in as "AGENCIA1-NOME-DA-CORPORACAO-HML"
- The "description" field can be filled at the discretion of the APP creator.
- To fill in the "Link for your APP" field use "https://api-hml.useargo.com/argo/v2/".
Note: The APP created directly by the user is automatically directed to the Homologation plan.
The moment the APP passes the Production plan, the "HML" acronym will be changed to "PRD".
Align with your Account Executive to learn about access plans to the Homologation and Production environments.
3. Make the encode for base 64
Access your app and encode the “Client ID / Client Secret” for base 64.
Note: When making the encode for base 64 remove the “spaces” and the “/” and add “:”
23v5vtb56-b8sd-7ac2-1e12-11ffe12i19c0 / 123d2266-82jj9-82jkl-982k0-1e32jj293jau30
4. Creating the token for authentication
For the creation of the access-token it is necessary to first know the contract plan of your APP.
- If it is a Homologation plan, you must make a POST request to the URL https://api-hml.useargo.com/oauth/access-token/
- If it is a Production plan, you must make a POST request to the URL https://api.useargo.com/oauth/access-token/
Note: Align with your Account Executive to find out which plan your APP is inserted in.
The request made must send the following information:
- Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Encode base 64
Property |
Type |
Required |
Description |
Content-Type |
String |
Yes |
Include Value: application/json |
Authorization |
Yes |
Include the Base 64 encode in Authorization. Example: Basic KTliMCNiNDvtYjQjZC0bMxOThlNjYtMTVuAYY2M2YzYjAzOjQwOWQyNjU1KTY3YzktMzE3ZS04YzMwLTJlOGU5ZBAxYzA5ZC== |
The Body request must be completed according to the details below:
"username": "argo.argo",
"password": "teste@",
"reseller": "argo",
"corp": "solutions",
"grant_type": "password"
Property |
Required |
Description |
Username |
Yes |
User login used to access the Argo system |
password |
Yes |
User password used to access the Argo system |
reseller |
Yes |
Travel agency URL. Example: www.argoit.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA |
corp |
Yes |
Customer (corporation) URL served by the travel agency. Example: www.argo.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA/URLdaCORPORAÇÃO |
grant_type |
Yes |
Fill in with “password” |
After this procedure, the token will be generated for use in API authentication.
This token will have a validity of 60 minutes and can be used for all requests within that period.
5. Use the API
Through the Token generated according to step 4, it is possible to use the Argo API methods, for this, follow the procedures below:
- Go to the Details of features and operations section and select the method you want to use.
Pass the information in the Header:
- access_token: generated in the authentication method
- client_id: as mentioned earlier it is possible to find in Dev Tools -> My Apps -> Client ID
- For all available services there is the Header below:
5.1 Access Urls
For requests to be made, it is necessary to use the correct url according to your APP plan.
Homologation: https://api-hml.useargo.com/argo/v2/{chosen-method}
If you want to consult users found in an approval environment, the query url will be as follows: https://api-hml.useargo.com/argo/v2/users
Production: https://api.useargo.com/argo/v2/{chosen-method}
If you want to consult users found in a production environment, the query url will be as follows: https://api.useargo.com/argo/v2/users
Note: The "chosen method" can be found at Details of features and operations
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
reseller |
String |
20 |
No |
Travel agency URL. Example: www.argoit.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA |
client_id |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID generated when creating the app. (See 2nd step for using the Argo API) |
access_token |
String |
36 |
Yes |
Token generated through the authentication API. Example: 5b035b1c-9acc-3c22-b40a-f2d3c9bb0d54 |
corp |
String |
20 |
No |
Customer (corporation) URL served by the travel agency. Example: www.argo.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA/URLdaCORPORAÇÃO |
login |
String |
50 |
No |
User login used to access the Argo system |
password |
String |
12 |
No |
User password used to access the Argo system |
Request Status Table
Advance / Expense
Status used in the API |
Status |
awaitingIssue |
Awaiting issuance (when associated with a trip / advance) |
awaitingLaunch |
Awaiting release |
awaitingConfirmation |
Waiting for conference |
awaitingApproval |
Awaiting authorization |
awaitingPayment |
Awaiting payment |
finalized |
Closed |
Trip Status
Status used in the API |
Status |
open |
Open |
requested |
Requested |
awaitingPermissionAuthorization |
Awaiting merit authorization |
awaitingQuotation |
Waiting for quote |
awaitingDefinitionOfReserve |
Waiting for reservation setting |
reserving |
Booking |
awaitingBudget |
Awaiting budget |
awaitingSelection |
Awaiting choice |
waitingDefinitionApprover |
Awaiting definition of approver |
awaitingApprovalOfCost |
Waiting for cost authorization |
awaitingIssue |
Awaiting issuance |
issued |
Issued (released for billing) |
canceled |
Canceled |
expired |
Expired |
rejected |
Rejected |
Products Table
Product |
Description |
air |
Air |
hotel |
Accommodation |
rental |
Car Rental |
service |
Additional services |
road |
Road |
advancedPayment |
Advance |
refound |
Accountability / Reimbursement |
Details of features and operations
Through this service, the user can list the products that have been canceled in a request, using the ID.
GET /cancelledProduct
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
RequestId of the OS to be retrieved. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"requestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expense": "string",
"status": "string",
"webServiceId": "string",
"locator": "string",
"expirationDate": "2023-07-14T11:17:42.890Z",
"paymentType": "string",
"legDate": "string",
"leg": "string",
"totalValue": 0,
"userCancellationName": "string",
"cancellationDate": "2023-07-14T11:17:42.890Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Property that represents request’s unique identifier. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expense |
String |
12 |
Yes |
Expense Product type. Example: 'Aereo', 'Hospedagem', 'Locacao', 'Servico', 'Rodoviario', 'Adiantamento', Reembolso |
status |
String |
9 |
Yes |
Request status. Example: CANCELADO |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
No |
Webservice used in the request. Example: ARGOIT |
locator |
String |
10 |
No |
Request record locator. Example: MDDOGJ |
expirationDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Request expiration date. Example: 2020-05-15 12:30:14.420 |
paymentType |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Request form of payment. Example: FATURADO |
legDate |
String |
255 |
No |
Request segment data. Example: 04/Jun/2020 |
leg |
String |
255 |
No |
Request segment data. Example: (CGH) Congonhas / (SDU) Santos Dumont - Partida 04/Jun/2020 03:49 - Chegada 04/Jun/2020 06:03 Avianca Vôo 2146 (Econômica) - Assento: Não marcado / Família tarifária (-) |
totalValue |
Number (Decimal) |
36 |
No |
Request total amount. Example: 197,82 |
userCancellationName |
String |
36 |
Yes |
Username who performed the cancellation. Example: Ademar Ribeiro |
cancellationDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Request cancellation date. Example: 2020-05-15 12:30:14.420 |
Through this service, the licensee can obtain all the information related to the accounting accounts present in his database. Through this service it is also possible to manage (insert and change) the accounting accounts found on the client.
GET /accountingAccount
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
filters.active |
String |
3 |
Property that indicates whether the ledger account is active. Example: Yes / No |
filters.companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account company ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.description |
String |
50 |
Description of the accounting account. Example: Corregedoria Account Account |
filters.integrationCode |
String |
3 |
Accounting Account Integration Code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'ACC1010' |
filters.typeTrip |
String |
13 |
Accounting Account trip type. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
"active": "yes",
"description": "string",
"accountingAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
active |
String |
3 |
Property that indicates whether the ledger account is active. Example: Yes / No |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the accounting account. Example: Internal Affairs Accounting Account. |
accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET /accountingAccount/{accountingAccountId}
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"description": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeTrip": "both, international, domestic",
"active": "yes",
"requestsProject": "yes",
"expenseType": [
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Internal Affairs Accounting Account. |
integrationCode |
String |
3 |
Accounting account integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'ACC1010' |
typeTrip |
String |
13 |
Accounting account trip type. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting company identification ID. Example:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String |
3 |
Property that indicates whether the accounting account is active. Example: Yes/No |
requestsProject |
String |
3 |
Property that indicates whether the accounting account requires a project. Example: Yes/No |
expenseType |
String |
15 |
Type of expense that the ledger account is linked to. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'fee' |
POST /accountingAccount/{accountingAccountId}
"description": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeTrip": "both, international, domestic",
"active": "yes",
"requestsProject": "yes",
"expenseType": [
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Internal Affairs Accounting Account |
integrationCode |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Accounting account integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'ACC1010' |
typeTrip |
String |
13 |
Yes |
Accounting account trip type. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
active |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Property that indicates whether the ledger account is active. Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Accounting company identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requestsProject |
String |
3 |
No |
Property that indicates whether the accounting account requires a project. Example: Yes / No |
expenseType |
String |
15 |
No |
Type of expense that the accounting account is linked to. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'fee' |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account creation identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
PUT /accountingAccount/{accountingAccountId}
"description": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeTrip": "both, international, domestic",
"active": "yes",
"requestsProject": "yes",
"expenseType": [
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Internal Affairs Accounting Account |
integrationCode |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Accouting account integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'ACC1010' |
typeTrip |
String |
13 |
Yes |
Accounting account trip type. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
active |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Property that indicates whether the ledger account is active. Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Accouting company identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requestsProject |
String |
3 |
No |
Property that indicates whether the accounting account requires a project. Example: Yes / No |
expenseType |
String |
15 |
No |
Type of expense that the ledger account is linked to. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'fee' |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True / False |
Through the approval structure register, it is possible to configure and define the approval flow of requests.
1st For Whom:
The structure can be made for the entire customer, in this case keep the fields mentioned below blank.
- COMPANY - Establishes whether the workflow will be exclusive for the informed company, and this must be previously registered in the system.
- COST CENTER - Establishes whether the workflow will be exclusive to the informed cost center, which must be previously registered in the system.
- COMMUNITY - Establishes whether the workflow will be exclusive to the community, which is already registered in the environment.
- USER - The structure will be exclusive for the informed user, and this must be previously registered in the system.
- ACCOUNTING ACCOUNT - The structure will be exclusive to the informed accounting account, which must be previously registered in the system.
- PROJECT - Defines that the structure will be exclusive for the informed project, and this must be previously registered in the system.
2nd What:
Establishes what will be approved in the request: Type of trip (National or International) Control of funds (Conference, reimbursement or payment of expenses)
3rd How: Determines how the approval structure will be, following the criterion:
- Unique - Only one approver from the list will be chosen to approve.
- Sequential - E-mails will be sent from the first to the last registered approver sequentially. All approvers on the list must approve.
- Parallel - E-mails will be sent at the same time to all registered approvers. All approvers on the list must approve.
- Level - Only one approver from the list will be chosen to approve and he must be at a level above the traveler.
Execute the GET, POST, PUT, GET or DELETE methods of an Approval Structure.
For more information visit the Argo Wiki.
GET /approvals (Obsolete)
This method is obsolete and will be removed in the future. Use the method "GET /approvals/v2"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.actives |
String (Boolean) |
5 |
No |
Approval structure status (Active / Inactive) Example: true/false |
"approvalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"forWhoDescription": "string",
"structurePer": [],
"approvals": [
"project": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"community": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"reasonTravel": "string",
"accountingAccount": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"typeApproval": "single",
"approvers": [
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
approvalId |
Guid |
36 |
ID related to the approval structure record. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String |
3 |
Status of the approval structure (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes/no |
forWhoDescription |
String |
255 |
Login of the user for whom the approval structure is intended. |
structurePer |
String (Enum) |
17 |
“For whom” (see service introduction). Example: client, company, costCenter, user, accountingAccount, project, community |
project |
string |
50 |
Project that the approval structure is related to. Example: Travel Project |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Description of the company that the approval structure is related to. Example: Argo |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost Center code that the approval structure is related to. Example: 001 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the Cost Center that the approval structure is related to. Example: Development |
reasonTravel |
String |
50 |
Reason for the trip that the approval structure is related to. Example: Meeting with client |
accountingAccount |
String |
50 |
Account that the approval structure is related to. Example: Development Department |
community |
String |
50 |
Community that the approval structure is related to. Example: Technical team |
typeApproval |
String (Enum) |
10 |
“How” (see service introduction). Example: parallel, sequential, single |
traveler |
UserInfo (Object) |
1 |
Object responsible for transporting request traveler information |
approvers |
Object responsible for carrying the approval information from the approval structure |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
login |
String |
255 |
Approver user login. Example: approver.one |
email |
String |
255 |
Approver user email. Example: aprovador.um@argo.com |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Primary Approver |
GET /approvals/v2
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.status |
String (Boolean) |
5 |
No |
Approval structure status (Active / Inactive) Example: true/false |
filters.companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific company. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the “ID” of the linked company. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific Cost Center. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the linked Cost Center “ID”. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.userId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific user. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the linked User “ID”. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.projectId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific Project. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the “ID” of the linked Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific GL Account. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the linked Account Account “ID”. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.communityId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific Community. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the linked Community “ID”. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.reasonTravelId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Argo allows you to link an Approval Structure to a specific Reason for Travel. This property allows you to filter the Approval Structure using the linked Travel Reason “ID”. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.approverId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to find the Approval Structure containing a specific approving user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.approval |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
“How” (see service introduction). It makes it possible to consult structures of a certain type. Example: parallel, sequential, single |
filters.typeApproval |
String (Enum) |
15 |
No |
“What” (see service introduction). It allows to consult structures with the characteristics. Example: refund, international, domestic, conference, merit, closingCard, advancedPayment, additional, payment |
filters.page |
Number |
100 |
No |
This property allows to load more requests per page if the standard number of 3000 is exceeded, so that once this number is exceeded in the filter, a new group of 3000 requests per page will be added. As requests increase, new sets of 3000 requests will be added which will be able to be filtered and loaded on different pages. For example: if we need to access record 3090, we use number two in the filter. On the other hand, if we need to access record 7000, we will use filter number three. |
"approvalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"forWhoDescription": "string",
"structurePer": [
"project": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"reasonTravel": "string",
"accountingAccount": "string",
"community": "string",
"approvals": [
"typeApproval": "single",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
approvalId |
Guid |
36 |
ID related to the approval structure record. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
forWhoDescription |
String |
255 |
User login for whom the approval structure is intended. |
structurePer |
String (Enum) |
17 |
“For whom” (see service introduction). Example: client, company, costCenter, user, accountingAccount, project, community |
project |
string |
50 |
Project that the approval structure is related to. Example: Travel Project |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Description of the company that the approval structure is related to. Example: Argo |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost Center code that the approval structure is related to. Example: 001 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the Cost Center that the approval structure is related to. Example: Development |
reasonTravel |
String |
50 |
Reason for the trip that the approval structure is related to. Example: Meeting with client |
accountingAccount |
String |
50 |
Account that the approval structure is related to. Example: Development Department |
community |
String |
50 |
Community that the approval structure is related to. Example: Technical team |
typeApproval |
String (Enum) |
10 |
“How” (see service introduction). Example: parallel, sequential, single |
active |
String |
3 |
Status of the approval structure (Active/Inactive). Example: Yes/no |
POST /approvals
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"community": "string",
"userLogin": "string",
"userEmail": "string",
"accountingAccount": "string",
"project": "string",
"reasonTravel": "string",
"forWhoDescription": "string",
"typeApproval": "single",
"approvers": [
"numberList": 0,
"representative": "yes",
"allocation": "yes",
"level": "yes",
"scope": 0,
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"scopes": [
"secondLevel": [
"secondLevelMaster": [
"approvals": [
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the company that the approval structure will be related to. Example: Argo |
costCenterId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
No |
Cost Center ID that the approval structure will be related to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Cost Center Code that the approval structure will be listed on. Example: ABHA87 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the Cost Center that the approval structure will be related to. Example: Development |
community |
String |
50 |
No |
Community that the approval structure will be related to. Example: Technical team |
userLogin |
String |
50 |
No |
User login that the approval structure will be related to. Example: argo.solutions |
userEmail |
String |
100 |
No |
Email of the user to which the approval structure will be listed. Example: useargo@argo.com |
accountingAccount |
String |
50 |
No |
Accounting Account that the approval structure will be related to. Example: Development Department |
project |
String |
50 |
No |
Project that the approval structure will be related to. Example: Project Travel |
reasonTravel |
String |
40 |
No |
Reason for the trip to which the approval structure will be listed. Example: Meeting with client |
forWhoDescription |
String |
255 |
No |
Login of the user for whom the approval structure is intended. |
typeApproval |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
“How” (see service introduction). Example: parallel, sequential, single, level |
approvers |
ApproverVM |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for carrying the approval information from the approval structure |
scopes |
Number |
100 |
No |
Argo allows the creation of approval structures by range of values for the types of "sequential" and "single". This property allows defining the scope registered in the structure |
secondLevel |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Second level approving user. Example: (Yes/No) |
secondLevelMaster |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Second level master approving user. Example: Yes / No |
approvals |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Si |
“What” (see service introduction). Example: refund, international, domestic, conference, merit, closingCard, advancedPayment, additional, payment |
approvers |
Structure approver data |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
numberList |
Number(Integer) |
100 |
No |
Number in the list of approvers. Example: 1 |
representative |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver is a delegate. Example: Yes, No |
allocation |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver has allocation. Example: Yes, No |
level |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver has a level. Example: Yes, No |
scope |
Number(Decimal) |
100 |
No |
The Argo system allows the creation of approval structures by range of values for the types of "sequential" and "single". This property allows defining the scope registered in the structure |
email |
String |
50 |
Yes |
E-mail of the approving user. Example: argo@useargo.com |
login |
String |
50 |
Sim |
Approver user login. Example: argo.teste |
fullName |
String |
50 |
No |
Full name of the approving user. Example: João Silva |
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"index": "0",
"success": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Guid |
36 |
Record ID performed. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
index |
String |
5 |
Position in the inserted list of approvals. Example: Index 1 |
success |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Transaction success or failure. Example: Yes or No |
PUT /approvals
"approvalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"community": "string",
"userLogin": "string",
"userEmail": "string",
"accountingAccount": "string",
"project": "string",
"reasonTravel": "string",
"forWhoDescription": "string",
"typeApproval": "single",
"approvers": [
"numberList": 0,
"representative": "yes",
"allocation": "yes",
"level": "yes",
"scope": 0,
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"scopes": [
"secondLevel": [
"secondLevelMaster": [
"approvals": [
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
approvalId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID related to the approval structure record. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the company that the approval structure is related to. Example: Argo |
costCenterId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
No |
Cost Center ID that the approval structure will be related to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Cost Center code that the approval structure is related to. Example: ABHA87 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the Cost Center that the approval structure is related to. Example: Development |
community |
String |
50 |
No |
Community that the approval structure is related to. Example: Technical team |
userLogin |
String |
50 |
No |
User login that the approval structure is related to. Example: argo.solutions |
userEmail |
String |
100 |
No |
Email of the user that the approval structure is related to. Example: useargo@argo.com |
accountingAccount |
String |
50 |
No |
Accounting Account that the approval structure is related to. Example: Development Department |
project |
String |
50 |
No |
Project that the approval structure is related to Example: Travel Project |
reasonTravel |
String |
50 |
No |
Reason for the trip that the approval structure is related to. Example: Meeting with client |
forWhoDescription |
String |
255 |
No |
Login of the user for whom the approval structure is intended. |
typeApproval |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
“How” (see service introduction). Example: parallel, sequential, single, level |
approvers |
String |
50 |
No |
User who will approve the structure. Example: João Silva |
scopes |
Number |
100 |
No |
Argo allows the creation of approval structures by range of values for the types of "sequential" and "single". This property allows defining the scope registered in the structure |
secondLevel |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Second level approving user. Example: (Yes/No) |
secondLevelMaster |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Second level master approving user. Example: Yes / No |
approvals |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Si |
“What” (see service introduction). Example: refund, international, domestic, conference, merit, closingCard, advancedPayment, additional, payment |
approvers |
Structure approver data |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
numberList |
Number(Integer) |
100 |
No |
Number in the list of approvers. Example: 1 |
representative |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver is a delegate. Example: Yes, No |
allocation |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver has allocation. Example: Yes, No |
level |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver has a level. Example: Yes, No |
scope |
Number(Decimal) |
100 |
No |
The Argo system allows the creation of approval structures by range of values for the types of "sequential" and "single". This property allows defining the scope registered in the structure |
email |
String |
50 |
Sim |
E-mail of the approving user. Example: argo@useargo.com |
login |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Approver user login. Example: argo.teste |
fullName |
String |
50 |
No |
Full name of the approving user. Example: João Silva |
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"index": "0",
"success": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Format |
id |
Guid |
36 |
Record ID performed. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
index |
String |
5 |
Position in the inserted list of approvals. Example: Index 1 |
success |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Transaction success or failure. Example: Yes or No |
DELETE approvals/{approvalId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
approvalId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID related to the approval structure record. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
50 |
Success or failure in using the service. Example: True / False |
GET /approvals/{approvalId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
approvalId |
Guid |
36 |
Sim |
ID related to the approval structure record. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"approvalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"forWhoDescription": "string",
"structurePer": [
"project": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"reasonTravel": "string",
"accountingAccount": "string",
"community": "string",
"approvals": [
"typeApproval": "single",
"active": "yes",
"approvers": [
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"fullName": "string"
The Argo system allows companies to link corporations, making it possible to relate configurations such as (policies, cost center, accounting account, users, etc.) to the respective companies (subunits). The management / maintenance of these companies can be performed through the API according to the details of the methods below.
GET /companies
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter - Company registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
filters.companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Company name |
filters.flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter - Companies that are linked to a project |
filters.integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Company integration code. Usually used to integrate with other applications. Example: Argo1673 |
filters.iata |
String |
20 |
No |
Filter - International Air Transport Association Code |
filters.star |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Customer registration data in globalizers (GDS) |
filters.referenceCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Filter - Registered company reference code |
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyName": "string",
"active": "yes",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-29T10:32:26.367Z",
"flagProject": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the queried company. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Company Name |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Company registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time |
2 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the company. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the company is linked to a project |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Company integration code. Usually used to integrate with other applications. Example: Argo1673 |
iata |
String |
20 |
International Air Transport Association Code |
star |
String |
50 |
Global customer registration data (GDS) |
referenceCode |
String |
30 |
Reference code of the registered company |
POST /companies
"companyName": "string",
"flagProject": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Company Name |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the company is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Company integration code. Usually used to integrate with other applications. Example: Argo1673 |
iata |
String |
20 |
No |
International Air Transport Association Code |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Global customer registration data (GDS) |
referenceCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Reference code of the registered company |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
companyId |
String |
50 |
Identification ID of the registered company. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET /companies/{companyId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Identification ID of the company you want to update. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyName": "string",
"active": "yes",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-29T10:32:26.367Z",
"flagProject": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
Yes |
Identification ID of the company you want to update. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Company Name |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Company registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes/No |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time |
2 |
Date/time of inclusion/creation of the company. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the company is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Company integration code. Usually used to integrate with other applications. Example: Argo1673 |
iata |
String |
20 |
International Air Transport Association Code |
star |
String |
50 |
Global customer registration data (GDS) |
referenceCode |
String |
30 |
Reference code of the registered company |
PUT /companies/{companyId}
"companyName": "string",
"active": "yes",
"flagProject": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Identification ID of the company you want to update. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Company Name |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Company registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes/No |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the company is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Company integration code. Usually used to integrate with other applications. Example: Argo1673 |
iata |
String |
20 |
No |
International Air Transport Association Code. Example: 957 |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Global customer registration data (GDS). Example: 89289 |
referenceCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Reference code of the registered company. Example: 892k11 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Company Name |
flagProject |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the company is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Company integration code. Usually used to integrate with other applications. Example: Argo1673 |
iata |
String |
50 |
International Air Transport Association Code. Example: 957 |
star |
String |
50 |
Global customer registration data (GDS). Example: 89289 |
referenceCode |
String |
50 |
Reference code of the registered company. Example: 892k11 |
This service allows you to list requests that contain at least one down payment request.
Argo Wiki
GET /expense/{requestId}/advancepayments
"initialDate": "2020-10-28T14:32:13.629Z",
"finalDate": "2020-10-28T14:32:13.629Z",
"expenseName": "string",
"reasonTravelling": "string",
"coin": "string",
"bacenCode": "string",
"exchange": 0,
"typePaymentName": "string",
"integrationCodeCompany": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"typePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"departureCity": "string",
"arrivalCity": "string",
"departureCountry": "string",
"arrivalCountry": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"price": 0,
"amount": 0,
"observation": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-28T14:32:13.630Z",
"paymentDate": "2020-10-28T14:32:13.630Z",
"ledgerAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ledgerAccount": "string",
"codeLedgerAccount": "string",
"advancePaymentId": 1,
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
bacenCode |
String |
50 |
Country code for the central bank. Example: 1058 |
initialDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
It is possible to include in the request for advance and / or accountability the period of the trip, with the properties "initialDate" and "finalDate" being the dates of the same. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
finalDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
It is possible to include in the request for advance and / or accountability the period of the trip, with the properties "initialDate" and "finalDate" being the dates of the same. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
expenseName |
String |
50 |
Name of the expense related to the advance order. Example: Taxi |
reasonTravelling |
String |
50 |
Reason for request for advance payment. Example: Meeting with client |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency requested in advance. Example: BRL |
exchange |
Number |
14 |
Exchange rate used in the request in case of advance requests in currencies other than the one used in the corporation. Example: 4,891.00 |
typePaymentName |
String |
50 |
Description of the “Preferential Payment” (form of payment) requested by the user when requesting the advance. Example: Bank deposit |
integrationCodeCompany |
String |
50 |
Integration code of the company selected in the down payment request. Example: 18982 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Company name selected in the down payment order. Example: Argo |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
“Preferred Payment” (payment method) ID requested by the user in the advance order |
departureCity |
Through configuration in the application, it is possible to add the fields “City of Origin” and “City of Destination” to the down payment request. Once these fields are filled in at the opening of the OS, the cities will be displayed when the service returns. Example: São Paulo |
arrivalCity |
Through configuration in the application, it is possible to add the fields “City of Origin” and “City of Destination” to the down payment request. Once these fields are filled in at the opening of the OS, the cities will be displayed when the service returns. Example: Salvador |
departureCountry |
Through configuration in the application, it is possible to add the fields “Country of Origin” and “Country of Destination” to the advance request. Once these fields are filled in at the opening of the OS, the cities will be displayed when the service returns. Example: Brazil |
arrivalCountry |
Through configuration in the application, it is possible to add the fields “Country of Origin” and “Country of Destination” to the advance request. Once these fields are filled in at the opening of the OS, the cities will be displayed when the service returns. Example: Argentina |
quantity |
Number |
5 |
Amount of advance (s) requested. Example: 1 |
price |
Number |
14 |
Unit value of the requested advance. Example: 100.0000 |
amount |
Number |
14 |
Total amount of the advance (s) requested. Example: 100.000000 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation entered by the user at the time of requesting the advance. Example: External customer visit |
inclusionDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Date / time of request for advance payment. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
paymentDate |
String (DataTime) |
23 |
Date / time of advance payment. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
ledgerAccount |
String |
36 |
Account account description of the request. Example: API payments |
ledgerAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Request account account ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
codeLedgerAccount |
String |
36 |
account account code of the request account. Example: 235ARGO12 |
advancePaymentId |
Number |
10 |
Advance payment ID in the request. Example: 1 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Returns ID of user who should receive the advance payment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requesterId |
Guid |
36 |
Returns ID of advanced payment requester. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
This service allows to list all expense report requests. Before listing them, it checks if the request must be blocked depending on the value determined by the agency for the client in the Argo policy code BLOPRE. If the specified value is exceeded, the request is blocked and listed; otherwise, the request is listed informing the expected block date.
Argo Wiki
GET /expense/blockedrequests
"RequestNumber": 0,
"RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ManualBlock": "string",
"Name": "string",
"Blocked": true,
"Message": "string",
"FinalDate": "2021-03-17T15:11:31.732Z",
"FinalDateAdvance": "string",
"BlockForecastDate": "string",
"BlockedBy": "string",
"BlockedDate": "string",
"UnblockedDate": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
RequestNumber |
Number (int) |
100 |
Request number returned. Example: 50 |
RequestId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
ManualBlock |
String |
3 |
Informs if the request was blocked manually |
Name |
String |
50 |
Name of the expense related to the advance request. Example: Meal |
Blocked |
String (boolean) |
4 |
Informs if the request is blocked. Example: True/False |
Message |
String (boolean) |
4 |
Block/unblock information message. Example: True/False |
FinalDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Request final date. Example: 2019-08-22 |
FinalDateAdvance |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Formatted request final date. Example: 08/22/2019 |
BlockForecastDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Forecasted request block date. Example: 08/22/2019 |
BlockedBy |
String |
50 |
Responsible user of blocking the request |
BlockedDate |
Guid |
36 |
Effective request block date. Example: 2019-08-22 |
UnblockedDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Request unblock date. Example: 2019-08-22 |
This service allows you to pay an advance or accountability
POST /expense/payments (Obsolete)
This method will be discontinued in the future, a new implementation is in the method POST /expense/payments/v2
"typePayment": "all",
"amount": 100,
"coin": "BRL",
"typePaymentId": "bfd2223d-3ff6-4021-8116-46ce6bd824ce",
"requestId": "ea7982cd-4be5-e911-943d-90b11c25f05b",
"paymentDate": "2019-10-02T20:40:56.004z",
"observation": "Pago"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Yes |
Determines what is being paid in the request: advancedPayment = Advance payment, refund = Accountability / refund, dropOff = Return money. Example: advancedPayment |
amount |
Number |
14 |
Yes |
Total amount paid in advance. Example: 100.000000 |
coin |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Currency used to pay the advance. Example: BRL |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the "Form of Payment" used to pay the advance. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the request you want to pay. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
paymentDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Payment date of the advance. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Observation inserted when paying the advance. Example: The deposit will be made in 02 days |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True / False |
POST /expense/payments/v2
"advancePaymentId": 0,
"refundId": 0,
"typePayment": "all",
"amount": 100,
"coin": "BRL",
"typePaymentId": "bfd2223d-3ff6-4021-8116-46ce6bd824ce",
"requestId": "ea7982cd-4be5-e911-943d-90b11c25f05b",
"paymentDate": "2019-10-02T20:40:56.004z",
"observation": "Pago"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
advancePaymentId |
Number (int) |
10 |
Sim |
Advance Payment ID in the request. Required property if payment type is 'advancePayment'. Example: 1 |
refundId |
Number (int) |
10 |
Sim |
Refund/devolution in the request. Required property if payment type is 'refund'. Example: 1 |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Yes |
Determines what is being paid in the request: advancedPayment = Advance payment, refund = Accountability / refund, dropOff = Return money. Example: advancedPayment |
amount |
Number |
14 |
Yes |
Total amount paid in advance. Example: 100.000000 |
coin |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Currency used to pay the advance. Example: BRL |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the "Form of Payment" used to pay the advance. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the request you want to pay. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
paymentDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Payment date of the advance. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Observation inserted when paying the advance. Example: The deposit will be made in 02 days |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True / False |
GET /expense/{requestId}/payments
Recovers the form of payment / information entered in the payment of the advance / accountability
"requestPaymentId": "5f6e100e-f102-424e-9723-4e9ccf8f8713",
"typePayment": "advancedPayment",
"requireId": "54b8dbf0-ebe6-e911-943d-90b11c25f05b",
"amount": 100.0000,
"coin": "BRL",
"coinCodeBacen": "790",
"paymentDescription": "Cash01",
"paymentDate": "2019-10-04T03:00:00",
"inclusionDate": "2019-10-04T18:18:10.817",
"observation": "Pago"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
requestPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Payment ID used in the OS, Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Type of expense that was paid: advancedPayment, refund, dropOff. Example: advancedPayment |
requireId |
Guid |
36 |
Requested request ID. Example: 54b8dbf0-ebe6-e911-943d-90b11c25f05b |
amount |
Number |
14 |
Total amount paid. Example: 100.0000 |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency used for payment. Example: BRL |
paymentDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the payment method used in the request. Example: Bank Deposit |
paymentDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date the payment was scheduled. Example: 2018-11-02 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion of the payment schedule. Example: 2018-11-02T21:36:00 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Note inserted at the time of payment. Example: Payment successful |
This service allows the insertion of a list of expense cards for users, as well as the insertion of a list of expense bills for expense cards.
POST /expense/invoicecards
The limit per request is a maximum of 100 expenses
"cardNumber": "string",
"owner": "string",
"description": "string",
"authorizationCode": "string",
"currency": "string",
"value": 0,
"transactionDate": "2020-12-01T12:16:26.827Z",
"billingDate": "2020-12-01T12:16:26.827Z",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
cardNumber |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Card number on which the expense was made. Example: 5261400319746371 |
owner |
String |
155 |
No |
Name of card holder. Example: Virgilio Dante |
description |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Description of the expense on the invoice. Example: BOA COMPRA STORE |
authorizationCode |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Card security code. Example: 897 |
currency |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Currency used in the expense. Example: MXN |
value |
Number (Decimal) |
10 |
Yes |
Expense amount. Example: 150.00 |
transactionDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Yes |
Date of the expense transaction. Example: 2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z |
billingDate |
DateTime |
24 |
No |
Closing date of the expense invoice. Example: 2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
transactionId |
Guid |
36 |
Transaction ID generated in the database. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
POST /expense/usercards
The limit per request is a maximum of 100 cards
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"cardNumber": "string",
"flag": "string",
"refundable": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Sim |
User ID to which the card belongs. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
cardNumber |
String |
50 |
Sim |
User card number. Example: 5261400319746371 |
flag |
String |
50 |
Sim |
Card banner. Example: VI |
refundable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Sim |
If the expenses incurred on this card are refundable. Example: Yes/No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
155 |
User cards successfully inserted |
This service allows inserting a Mobility type expense in Argo Expense.
POST /expense/mobility
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expenseDate": "2023-08-15T16:59:13.277Z",
"currency": "string",
"price": 0,
"startAddress": "string",
"endAddress": "string",
"providerName": "string",
"productName": "string",
"motive": "string",
"photoUrl": "string",
"comments": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of user to whom expense belongs to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
ExpenseDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Expense date. Example: 2019-10-02T19:47:10.450Z |
currency |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Corporation currency. Example: BRL |
price |
Number |
14 |
Yes |
Mobility expense unitary value. Example: 100.00 |
startAddress |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Mobility expense initial address. Example: 1978 Alameda Santos Street |
endAddress |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Mobility expense final address. Example: 1978 Alameda Santos Street |
providerName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Provider to whom travel/ride information will be requested. Example: UBER |
productName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Product name. Example: uber-1 |
motive |
String |
255 |
No |
Related mobility expense reason. Example: Meeting with client. |
photoUrl |
String |
255 |
No |
Mobility expense image. Example: http://www.ahstatic.com/photos/9438_ho_02_p_1024x768.jpge |
comments |
String |
100 |
No |
Comments regarding the expense. Example: Commercial team expense |
This service allows you to list requests that contain at least one account/refund.
GET /expense/{requestId}/refunds
"expenseCard": {
"cardNumber": "string",
"autorizationCode": 0,
"invoiceDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z"
"closingExpenseCard": {
"cardNumber": "string",
"autorizationCode": 0,
"invoiceDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z"
"companyName": "string",
"typePaymentName": "string",
"integrationCodeCompany": "string",
"expenseCategory": "string",
"expenseTypePayment": "all",
"ledgerAccount": "string",
"bacenCode": 0,
"exchange": 0,
"expenseName": "string",
"amount": 0,
"amountPrice": 0,
"descriptiveExpense": "string",
"coin": "string",
"active": "yes",
"proven": "yes",
"refunded": "yes",
"approved": "yes",
"vouchers": [
"changeDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z",
"paymentDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z",
"initialExpenseDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z",
"finalExpenseDate": "2020-10-29T11:37:37.995Z",
"ledgerAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"codeLedgerAccount": "string",
"refundId": 1,
"valueIVA": 0,
"percentualIVA": 0,
"totalValue": 0,
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterdescription": "string",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requesterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
expenseCard |
Object (ExpenseCardVM) |
1 |
Object responsible for transferring information included within the corporate card invoice |
closingExpenseCard |
Object (ExpenseCardVM) |
1 |
Object responsible for transferring information from cards confirmed as “closure” in Argo expense |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Name of the company selected in the rendering of accounts. Example: Argo |
typePaymentName |
String |
50 |
Description of the “Preferential Payment” requested by the user regarding the payment of the accountability. Example: Bank deposit |
integrationCodeCompany |
String |
50 |
Integration code of the company selected in the accountability request. Example: 18982 |
expenseCategory |
String |
100 |
Description of the expenditure category. Example: ‘meal’ |
expenseTypePayment |
String (Enum) |
16 |
Type of expense payment. Example: 'advancedPayment', 'dropOff', 'refund' |
exchange |
Number |
14 |
Exchange rate used in the request in case of rendering of accounts in currencies other than that used in the corporation. Example: 4,891.00 |
expenseName |
String |
50 |
Name of the expense entered in the rendering of accounts. Example: Taxi |
amount |
Number |
14 |
Total amount of the advance (s) requested. Example: 100.000000 |
amountPrice |
Number |
100 |
Total amount of expenditure (excluding IVA). Example: 200 |
descriptiveExpense |
String |
255 |
Expense description. Example: ‘Lunch with supplier’ |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency requested in accountability. Example: BRL |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Informs whether the posted expense is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
bacenCode |
String |
50 |
Country code for the central bank. Example: 1058 |
proven |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It allows to identify if the expense was recorded with proof. Example: Yes / No |
refunded |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It allows to identify if the expense was recorded as “reimbursable”. Example: Yes / No |
approved |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It allows to identify if the expense was approved. Example: Yes / No |
vouchers |
String |
100 |
Lists the links to download the images / receipts related to expenses. Example: argo.imagem.html |
changeDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Date of last expenditure change. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
inclusionDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Date of inclusion of accountability. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
paymentDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
Date of payment of accountability / reimbursement. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
initialExpenseDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
It is possible to include in the request for advance and / or accountability the period of the trip, the properties "initialExpenseDate" and "finalExpenseDate" being the dates related to the period. Example: 2019-10-02T19:47:10.450Z |
finalExpenseDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
It is possible to include in the request for advance and / or accountability the period of the trip, the properties "initialExpenseDate" and "finalExpenseDate" being the dates related to the period. Example: 2019-10-02T19:47:10.450Z |
ledgerAccount |
String |
100 |
Accounting account description of the request. Example: API payments |
ledgerAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Request accounting account ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
codeLedgerAccount |
String |
100 |
Accounting account code of the request account. Example: 235ARGO12 |
refundId |
Number |
10 |
Refund ID in the request. Example: 1 |
valueIVA |
Number |
10 |
Property referring to the VAT Value inserted in the refund. Example: 100 |
percentualIVA |
Number |
3 |
Property referring to the VAT Percentage entered in the refund. Example: 15 |
totalValue |
Number |
10 |
Total refund amount with application of the value / percentage VAT. Example: 85 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Comment added when editing a card expense in expense reports. Example: ‘Business lunch with supplier’ |
uuid |
Guid |
36 |
Unique identifier of the invoice of type CFDI. (Information available only to customers with a BTC subscription). Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterCode |
String |
255 |
When the EXICAM and OBRCAM policies are enabled, this property will be present in the expense. Cost Center Code. Example: ARGO2022 |
costCenterdescription |
String |
255 |
When the EXICAM and OBRCAM policies are enabled, this property will be present in the expense. Description of the cost center. Example: Argo Travel Administration |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Returns ID of user who should receive the advance payment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requesterId |
Guid |
36 |
Returns ID of advanced payment requester. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseCard |
Expense allows the user to account for the information on the corporate card bill |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
cardNumber |
Int |
16 |
Card number linked to expense. Example: 4569-7654-9876-1678 |
autorizationCode |
Int |
4 |
Card authorization code linked to expense. Example: 9573 |
invoiceDate |
String (Date-Time) |
10 |
Closing date of the card invoice linked to the expense. Example: 10-10-2020 |
closingExpenseCard |
Expense allows, at the moment of accountability, to post the expense as “card closing” |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
cardNumber |
Int |
16 |
Card number linked to expense. Example: 4569-7654-9876-1678 |
autorizationCode |
Int |
4 |
Card authorization code linked to expense. Example: 9573 |
invoiceDate |
String (Date-Time) |
10 |
Closing date of the card invoice linked to the expense. Example: 10-10-2020 |
This service allows you to list the payment methods registered for advance / refund / return.
Argo Wiki
GET /expense/typespayments
"typePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"name": "string",
"typePayment": "string",
"userUpdateDescription": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Payment method ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
name |
String |
50 |
Payment method description |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Type (s) of expense (s) that the payment method includes: all, advancedPayment, refund, dropOff. Example: advancedPayment |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the form of payment is linked to. Example: Argo |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Description of the company that the form of payment is related to. Example: Argo |
userUpdateDescription |
String |
50 |
Name of the last user who made the change to the registered payment method. Example: João Silva |
This service allows you to list the Largest, Smallest, Medium and Chosen values of products in the sections of a specific request
The values are presented in the same currency as the request and have a 'currency' indicator that specifies the type of return. Note: The values returned refer to the product tariff (ticket, daily, ticket and service fee) without the amount of the fees.
GET /priceSummary/{requestId}
"selected": 350.00,
"higher": 600.00,
"lower": 200.00,
"average": 400.00,
"product": "air",
"currency": "BRL"
Propriedade |
Tipo |
Tamanho |
Descrição |
selected |
Number |
50 |
Value of the product chosen in the request section |
higher |
Number |
50 |
Higher value of products quoted for the request stretch |
lower |
Number |
50 |
Lower value of the products quoted for the request stretch |
average |
Number |
50 |
Average between the highest and lowest values of the products in the request section |
product |
String |
10 |
Product description of the stretch. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service' e 'road' |
currency |
String |
3 |
Currency type of the product of the request. Example: BRL, COP, USD |
Every new customer / corporation inserted in the Argo system (Travel and Expense) must have at least one Cost Center registered, otherwise, it will not be allowed to create requests. It is possible for several configurations to be linked to a cost center, such as travel policies, budget control, etc. Due to the importance of this data, Argo makes it possible through the API to manage the corporation's list of Cost Centers.
Argo Wiki
GET /costcenters
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter - Cost Center registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
filters.code |
String |
30 |
No |
Filter - Cost center integration code. Example: 001 |
filters.acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Filter - Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
filters.parentCostCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter - The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows you to filter the Cost Center using the "ID" of the "Father". Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter - The Argo system allows you to link a Cost Center to a specific company). This property allows you to filter the Cost Center using the “ID” of the linked company. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Page |
Int |
100 |
No |
Property used to page cost centers. Example: 1 |
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"flagProject": "yes",
"parentCostCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDebitDate": "2020-10-29T14:45:55.690Z",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-29T14:45:55.690Z",
"finalDebitDate": "2020-10-29T14:45:55.690Z",
"parentCostCenterDescription": "string",
"parentCostCenterCode": "string",
"parentCostCenterAcronym": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"code": "string",
"acronym": "string",
"description": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost Center registration ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID linked to the returned Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Cost Center Status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the Cost Center is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
parentCostCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows to identify the “Parent” of the returned Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDebitDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
It is possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (DataTime |
24 |
Date that the Cost Center was registered. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalDebitDate |
String (DataTime |
24 |
It's possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
parentCostCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows you to identify the description of the returned Cost Center. Example: Purchasing |
parentCostCenterCode |
String |
30 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows you to identify the returned Cost Center code. Example: 92898 |
parentCostCenterAcronym |
String |
10 |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
The Argo system allows you to link a Cost Center to a specific company. This property allows to identify the company linked to the returned Cost Center. Example: Argo |
code |
String |
30 |
Cost center code. Example: 001 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the registered Cost Center. Example: Training Center |
GET /costcenters/{costCenterId}
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"flagProject": "yes",
"parentCostCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDebitDate": "2020-10-29T14:45:55.690Z",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-29T14:45:55.690Z",
"finalDebitDate": "2020-10-29T14:45:55.690Z",
"parentCostCenterDescription": "string",
"parentCostCenterCode": "string",
"parentCostCenterAcronym": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"code": "string",
"acronym": "string",
"description": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost Center registration ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID linked to the returned Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Cost Center Status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the Cost Center is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
parentCostCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows to identify the “Parent” of the returned Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDebitDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
It is possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (DataTime |
24 |
Date that the Cost Center was registered. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalDebitDate |
String (DataTime |
24 |
It's possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
parentCostCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows you to identify the description of the returned Cost Center. Example: Purchasing |
parentCostCenterCode |
String |
30 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows you to identify the returned Cost Center code. Example: 92898 |
parentCostCenterAcronym |
String |
10 |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
The Argo system allows you to link a Cost Center to a specific company. This property allows to identify the company linked to the returned Cost Center. Example: Argo |
code |
String |
30 |
Cost center code. Example: 001 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the registered Cost Center. Example: Training Center |
POST /costcenters
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"flagProject": "yes",
"parentCostCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDebitDate": "2020-10-30T13:05:19.644Z",
"finalDebitDate": "2020-10-30T13:05:19.644Z",
"code": "string",
"acronym": "string",
"description": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID linked to the returned Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the Cost Center is linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
parentCostCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows to inform the “Father” of the Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDebitDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDebitDate |
String (DataTime |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost center code. Example: 001 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Training Center |
"id": "343c6d7d-4496-49b8-9ec0-90846e684091",
"index": "0",
"success": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Registration ID of the registered Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
PATCH /costcenters
"costCenterId": "82c56fe0-2816-4871-8368-583020383dbf",
"active": "yes",
"flagProject": "yes",
"code": "002",
"acronym": "002",
"description": "CCUsto Argo 002"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost Center registration ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Cost Center Status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID linked to the Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
flagProject |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the Cost Center should be linked to a project. Example: Yes / No |
parentCostCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
The Argo system allows you to create the Cost Center (Parent - Child) relationship. This property allows to inform the “Father” of the Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDebitDate |
String (DataTime) |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDebitDate |
String (DataTime |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period for which there may be a charge allocation at the Cost Center. Only requests within the defined period can be opened through the initialDebitDate and inclusionDate properties. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost center code. Example: 001 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Training Center |
"id": "82c56fe0-2816-4871-8368-583020383dbf",
"index": "0",
"success": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Registration ID of the registered Cost Center. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
The Argo system allows the licensee, usually travel agencies, to register their clients' credit cards. Mandatory items are flags, actives and login. Flags concerns the card's flag, actives if this card is active or inactive in the argo system and the login is the user's name in the system.
GET /creditcards
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.initialDate |
DateTime |
24 |
No |
Since the card was inserted in the database. Example: 2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z |
filters.finalDate |
DateTime |
24 |
No |
Since the card has been inactivated in the database. Example: 2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z |
filters.flag |
String |
50 |
No |
Card banner. Example: Master Card, Visa |
filters.actives |
String |
3 |
No |
Whether the card registered in the database is active or not. Example: Yes, No |
filters.login |
String |
256 |
No |
User login that the card is related to. Example: argo.solutions |
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z",
"flag": "string",
"typePayment": "string",
"cardNumber": "string",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the card. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Date / time of the last card change. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
flag |
String |
15 |
Card flag. Example: Master card, Visa |
typePayment |
String |
100 |
Payment type registered on the card. Example: Billed |
cardNumber |
String |
50 |
Registered card number. Example: 4569-7654-9876-1678 |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the card is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
POST /creditcards
"typePayment": "string",
"community": "string",
"userEmail": "string",
"userLogin": "string",
"requester": "yes",
"flag": "visa",
"cardNumber": "string",
"securityCode": "string",
"expirationDate": "2020-09-03T13:43:30.927Z",
"holder": "string",
"holderCpf": "string",
"holderPassport": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"city": "string",
"acronymState": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"cep": "string",
"active": "yes",
"virtual": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
typePayment |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Payment type registered on the card. Example: Billed |
community |
String |
50 |
No |
Community that the approval structure is related to. Example: Technical team |
userEmail |
String |
512 |
No |
Email of the user that the card is related to. Example: useargo@argo.com |
userLogin |
String |
256 |
No |
User login that the card is related to. Example: argo.solutions |
requester |
String |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request travel for other users. Example: Yes / No |
flag |
String (Enum) |
15 |
No |
Card flag. Example: 'visa', 'mastercard', 'dinersClub', 'americanExpress', 'hipercard', 'UATP', 'ELO' |
cardNumber |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Registered card number. Example: 4569-7654-9876-1678 |
securityCode |
String |
4 |
No |
Security code of the registered card. Example: 658 |
expirationDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Yes |
Expiration date of the registered card. Example: 2019-09-18 |
holder |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Name that is printed on the card. Example: Lorenzo M. Magalhães |
holderCpf |
String |
12 |
No |
Card holder CPF. Example: 123.321.231-23 |
holderPassport |
String |
15 |
No |
Passport number of the cardholder. Example: BR123456 |
address |
String |
50 |
No |
Registered card title address. Example: Rua figueiroa barros 145 |
neighborHood |
String |
30 |
No |
Registered cardholder neighborhood. Example: Vila das laranjeiras |
city |
String |
30 |
No |
City of the registered cardholder. Example: São Paulo |
acronymState |
String |
2 |
No |
Acronym / Acronym of the cardholder's status registered in the system. Example: SP |
countryCode |
String |
3 |
No |
Country code of the cardholder registered in the system. Example: 55 |
cep |
String |
11 |
No |
Cardholder's zip code registered in the system. Example: 89456-818 |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Indicates whether the card is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
virtual |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Indicates whether it is a virtual card or not. Example: Yes / No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in creating a card. Example: True / False |
GET /creditcards/{cardId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
cardId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID the card that the user wants to see the details. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"user": "string",
"flag": "string",
"typePayment": "string",
"community": "string",
"userEmail": "string",
"userLogin": "string",
"requester": "yes",
"cardNumber": "string",
"securityCode": "string",
"expirationDate": "2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z",
"holder": "string",
"holderCpf": "string",
"holderPassport": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"city": "string",
"acronymState": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"cep": "string",
"active": "yes",
"virtual": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the card. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
changeDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Date / time of the last card change. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
userId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
user |
String |
256 |
Card user registered in the system. Example: Pedro |
flag |
String |
15 |
Card flag. Example: Master card, Visa |
typePayment |
String |
100 |
Payment type registered on the card. Example: Billed |
community |
String |
50 |
Community that the approval structure is related to. Example: Technical team |
userEmail |
String |
512 |
Email of the user that the card is related to. Example: useargo@argo.com |
userLogin |
String |
256 |
User login that the card is related to. Example: argo.solutions |
requester |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request travel for other users. Example: Yes / No |
cardNumber |
String |
50 |
Registered card number. Example: 4569-7654-9876-1678 |
securityCode |
String |
4 |
Security code of the registered card. Example: 658 |
expirationDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Expiration date of the registered card. Example: 2019-09-18 |
holder |
String |
50 |
Name that is printed on the card. Example: Lorenzo M. Magalhães |
holderCpf |
String |
12 |
Card holder CPF. Example: 123.321.231-23 |
holderPassport |
String |
15 |
Passport number of the cardholder. Example: BR123456 |
address |
String |
50 |
Registered card title address. Example: Rua figueiroa barros 145 |
neighborHood |
String |
30 |
Registered cardholder neighborhood. Example: Vila das laranjeiras |
city |
String |
30 |
City of the registered cardholder. Example: São Paulo |
acronymState |
String |
2 |
Acronym / Acronym of the cardholder's status registered in the system. Example: SP |
countryCode |
String |
3 |
Country code of the cardholder registered in the system. Example: 55 |
cep |
String |
11 |
Cardholder's zip code registered in the system. Example: 89456-818 |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the card is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
virtual |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether it is a virtual card or not. Example: Yes / No |
PUT /creditcards/{cardId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
cardId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID the card that the user wants to change the details. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
typePayment |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Payment type registered on the card. Example: Billed |
community |
String |
50 |
No |
Community that the approval structure is related to. Example: Technical team |
userEmail |
String |
512 |
No |
Email of the user that the card is related to. Example: useargo@argo.com |
userLogin |
String |
256 |
No |
User login that the card is related to. Example: argo.solutions |
requester |
String |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request travel for other users. Example: Yes / No |
flag |
String |
15 |
No |
Card flag. Example: Master card, Visa |
cardNumber |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Registered card number. Example: 4569-7654-9876-1678 |
securityCode |
String |
4 |
No |
Security code of the registered card. Example: 658 |
expirationDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Yes |
Expiration date of the registered card. Example: 2019-09-18 |
holder |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Name that is printed on the card. Example: Lorenzo M. Magalhães |
holderCpf |
String |
12 |
No |
Card holder CPF. Example: 123.321.231-23 |
holderPassport |
String |
15 |
No |
Passport number of the cardholder. Example: BR123456 |
address |
String |
50 |
No |
Registered card title address. Example: Rua figueiroa barros 145 |
neighborHood |
String |
30 |
No |
Registered cardholder neighborhood. Example: Vila das laranjeiras |
city |
String |
30 |
No |
City of the registered cardholder. Example: São Paulo |
acronymState |
String |
2 |
No |
Acronym / Acronym of the cardholder's status registered in the system. Example: SP |
countryCode |
String |
3 |
No |
Country code of the cardholder registered in the system. Example: 55 |
cep |
String |
11 |
No |
Cardholder's zip code registered in the system. Example: 89456-818 |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Indicates whether the card is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
virtual |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Indicates whether it is a virtual card or not. Example: Yes / No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in updating a card. Example: True / False |
DELETE /creditCards/{cardId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
cardId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID the card the user wants to delete. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure to delete a card. Example: True / False |
This module is responsible for managing the managerial expense fields.
GET /expensemanagementsfields
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.list |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter management fields with or without values (Values are linked to auto complete fields). Example: Yes / No |
filters.type |
String |
12 |
No |
Filter referring to the type of the management field. Example: AutoComplete, Bit, DateTime, Decimal, Int, String, Time |
filters.fieldId |
String |
100 |
No |
Filter referring to the managerial field identifier. Example: sustentacao_29396_Hora_3despenses, sustentacao_29396_autocomplete_1despesa |
filters.description |
String |
255 |
No |
Filter referring to the description given to the management field. Example: Invoice Expiration |
filters.active |
String |
3 |
No |
Filter referring to the status of the management field (Active/Inactive). Example: yes/no |
filters.expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter related to the expense identifier linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter referring to the managerial field identifier. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
No |
Filter referring to the order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
filters.integrationCode |
String |
255 |
No |
Filter referring to the management field integration code. Example: CMP-GER-001 |
filters.initialChangeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter referring to the initial date of change. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.finalChangeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter referring to the final date of change. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.initialFinalizationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter referring to the initial completion date. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.finalFinalizationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter referring to the final date of completion. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.initialInclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter referring to the initial date of inclusion. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.finalInclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter referring to the final inclusion date. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.regularExpression |
String |
255 |
No |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^([0-7]{1,9})$ |
filters.required |
String |
3 |
No |
Filter referring to the mandatory management field. Example: yes/no |
filters.changedUserId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter related to the identifier of the user who changed the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"expenseManagementFieldId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"fieldId": "string",
"description": "string",
"type": "string",
"regularExpression": "string",
"active": "yes",
"order": 0,
"integrationCode": "string",
"expenseId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-27T14:21:58.347Z",
"changedUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"changeDate": "2020-10-27T14:21:58.347Z",
"finalizationDate": "2020-10-27T14:21:58.347Z",
"required": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the management field is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fieldId |
String |
255 |
Managerial field identifier. Example: sustentacao_29396_Hora_3despens |
description |
String |
255 |
Description given to the management field. Example: Invoice Expiration |
type |
String |
12 |
Type of the managerial field. Example: AutoComplete, Bit, DateTime, Decimal, Int, String, Time, RadioButton |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the management field is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Management field integration code. Example: CMP-GER-001 |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the registration of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change in the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalizationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of completion of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
required |
String |
3 |
Field referring to the mandatory management field. Example: yes / no |
POST /expensemanagementsfields
"description": "string",
"fieldId": "string",
"expensesIds": [
"type": "string",
"order": 0,
"regularExpression": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"required": "yes",
"utilization": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Description given to the management field. Example: Invoice Expiration |
fieldId |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Managerial field identifier. Example: sustentacao_29396_Hora_3despens |
expensesIds |
Array (Guid) |
1 |
Yes |
List of expenses that will be linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
type |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Yes |
Type of the managerial field. Example: AutoComplete, Bit, DateTime, Decimal, Int, String, Time, RadioButton |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Yes |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
No |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
No |
Management field integration code. Example: CMP-GER-001 |
required |
String |
3 |
No |
Field referring to the mandatory management field. Example: yes / no |
utilization |
String |
50 |
No |
The use of the management field. Example: We use 'G' for Expense, 'D' - Advance payment and 'P' for accountability |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True/False |
GET /expensemanagementsfields/{expenseManagementfieldId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"expenseManagementFieldId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"fieldId": "string",
"description": "string",
"type": "string",
"regularExpression": "string",
"active": "yes",
"order": 0,
"integrationCode": "string",
"expenseId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-27T14:21:58.347Z",
"changedUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"changeDate": "2020-10-27T14:21:58.347Z",
"finalizationDate": "2020-10-27T14:21:58.347Z",
"required": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the management field is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fieldId |
String |
255 |
Managerial field identifier. Example: sustentacao_29396_Hora_3despens |
description |
String |
255 |
Description given to the management field. Example: Invoice Expiration |
type |
String |
12 |
Type of the managerial field. Example: AutoComplete, Bit, DateTime, Decimal, Int, String, Time, RadioButton |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the management field is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Management field integration code. Example: CMP-GER-001 |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the registration of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change in the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalizationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of completion of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
required |
String |
3 |
Field referring to the mandatory management field. Example: yes / no |
PUT /expensemanagementsfields/{expenseManagementfieldId}
"description": "string",
"fieldId": "string",
"expensesIds": [
"type": "string",
"order": 0,
"regularExpression": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"required": "yes",
"utilization": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Description given to the management field. Example: Invoice Expiration |
fieldId |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Managerial field identifier. Example: sustentacao_29396_Hora_3despens |
expensesIds |
Array (Guid) |
1 |
Yes |
List of expenses that will be linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
type |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Yes |
Type of the managerial field. Example: AutoComplete, Bit, DateTime, Decimal, Int, String, Time, RadioButton |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Yes |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
No |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
No |
Management field integration code. Example: CMP-GER-001 |
required |
String |
3 |
No |
Field referring to the mandatory management field. Example: yes / no |
utilization |
String |
50 |
No |
The use of the management field. Example: We use 'G' for Expense, 'D' - Advance payment and 'P' for accountability |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in changing the management field. Example: True/False |
GET /expensemanagementsfields/{expenseManagementfieldId}/values
Values are linked only in "AutoComplete" management fields
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"expenseManagementFieldValueId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expenseManagementFieldId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"value": "string",
"order": 0,
"code": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldValueId |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the value linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
value |
String |
50 |
Description of the value linked to the management field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
code |
String |
50 |
Value code linked to the management field. Example: Cod-01, 2 |
POST /expensemanagementsfields/{expenseManagementfieldId}/values
"value": "string",
"order": 0,
"code": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
value |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the value linked to the management field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
No |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
code |
String |
50 |
No |
Value code linked to the management field. Example: Cod-01, 2 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in changing the management field. Example: True/False |
DELETE /expensemanagementsfields/{expenseManagementfieldId}/values/{expenseManagementFieldValueId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseManagementFieldValueId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Value ID linked to the managerial field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure to delete a card. Example: True / False |
GET /expensemanagementsfields/{expenseManagementfieldId}/values/{expenseManagementFieldValueId}
Values are linked only in "AutoComplete" management fields
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseManagementFieldValueId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Value ID linked to the managerial field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"expenseManagementFieldValueId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expenseManagementFieldId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"value": "string",
"order": 0,
"code": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
expenseManagementFieldValueId |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the value linked to the management field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseManagementFieldId |
Guid |
36 |
Managerial field ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
value |
String |
50 |
Description of the value linked to the management field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
order |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
code |
String |
50 |
Value code linked to the management field. Example: Cod-01, 2 |
The Expense module is a solution that allows corporations to control their expenses. Through the module, it is possible for users to post their accounts and the entire flow is monitored by those involved (approvers, finance etc.). Using the methods below, it is possible to maintain expense management as needed.
Argo Wiki
GET /expenses
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expenseId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-30T10:26:04.483Z",
"changeDate": "2020-10-30T10:26:04.483Z",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"accountingAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"name": "string",
"type": "advancedPayment",
"day": 0,
"air": 0,
"hotel": 0,
"rental": 0,
"request": 0,
"typeTrip": "both",
"groupDay": 0,
"groupRequest": 0,
"plusLess": "yes",
"plusLessValue": 0,
"plusLessUtilization": "totalDay",
"individualQuantity": "yes",
"tax": 0,
"category": "food",
"kilometerValue": 0,
"requiredVoucher": "yes",
"requiredCFDI": "yes",
"refundable": "yes",
"proven": "yes",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"leveld": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID returned from registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the expense record. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change in the expense record. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the registered expense is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
name |
String |
50 |
Description of expenditure. Example: Food |
type |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Type of registered expense: advancedPayment = advance refund - refund invoiceClosing - closing card. Example: refund |
day |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of allowable expense per day. Example: 2 |
air |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of the allowable expense, according to the amount of air in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) by air, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) by air, the user can request up to (6) expenses) |
hotel |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of expenditure allowed, according to the amount of accommodation in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) hosting, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) accommodation, the user may request up to (6) expenses) |
rental |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of allowed expense, according to the vehicle rental amount in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) car, the user can request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) cars, the user can request up to (6) expenses |
request |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of expense per request. Example: 2 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip to which the expense is linked (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
groupDay |
Int |
3 |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of a specific type of expense that can be requested in an OS. Example: Configured (2) for the Taxi expense. When opening a request the user can select a maximum of (2) Taxi. |
groupRequest |
Int |
3 |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of expense (s) that can be claimed in an OS. Example: Configured (2). The request (advance or accountability) may have a maximum of two expenses |
plusLess |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Property to identify whether or not the expense has more than or not in relation to the amount already defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. "Yes" for "+" and "no" for "-". Example: yes/no |
plusLessValue |
Int |
3 |
Quantity more or less in relation to the quantity defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. Example: 2 |
plusLessUtilization |
String (Enum) |
11 |
Specific for which "product" the quantity for more or less will be valid in relation to the configuration defined in the property "plusLessValue" (totalDay, totalAir, totalHotels, totalRental). Example: totalAir |
individualQuantity |
String (Enum) |
3 |
When the expense is configured with this property, it means that the user cannot post two expenses (Example: Taxi) at one time and yes, include an expense line for each item. Example: Yes / No |
tax |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
Tax amount of the expense. Example: 115.00 |
category |
String (Enum) |
16 |
Defines the registered expense category (food, hotels, transport, route, others, taxi, laundry, toll, taxes, personalExpenses, air, trip). Example: food |
kilometerValue |
Number (Decimal) |
6 |
Through this property it is possible to define the value of the expense category “Route” (per km). Example: 1.50 |
requiredVoucher |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It requires the insertion of the receipt when the expense is selected. Example: Yes |
requiredCFDI |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Links expense with XML CFDI. Example: No |
refundable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “refundable” standard. Example: Yes / No |
proven |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “proven” standard. Example: Yes / No |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost center ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
leveld |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the level to which the expense is linked (Example: Board). When an expense is linked to a level, it will be presented only to users with the defined levels. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
POST /expenses
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"accountingAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"name": "string",
"type": "advancedPayment",
"day": 0,
"air": 0,
"hotel": 0,
"rental": 0,
"request": 0,
"typeTrip": "both",
"groupDay": 0,
"groupRequest": 0,
"plusLess": "yes",
"plusLessValue": 0,
"plusLessUtilization": "totalDay",
"individualQuantity": "yes",
"tax": 0,
"category": "food",
"kilometerValue": 0,
"requiredVoucher": "yes",
"requiredCFDI": "yes",
"refundable": "yes",
"proven": "yes",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"leveld": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Accounting account ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the registered expense is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of expenditure. Example: Food |
type |
String (Enum) |
15 |
No |
Type of registered expense: advancedPayment = advance refund - refund invoiceClosing - closing card. Example: refund |
day |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of allowable expense per day. Example: 2 |
air |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expense allowed according to the amount of air in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) by air, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) by air, the user may request up to (6) expenses |
hotel |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expenditure allowed according to the amount of accommodation in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) hosting, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) accommodation, the user may request up to (6) expenses |
rental |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expense allowed according to the vehicle rental amount in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) car, the user can request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) cars, the user can request up to (6) expenses |
request |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expense per request. Example: 2 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
No |
Type of trip to which the expense is linked (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
groupDay |
Int |
3 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of a specific type of expense that can be requested in an OS. Example: Configured (2) for the Taxi expense. When opening a request the user can select a maximum of (2) Taxi. |
groupRequest |
Int |
3 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of expense (s) that can be claimed in an OS. Example: Configured (2). The request (advance or accountability) may have a maximum of two expenses |
plusLess |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Property to identify whether or not the expense has more than or not in relation to the amount already defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. "Yes" for "+" and "no" for "-". Example: yes/no |
plusLessValue |
Int |
3 |
No |
Quantity more or less in relation to the quantity defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. Example: 2 |
plusLessUtilization |
String (Enum) |
11 |
No |
Specific for which "product" the quantity for more or less will be valid in relation to the configuration defined in the property "plusLessValue" (totalDay, totalAir, totalHotels, totalRental). Example: totalAir |
individualQuantity |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
When the expense is configured with this property, it means that the user cannot post two expenses (Example: Taxi) at one time and yes, include an expense line for each item. Example: Yes / No |
tax |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
No |
Tax amount of the expense. Example: 115.00 |
category |
String (Enum) |
16 |
No |
Defines the registered expense category (food, otel, transport, route, others, taxi, laundry, toll, taxes, personalExpenses, air, trip). Example: food |
kilometerValue |
Number (Decimal) |
6 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to define the value of the “Travel” expense category. Example: 1.50 |
requiredVoucher |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
It requires the insertion of the receipt when the expense is selected. Example: Yes |
requiredCFDI |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Links expense with XML CFDI. Example: No |
refundable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “refundable” standard. Example: Yes / No |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Cost center ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
proven |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “proven” standard. Example: Yes / No |
leveld |
Guid |
36 |
No |
ID of the level to which the expense is linked (Example: Board). When an expense is linked to a level, it will be presented only to users with the defined levels. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
ID |
Guid |
36 |
Registered expense ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET /expenses/{expenseId}
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expenseId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-30T10:26:04.483Z",
"changeDate": "2020-10-30T10:26:04.483Z",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"accountingAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"name": "string",
"type": "advancedPayment",
"day": 0,
"air": 0,
"hotel": 0,
"rental": 0,
"request": 0,
"typeTrip": "both",
"groupDay": 0,
"groupRequest": 0,
"plusLess": "yes",
"plusLessValue": 0,
"plusLessUtilization": "totalDay",
"individualQuantity": "yes",
"tax": 0,
"category": "food",
"kilometerValue": 0,
"requiredVoucher": "yes",
"requiredCFDI": "yes",
"refundable": "yes",
"proven": "yes",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"leveld": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID. Exemplo: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID returned from registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the expense record. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change in the expense record. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the registered expense is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
name |
String |
50 |
Description of expenditure. Example: Food |
type |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Type of registered expense: advancedPayment = advance refund - refund invoiceClosing - closing card. Example: refund |
day |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of allowable expense per day. Example: 2 |
air |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of the allowable expense, according to the amount of air in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) by air, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) by air, the user can request up to (6) expenses) |
hotel |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of expenditure allowed, according to the amount of accommodation in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) hosting, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) accommodation, the user may request up to (6) expenses) |
rental |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of allowed expense, according to the vehicle rental amount in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) car, the user can request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) cars, the user can request up to (6) expenses |
request |
Int |
3 |
Maximum amount of expense per request. Example: 2 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip to which the expense is linked (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
groupDay |
Int |
3 |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of a specific type of expense that can be requested in an OS. Example: Configured (2) for the Taxi expense. When opening a request the user can select a maximum of (2) Taxi. |
groupRequest |
Int |
3 |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of expense (s) that can be claimed in an OS. Example: Configured (2). The request (advance or accountability) may have a maximum of two expenses |
plusLess |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Property to identify whether or not the expense has more than or not in relation to the amount already defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. "Yes" for "+" and "no" for "-". Example: yes/no |
plusLessValue |
Int |
3 |
Quantity more or less in relation to the quantity defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. Example: 2 |
plusLessUtilization |
String (Enum) |
11 |
Specific for which "product" the quantity for more or less will be valid in relation to the configuration defined in the property "plusLessValue" (totalDay, totalAir, totalHotels, totalRental). Example: totalAir |
individualQuantity |
String (Enum) |
3 |
When the expense is configured with this property, it means that the user cannot post two expenses (Example: Taxi) at one time and yes, include an expense line for each item. Example: Yes / No |
tax |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
Tax amount of the expense. Example: 115.00 |
category |
String (Enum) |
16 |
Defines the registered expense category (food, hotels, transport, route, others, taxi, laundry, toll, taxes, personalExpenses, air, trip). Example: food |
kilometerValue |
Number (Decimal) |
6 |
Through this property it is possible to define the value of the expense category “Route” (per km). Example: 1.50 |
requiredVoucher |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It requires the insertion of the receipt when the expense is selected. Example: Yes |
requiredCFDI |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Links expense with XML CFDI. Example: No |
refundable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “refundable” standard. Example: Yes / No |
proven |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “proven” standard. Example: Yes / No |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost center ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
leveld |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the level to which the expense is linked (Example: Board). When an expense is linked to a level, it will be presented only to users with the defined levels. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
PUT /expenses/{expenseId}
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"accountingAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"name": "string",
"type": "advancedPayment",
"day": 0,
"air": 0,
"hotel": 0,
"rental": 0,
"request": 0,
"typeTrip": "both",
"groupDay": 0,
"groupRequest": 0,
"plusLess": "yes",
"plusLessValue": 0,
"plusLessUtilization": "totalDay",
"individualQuantity": "yes",
"tax": 0,
"category": "food",
"kilometerValue": 0,
"requiredVoucher": "yes",
"requiredCFDI": "yes",
"refundable": "yes",
"proven": "yes",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"leveld": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Expense ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
accountingAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Accounting account ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the registered expense is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of expenditure. Example: Food |
type |
String (Enum) |
15 |
No |
Type of registered expense: advancedPayment = advance refund - refund invoiceClosing - closing card. Example: refund |
day |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of allowable expense per day. Example: 2 |
air |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expense allowed according to the amount of air in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) by air, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) by air, the user may request up to (6) expenses |
hotel |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expenditure allowed according to the amount of accommodation in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) hosting, the user may request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) accommodation, the user may request up to (6) expenses) |
rental |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expense allowed according to the vehicle rental amount in the request. Example: Registered the quantity (3). If requested (1) car, the user can request up to (3) expenses. If requested (2) cars, the user can request up to (6) expenses) |
request |
Int |
3 |
No |
Maximum amount of expense per request. Example: 2 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
No |
Type of trip to which the expense is linked (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
groupDay |
Int |
3 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of a specific type of expense that can be requested in an OS. Example: Configured (2) for the Taxi expense. When opening a request the user can select a maximum of (2) Taxi. |
groupRequest |
Int |
3 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to limit the amount of expense (s) that can be claimed in an OS. Example: Configured (2). The request (advance or accountability) may have a maximum of two expenses |
plusLess |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Property to identify whether or not the expense has more than or not in relation to the amount already defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. "Yes" for "+" and "no" for "-". Example: yes/no |
plusLessValue |
Int |
3 |
No |
Quantity more or less in relation to the quantity defined in the air, hotel, rental properties. Example: 2 |
plusLessUtilization |
String (Enum) |
11 |
No |
Specific for which "product" the quantity for more or less will be valid in relation to the configuration defined in the property "plusLessValue" (totalDay, totalAir, totalHotels, totalRental). Example: totalAir |
individualQuantity |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
When the expense is configured with this property, it means that the user cannot post two expenses (Example: Taxi) at one time and yes, include an expense line for each item. Example: Yes / No |
tax |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
No |
Tax amount of the expense. Example: 115.00 |
category |
String (Enum) |
16 |
No |
Defines the registered expense category. Example: food, hotels, transport, route, others, taxi, laundry, toll, taxes, personalExpenses, air, trip. |
kilometerValue |
Int |
6 |
No |
Through this property it is possible to define the value of the expense category “Route” (per km). Example: 1.50 |
requiredVoucher |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
It requires the insertion of the receipt when the expense is selected. Example: Yes |
requiredCFDI |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Links expense with XML CFDI. Example: No |
refundable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “refundable” standard. Example: Yes / No |
proven |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines whether the expense will be presented to the user always with the “proven” standard. Example: Yes / No |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Cost center ID that the expense is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
leveld |
Guid |
36 |
No |
ID of the level to which the expense is linked (Example: Board). When an expense is linked to a level, it will be presented only to users with the defined levels. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True / False |
One of the mandatory settings in Argo is the registration of payment methods (Example: Credit Card, Billed, etc.). Without this customization, users are unable to open requests (Air, Hosting, Rental, etc.). Therefore, Argo provides through its API the possibility to register and manage the Payment Methods used in corporations.
Argo Wiki
GET /formspayments
"clientId": "ebab7b76-44c7-426f-97ea-22c1cc71ee65",
"inclusionDate": "2016-08-01T12:44:34.123",
"finalizationDate": "2018-0720T14:09:58.413",
"typePaymentId": "695b6c38-def5-4ef6-bf99-8cb5c855d9f",
"billed": "no",
"name": "aaaa (Inativo)",
"utilization": 0,
"active": "no",
"service": [
"thirdParty": "no",
"reserve": "no",
"government": "no",
"direct": "no",
"manual": "no",
"integrationCode": "argoEx",
"changedUser": "abd5d870-82a3-4896-8652-dc5404e452fe",
"typeTrip": "both",
"collaborator": "yes",
"agencyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"restrictive": "no",
"cnpj": "73.432.900/0001-81",
"alternativeUATP": "no",
"conferma": "no",
"agency": "no",
"wex": "no",
"agencyTypePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"b2bpay": "no",
"companyId": "3801988d-3a6f-4dda-8d81-c16e3d3c544b",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"card": "yes",
"userCard": "no"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the payment method is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of creation of the payment method. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalizationDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of finalization / cancellation of the payment method. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
24 |
Payment method ID returned in the query. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
billed |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the registered payment method is “Billed”. Example: Yes / No |
name |
String |
100 |
Description of the payment method. Example: Billed |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
14 |
Through the FATUTI policy (Argo Wiki) it's possible to segment the types of billing. Through this property it is possible to define the use: requestOnline = Payment method used for On-Line requests, requestOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line requests, issueOnline = Payment method used for On-Line issues, issueOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line broadcasts. Example: issueOffline |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
service |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates for which product the payment method can be used (air, hotels, rental, service, bus). Example: Air |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method can be used for outsourced employees. Example: Yes / No |
reserve |
String (Enum) |
3 |
This option will be checked when the payment method is used only to guarantee the No-Show of the accommodation reservations. Example: Yes / No |
government |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Government Agency”. Example: Yes / No |
direct |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Direct”. Example: Yes / No |
manual |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates if the payment method was registered due to the CADCAR policy (Argo Wiki). Example: Yes/No |
integrationCode |
String |
8 |
Integration code of the returned form of payment. Example: 873837 |
changedUser |
Guid |
36 |
User ID that finalized / changed the payment registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the payment method can be used for (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
collaborator |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the payment method can only be used when the trip is for corporate employees. Example: Yes / No |
agencyId |
Guid |
36 |
Agency ID linked to payment method. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
restrictive |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is restrictive. Example: Yes/No |
cnpj |
String |
14 |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the company that uses the payment method. Example: 09096135000100 |
alternativeUATP |
String (Enum) |
3 |
UATP is a card used to pay for specific airline issues, and it is possible to register an alternative form of payment if the issue with UATP is not successful. Example: Yes / No |
Conferma |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Compliant). Example: Yes / No |
agency |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It determines that the payment method will be visible only to users of the travel agency. Example: Yes / No |
wex |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Wex). Example: Yes / No |
agencyTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Agency billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
b2bPay |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (B2B P @ y). Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the form of payment is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost center ID that the payment method is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
card |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Credit Card”. Example: Yes / No |
userCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Determines which card is per user. Example: Yes |
GET /formspayments/{formPaymentId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"clientId": "ebab7b76-44c7-426f-97ea-22c1cc71ee65",
"inclusionDate": "2016-08-01T12:44:34.123",
"finalizationDate": "2018-0720T14:09:58.413",
"typePaymentId": "695b6c38-def5-4ef6-bf99-8cb5c855d9f",
"billed": "no",
"name": "aaaa (Inativo)",
"utilization": 0,
"active": "no",
"service": [
"thirdParty": "no",
"reserve": "no",
"government": "no",
"direct": "no",
"manual": "no",
"integrationCode": "argoEx",
"changedUser": "abd5d870-82a3-4896-8652-dc5404e452fe",
"typeTrip": "both",
"collaborator": "yes",
"agencyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"restrictive": "no",
"cnpj": "73.432.900/0001-81",
"alternativeUATP": "no",
"conferma": "no",
"agency": "no",
"wex": "no",
"agencyTypePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"b2bpay": "no",
"companyId": "3801988d-3a6f-4dda-8d81-c16e3d3c544b",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"card": "yes",
"userCard": "no"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the payment method is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of creation of the payment method. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalizationDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of finalization / cancellation of the payment method. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
24 |
Payment method ID returned in the query. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
billed |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the registered payment method is “Billed”. Example: Yes / No |
name |
String |
100 |
Description of the payment method. Example: Billed |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
14 |
Through the FATUTI policy (Argo Wiki) it's possible to segment the types of billing. Through this property it is possible to define the use: requestOnline = Payment method used for On-Line requests, requestOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line requests, issueOnline = Payment method used for On-Line issues, issueOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line broadcasts. Example: issueOffline |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
service |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates for which product the payment method can be used (air, hotels, rental, service, bus). Example: Air |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method can be used for outsourced employees. Example: Yes / No |
reserve |
String (Enum) |
3 |
This option will be checked when the payment method is used only to guarantee the No-Show of the accommodation reservations. Example: Yes / No |
government |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Government Agency”. Example: Yes / No |
direct |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Direct”. Example: Yes / No |
manual |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates if the payment method was registered due to the CADCAR policy (Argo Wiki). Example: Yes/No |
integrationCode |
String |
8 |
Integration code of the returned form of payment. Example: 873837 |
changedUser |
Guid |
36 |
User ID that finalized / changed the payment registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the payment method can be used for (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
collaborator |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the payment method can only be used when the trip is for corporate employees. Example: Yes / No |
agencyId |
Guid |
36 |
Agency ID linked to payment method. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
restrictive |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is restrictive. Example: Yes/No |
cnpj |
String |
14 |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the company that uses the payment method. Example: 09096135000100 |
alternativeUATP |
String (Enum) |
3 |
UATP is a card used to pay for specific airline issues, and it is possible to register an alternative form of payment if the issue with UATP is not successful. Example: Yes / No |
Conferma |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Compliant). Example: Yes / No |
agency |
String (Enum) |
3 |
It determines that the payment method will be visible only to users of the travel agency. Example: Yes / No |
wex |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Wex). Example: Yes / No |
agencyTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Agency billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
b2bPay |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (B2B P @ y). Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the form of payment is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost center ID that the payment method is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
card |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Credit Card”. Example: Yes / No |
userCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Determines which card is per user. Example: Yes |
POST /formspayments
"name": "string",
"utilization": 0,
"active": "yes",
"service": [
"thirdParty": "yes",
"reserve": "yes",
"government": "yes",
"direct": "yes",
"manual": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string",
"changedUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeTrip": "both",
"collaborator": "yes",
"agencyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"restrictive": "yes",
"cnpj": "string",
"alternativeUATP": "yes",
"conferma": "yes",
"agency": "yes",
"wex": "yes",
"agencyTypePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"b2bPay": "yes",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"card": "yes",
"userCard": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
name |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Description of the payment method. Example: Billed |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
14 |
No |
Through the FATUTI policy (Argo Wiki) it's possible to segment the types of billing. Through this property it is possible to define the use: requestOnline = Payment method used for On-Line requests, requestOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line requests, issueOnline = Payment method used for On-Line issues, issueOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line broadcasts. Example: issueOffline |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
service |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Indicates for which product the payment method can be used (air, hotels, rental, service, bus). Example: Air |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method can be used for outsourced employees. Example: Yes / No |
reserve |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
This option must be checked when the payment method is used only to guarantee the No-Show of the accommodation reservations. Example: Yes / No |
government |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Government Agency”. Example: Yes / No |
direct |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Direct”. Example: Yes / No |
manual |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates if the payment method was registered due to the CADCAR policy (Argo Wiki). Example: Yes/No |
integrationCode |
String |
8 |
No |
Integration code of the returned form of payment. Example: 2837 |
changedUser |
Guid |
36 |
No |
User ID that finalized / changed the payment registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
No |
Type of trip that the payment method can be used for (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
collaborator |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the payment method can only be used when the trip is for employees of the corporation. Example: Yes / No |
agencyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Agency ID linked to payment method. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
restrictive |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is restrictive. Example: Yes/No |
cnpj |
String |
14 |
No |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the company that will use the payment method. Example: 09096135000100 |
alternativeUATP |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
UATP is a card used to pay for specific airline issues, and it is possible to register an alternative form of payment if the issue with UATP is not successful. Example: Yes / No |
Conferma |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Compliant). Example: Yes / No |
agency |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
It determines that the payment method will be visible only to users of the travel agency. Example: Yes / No |
wex |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Wex). Example: Yes / No |
agencyTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Agency billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
b2bPay |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (B2B P @ y). Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID that the form of payment will be linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Cost center ID that the payment method will be linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
card |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Credit Card”. Example: Yes / No |
userCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Determines that the card is per user. Example: Yes/No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Guid |
36 |
Record ID performed. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
PUT /formspayments/{formPaymentId}
"name": "string",
"utilization": 0,
"active": "yes",
"service": [
"thirdParty": "yes",
"reserve": "yes",
"government": "yes",
"direct": "yes",
"manual": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string",
"changedUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeTrip": "both",
"collaborator": "yes",
"agencyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"restrictive": "yes",
"cnpj": "string",
"alternativeUATP": "yes",
"conferma": "yes",
"agency": "yes",
"wex": "yes",
"agencyTypePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"b2bPay": "yes",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"card": "yes",
"userCard": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
name |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Description of the payment method. Example: Billed |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
14 |
No |
Through the FATUTI policy (Argo Wiki) it's possible to segment the types of billing. Through this property it is possible to define the use: requestOnline = Payment method used for On-Line requests, requestOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line requests, issueOnline = Payment method used for On-Line issues, issueOffline = Payment method used for Off-Line broadcasts. Example: issueOffline |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
service |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Indicates for which product the payment method can be used (air, hotels, rental, service, bus). Example: Air |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method can be used for outsourced employees. Example: Yes / No |
reserve |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
This option must be checked when the payment method is used only to guarantee the No-Show of the accommodation reservations. Example: Yes / No |
government |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Government Agency”. Example: Yes / No |
direct |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Direct”. Example: Yes / No |
manual |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates if the payment method was registered due to the CADCAR policy (Argo Wiki). Example: Yes/No |
integrationCode |
String |
8 |
No |
Payment method integration code returned |
changedUser |
Guid |
36 |
No |
User ID that finalized / changed the payment registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
No |
Type of trip that the payment method can be used for (both, international, domestic). Example: domestic |
collaborator |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the payment method can only be used when the trip is for employees of the corporation. Example: Yes / No |
agencyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Agency ID linked to payment method. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
restrictive |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is restrictive. Example: Yes/No |
cnpj |
String |
14 |
No |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the company that will use the payment method. Example: 0909613500010 |
alternativeUATP |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
UATP is a card used to pay for specific airline issues, and it is possible to register an alternative form of payment if the issue with UATP is not successful. Example: Yes / No |
Conferma |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Compliant). Example: Yes / No |
agency |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
It determines that the payment method will be visible only to users of the travel agency. Example: Yes / No |
wex |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (Wex). Example: Yes / No |
agencyTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Agency billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
b2bPay |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the payment method is related to the virtual card generation platform (B2B P @ y). Example: Yes / No |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID that the form of payment will be linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Cost center ID that the form of payment will be linked to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
card |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the form of payment is “Credit Card”. Example: Yes / No |
userCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Determines that the card is per user. Example: Yes/No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in updating the payment method. Example: True / False |
DELETE /formspayments/{formPaymentId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in updating the payment method. Example: True / False |
GET /formspayments/{formPaymentId}/codesformspayments
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"typePaymentCodeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"inclusionUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-11-05T15:08:44.511Z",
"changeUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"changeDate": "2020-11-05T15:08:44.511Z",
"webServiceId": "string",
"description": "string",
"paymentCode": "string"
Propriedade |
Tipo |
Tamanho |
Descrição |
typePaymentCodeId |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the payment method code that is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the payment method is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
24 |
Payment method ID returned in the query. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is active or inactive. Example: Yes/No |
inclusionUser |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the user who created the form of payment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of creation of the payment method. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
changeUser |
Guid |
36 |
User ID that finalized / changed the form of payment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
changeDate |
Guid |
36 |
Date / time when the payment method was finalized / changed. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
webServiceId |
String |
10 |
WebService identifier of the payment method (Virtual card only). Example: B2BPAY, WEX, CONFERMA |
description |
String |
100 |
Description of the payment method. Example: Direct payment |
paymentCode |
String |
20 |
Payment method code. Example: 2B55Argo |
GET /formspayments/{formPaymentId}/codesformspayments/{codeTypePaymentId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
codeTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the payment method code that is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"typePaymentCodeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typePaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"inclusionUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-11-05T15:08:44.511Z",
"changeUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"changeDate": "2020-11-05T15:08:44.511Z",
"webServiceId": "string",
"description": "string",
"paymentCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
typePaymentCodeId |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the payment method code that is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the payment method is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typePaymentId |
Guid |
24 |
Payment method ID returned in the query. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the payment method is active or inactive. Example: Yes/No |
inclusionUser |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the user who created the form of payment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date/time of creation of the payment method. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeUser |
Guid |
36 |
User ID that finalized/changed the form of payment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
changeDate |
Guid |
36 |
Date/time when the payment method was finalized/changed. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
webServiceId |
String |
10 |
WebService identifier gives form of payment. Example: MOVIDA, TREND, AMADEUSWS |
description |
String |
100 |
Description of the payment method. Example: Direct payment |
paymentCode |
String |
20 |
Payment method code. Example: 2B55Argo |
POST /formspayments/{formPaymentId}/codesformspayments
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
webServiceId |
String |
10 |
Yes |
WebService identifier gives form of payment. Example: MOVIDA, TREND, AMADEUSWS |
description |
String |
100 |
No |
Description of the payment method. Example: Direct payment |
paymentCode |
String |
20 |
No |
Payment method code. Example: 2B55Argo |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in registering the payment method. Example: True/False |
PUT /formspayments/{formPaymentId}/codesformspayments/{codeTypePaymentId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
codeTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the payment method code that is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
webServiceId |
String |
10 |
Yes |
WebService identifier gives form of payment. Example: MOVIDA, TREND, AMADEUSWS |
description |
String |
100 |
No |
Description of the payment method. Example: Direct payment |
paymentCode |
String |
20 |
No |
Payment method code. Example: 2B55Argo |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in changing the form of payment. Example: True/False |
DELETE /formspayments/{formPaymentId}/codesformspayments/{codeTypePaymentId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
codeTypePaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the payment method code that is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure to delete the payment method. Example: True/False |
The service allows the registration of users of the corporation, as well as parameterizations that define the characteristics of users such as (applicant, master traveler, etc.).
Argo Wiki
GET /users/{userId}
Retrieves user details
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
User ID to be consulted for details. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"active": "yes",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requester": "yes",
"levelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"levelDescription": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"changeDate": "2021-01-12T10:32:14.121Z",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"serviceCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"supplierId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"communityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"vip": "yes",
"masterNational": "yes",
"masterInternational": "yes",
"clientName": "string",
"agencyName": "string",
"serviceCenterDescription": "string",
"supplierName": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"communityName": "string",
"language": "portugueseBR",
"requesterMaster": "yes",
"masterAdvancePayment": "yes",
"masterRefund": "yes",
"master": "yes",
"star": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"office": "string",
"department": "string",
"local": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"zipCode": "string",
"bank": "string",
"bankBranch": "string",
"bankAccount": "string",
"secretaryId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"secretaryFullName": "string",
"secretaryEmail": "string",
"groups": [
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"fullName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requester |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request travel for other users. Example: Yes / No |
levelId |
Guid |
36 |
Level ID linked to the user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
levelDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the level linked to the user. Example: President |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
User registration. Example: 464545 |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
User integration code. Example: 454555 |
changeDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of the last change in the user's registration. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
User-linked company ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost Center ID linked to the user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
ID related to the service station that the user is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
supplierId |
Guid |
36 |
Supplier ID linked to the user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
User-linked community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is a “third party”. Example: Yes / No |
vip |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is a VIP traveler. Example: Yes / No |
masterNational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is a national master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes / No |
masterInternational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is an international master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes / No |
clientName |
String |
50 |
Name of the customer / corporation the user is entered into. Example: Argo Solutions |
agencyName |
String |
50 |
Name of the travel agency the user is entered into. Example: Argo |
serviceCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the service station that the user is linked to. Example: Service Station A |
supplierName |
String |
50 |
Description of the supplier linked to the user. Example: Argo |
companyName |
String |
50 |
Company name linked to the user. Example: Argo |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the cost center linked to the user. Example: Ccusto Teste |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost Center code linked to the user. Example: 001 |
communityName |
String |
50 |
Community name linked to the user. Example: Development |
language |
String (Enum) |
12 |
User language: portugueseBR = Português (Brasil), portuguesePT = Português (Portugal), english, spanish = Spanish (Spain), mexico = Spanish (Mexico). Example: portugueseBR |
peopleDeficiency |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the user is a disabled person. Example: Yes / No |
requesterMaster |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request travel for other passengers without approval. Example: Yes / No |
masterAdvancePayment |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this characteristic can request advances without the need for approval. Example: Yes / No |
masterRefund |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request accountability / reimbursement without the need for approval. Example: Yes / No |
master |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indica que el usuario es un solicitante principal. Los usuarios con esta función pueden crear una solicitud sin necesidad de aprobación. Ejemplo: Yes/No |
star |
String |
50 |
Star is related to the user profile on GDS Saber. Example: SILVA / 1234567 |
telephone |
String |
30 |
User phone. Example: +55(11)998525545 |
fax |
String |
30 |
User fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
office |
String |
50 |
User Title: Example: Business Analyst |
department |
String |
50 |
Department linked to user registration. Example: Development |
local |
String |
50 |
User address. Example: Alameda Santos, 1978 |
city |
String |
50 |
City where the user resides. Example: São Paulo |
state |
String |
2 |
State where the user resides. Example: SP |
zipCode |
String |
11 |
ZIP code where the user resides. Example: 36544875421 |
bank |
String |
20 |
User Bank. Example: Itaú |
bankBranch |
String |
30 |
User bank branch. Example: 5434 |
bankAccount |
String |
30 |
User bank account: Example: 36555454 |
secretaryId |
Guid |
36 |
Secretary ID linked to the user's registration. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
secretaryFullName |
String |
100 |
Full name of the secretary linked to the user. Example: Maria Silva |
secretaryEmail |
String |
256 |
E-mail of the secretary linked to the user. Example: maria@silva.com |
groups |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Group the user belongs to: admin, financial, manager, user (Argo Wiki). Example: user |
email |
String |
100 |
E-mail of the registered user. Example: pedro@silva.com |
login |
String |
50 |
Registered user login. Example: Argo2019 |
firstName |
Strting |
20 |
Registered user name. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Last name of the registered user. Example: Silva |
fullName |
String |
50 |
Full name of the registered user. Example: Pedro Silva |
PUT /users/{userId}
"groups": [
"fax": "string",
"office": "string",
"requester": "yes",
"vip": "yes",
"masterNational": "yes",
"masterInternational": "yes",
"masterAdvancePayment": "yes",
"masterRefund": "yes",
"requesterMaster": "yes",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"levelDescription": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"department": "string",
"local": "string",
"city": "string",
"star": "string",
"state": "string",
"active": "yes",
"zipCode": "string",
"secretaryEmail": "string",
"userCompanies": [
"companyName": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
"levelsCostCenter": [
"level": 0,
"company": "string",
"code": "string",
"description": "string"
"communityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"password": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"fullName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
groups |
String (Enum) |
9 |
No |
Group the user belongs to: admin, financial, manager, user. Argo Wiki .Exemplo: user |
fax |
String |
30 |
No |
User fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
office |
String |
50 |
No |
User position. Example: Analista de Negócios |
requester |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request trips for other users). Example: Yes/No |
vip |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a VIP traveler. Example: Yes/No |
masterNational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a national master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes/No |
masterInternational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates if the user is an international master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes/No |
masterAdvancePayment |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this characteristic can request advances without the need for approval. Example: Yes/No |
masterRefund |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request accountability / reimbursement without the need for approval. Example: Yes/No |
requesterMaster |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request trips for other passengers without their approval. Example: Yes/No |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “third party”. Example: Yes/No |
levelDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the level linked to the user. Example: Presidente |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
No |
User registration. Example: 56565 |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
User integration code. Example: 454555 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Company name linked to the user. Example: Argo |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the cost center linked to the user. Example: Ccusto Teste |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Cost Center code linked to the user. Example: 001 |
telephone |
String |
30 |
No |
User phone. Example: +55(11)998525545 |
department |
String |
50 |
No |
Department linked to user registration. Example: Desenvolvimento |
local |
String |
50 |
No |
User address. Example: Alameda Santos, 1978 |
city |
String |
50 |
No |
City where the user resides. Example: São Paulo |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Star is related to the GDS Saber user profile. Example: SILVA/1234567 |
state |
String |
2 |
No |
State where the user resides. Example: SP |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is active or inactive. Example: Yes/No |
zipCode |
String |
11 |
No |
ZIP code where the user resides. Example: 36544875421 |
secretaryEmail |
String |
256 |
No |
E-mail of the secretary linked to the user. Example: maria@silva.com |
userCompanies |
Object (UserCompanyVM) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting user's company information |
levelsCostCenter |
Object (LevelCostCenterVM) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for carrying user-linked cost center information |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
User-linked community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
256 |
No |
E-mail address of the user to be registered. Example: pedro@silva.com |
login |
String |
256 |
No |
Login of the user to be registered. Example: Argo2019 |
password |
String |
256 |
No |
Password of the user to be registered. Example: Argo2019@ |
firstName |
Strting |
20 |
Yes |
Name of the user to be registered. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Last name of the user to be registered. Example: Silva |
fullName |
String |
100 |
No |
Full name of the user to be registered. Example: Pedro Silva |
userCompanies |
User-linked company |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Company description linked to the user. Example: Argo |
referenceCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Company code linked to the user. Example: 4545 |
levelsCostCenter |
Levels of Cost Centers linked to the user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
level |
Int |
3 |
No |
Cost Center level linked to the user. Example: 1 |
company |
String |
50 |
No |
Name of the company that the Cost Center is linked to. Example: Argo |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost Center Code. Example: 5654 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for Cost Center. Example: AIO52 |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Comercial |
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"success": "yes",
"message": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Guid |
36 |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
success |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes = success, No = Failure. Example: Yes |
message |
String |
500 |
Message displayed when there is an error in the user update |
GET /users
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.actives |
String (Boolean) |
5 |
No |
Filter referring to the user's status (Active / Inactive). Example: True/False |
filters.login |
string |
50 |
No |
Filter referring to the user's login. |
"changeDate": "2021-01-12T10:32:14.160Z",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"login": "string",
"fullName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
changeDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of the last change in the user's registration. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
login |
String |
50 |
Registered user login. Example: Argo2019 |
fullName |
String |
50 |
Full name of the registered user. Example: Pedro Silva |
POST /users
"groups": [
"fax": "string",
"office": "string",
"requester": "yes",
"vip": "yes",
"masterNational": "yes",
"masterInternational": "yes",
"masterAdvancePayment": "yes",
"masterRefund": "yes",
"requesterMaster": "yes",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"levelDescription": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"department": "string",
"local": "string",
"city": "string",
"star": "string",
"state": "string",
"active": "yes",
"zipCode": "string",
"secretaryEmail": "string",
"userCompanies": [
"companyName": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
"levelsCostCenter": [
"level": 0,
"company": "string",
"code": "string",
"description": "string"
"communityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"password": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"fullName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
groups |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Yes |
Group the user belongs to: admin, financial, manager, user. Argo Wiki .Exemplo: user |
fax |
String |
30 |
No |
User fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
office |
String |
50 |
No |
User position. Example: Analista de Negócios |
requester |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request trips for other users). Example: Yes/No |
vip |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a VIP traveler. Example: Yes/No |
masterNational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a national master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes/No |
masterInternational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates if the user is an international master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes/No |
masterAdvancePayment |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this characteristic can request advances without the need for approval. Example: Yes/No |
masterRefund |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request accountability / reimbursement without the need for approval. Example: Yes/No |
requesterMaster |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request trips for other passengers without their approval. Example: Yes/No |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “third party”. Example: Yes/No |
levelDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the level linked to the user. Example: Presidente |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
No |
User registration. Example: 56565 |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
User integration code. Example: 454555 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Company name linked to the user. Example: Argo |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the cost center linked to the user. Example: Ccusto Teste |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Cost Center code linked to the user. Example: 001 |
telephone |
String |
30 |
No |
User phone. Example: +55(11)998525545 |
department |
String |
50 |
No |
Department linked to user registration. Example: Desenvolvimento |
local |
String |
50 |
No |
User address. Example: Alameda Santos, 1978 |
city |
String |
50 |
No |
City where the user resides. Example: São Paulo |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Star is related to the GDS Saber user profile. Example: SILVA/1234567 |
state |
String |
2 |
No |
State where the user resides. Example: SP |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is active or inactive. Example: Yes/No |
zipCode |
String |
11 |
No |
ZIP code where the user resides. Example: 36544875421 |
secretaryEmail |
String |
256 |
No |
E-mail of the secretary linked to the user. Example: maria@silva.com |
userCompanies |
Object (UserCompanyVM) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting user's company information |
levelsCostCenter |
Object (LevelCostCenterVM) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for carrying user-linked cost center information |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
User-linked community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
256 |
Yes |
E-mail address of the user to be registered. Example: pedro@silva.com |
login |
String |
256 |
Yes |
Login of the user to be registered. Example: Argo2019 |
password |
String |
256 |
Yes |
Password of the user to be registered. Example: Argo2019@ |
firstName |
Strting |
20 |
Yes |
Name of the user to be registered. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Last name of the user to be registered. Example: Silva |
fullName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Full name of the user to be registered. Example: Pedro Silva |
userCompanies |
User-linked company |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Company description linked to the user. Example: Argo |
referenceCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Company code linked to the user. Example: 4545 |
levelsCostCenter |
Levels of Cost Centers linked to the user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
level |
Int |
3 |
No |
Cost Center level linked to the user. Example: 1 |
company |
String |
50 |
No |
Name of the company that the Cost Center is linked to. Example: Argo |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost Center Code. Example: 5654 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for Cost Center. Example: AIO52 |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Comercial |
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"success": "yes",
"index": 0,
"message": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Guid |
36 |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
success |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes = success, No = Failure. Example: Yes |
index |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Position of the element in the array. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
message |
String |
500 |
Message displayed when there is an error in the user update |
GET /users/{userId}/requesters
This method is useful for customers who have the "LISSOL" policy enabled in their environment
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userFullName": "string",
"requesterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requesterFullName": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2021-01-13T11:13:58.661Z",
"finalDate": "2021-01-13T11:13:58.661Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Traveling user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userFullName |
String |
50 |
Full name of the traveling user. Example: Pedro Silva |
requesterId |
Guid |
36 |
Requesting user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requesterFullName |
String |
100 |
Full name of the requesting user. Example: Marcos Ribeiro |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of inclusion of the link between the requesting user and the traveling user. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of completion of the link between the requesting user and the traveling user. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
PATCH /users (Obsoleto)
This method is obsolete and will be removed in the future. Use the method "PUT /users/{userId}"
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"groups": [
"fax": "string",
"office": "string",
"requester": "yes",
"vip": "yes",
"masterNational": "yes",
"masterInternational": "yes",
"masterAdvancePayment": "yes",
"masterRefund": "yes",
"requesterMaster": "yes",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"levelDescription": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"department": "string",
"local": "string",
"city": "string",
"star": "string",
"state": "string",
"active": "yes",
"zipCode": "string",
"secretaryEmail": "string",
"userCompanies": [
"companyName": "string",
"referenceCode": "string"
"levelsCostCenter": [
"level": 0,
"company": "string",
"code": "string",
"description": "string"
"communityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"password": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"fullName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Gui |
36 |
Yes |
User ID you want to change. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
groups |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Yes |
Group the user belongs to: admin, financial, manager, user. Argo Wiki. Exemplo: user |
fax |
String |
30 |
No |
User fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
office |
String |
50 |
No |
User position. Example: Analista de Negócios |
requester |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “requester” (who can request trips for other users). Example: Yes/No |
vip |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a VIP traveler. Example: Yes/No |
masterNational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a national master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes/No |
masterInternational |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates if the user is an international master traveler (open national requests for this type of user will not be approved). Example: Yes/No |
masterAdvancePayment |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this characteristic can request advances without the need for approval. Example: Yes/No |
masterRefund |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request accountability / reimbursement without the need for approval. Example: Yes/No |
requesterMaster |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates that the user is a master requester. Users with this feature can request trips for other passengers without their approval. Example: Yes/No |
thirdParty |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is a “third party”. Example: Yes/No |
levelDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the level linked to the user. Example: Presidente |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
No |
User registration. Example: 56565 |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
User integration code. Example: 454555 |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Company name linked to the user. Example: Argo |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
No |
Description of the cost center linked to the user. Example: Ccusto Teste |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Cost Center code linked to the user. Example: 001 |
telephone |
String |
30 |
No |
User phone. Example: 5511998525545 |
department |
String |
50 |
No |
Department linked to user registration. Example: Desenvolvimento |
local |
String |
50 |
No |
User address. Example: Alameda Santos, 1978 |
city |
String |
50 |
No |
City where the user resides. Example: São Paulo |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Star is related to the GDS Saber user profile. Example: SILVA/1234567 |
state |
String |
2 |
No |
State where the user resides. Example: SP |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the user is active or inactive. Example: Yes/No |
zipCode |
String |
11 |
No |
ZIP code where the user resides. Example: 36544875421 |
secretaryEmail |
String |
256 |
No |
E-mail of the secretary linked to the user. Example: maria@silva.com |
userCompanies |
Object (UserCompanyVM) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting user's company information |
levelsCostCenter |
Object (LevelCostCenterVM) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for carrying user-linked cost center information |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
User-linked community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
256 |
Yes |
E-mail address of the user to be registered. Example: pedro@silva.com |
login |
String |
256 |
Yes |
Login of the user to be registered. Example: Argo2019 |
password |
String |
256 |
Yes |
Password of the user to be registered. Example: Argo2019@ |
firstName |
Strting |
20 |
Yes |
Name of the user to be registered. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Last name of the user to be registered. Example: Silva |
fullName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Full name of the user to be registered. Example: Pedro Silva |
userCompanies |
User-linked company |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyName |
String |
50 |
No |
Company description linked to the user. Example: Argo |
referenceCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Company code linked to the user. Example: 4545 |
levelsCostCenter |
Levels of Cost Centers linked to the user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
level |
Int |
3 |
No |
Cost Center level linked to the user. Example: 1 |
company |
String |
50 |
No |
Name of the company that the Cost Center is linked to. Example: Argo |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost Center Code. Example: 5654 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for Cost Center. Example: AIO52 |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Comercial |
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"success": "yes",
"index": 0,
"message": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Guid |
36 |
Registered user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
success |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes = success, No = Failure. Example: Yes |
index |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Position of the element in the array. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
message |
String |
500 |
Message displayed when there is an error in the user update |
PUT /users/{userId}/requesters
This method is useful for customers who have the "LISSOL" policy enabled in their environment
"requesterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requesterFullName": "string",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
requesterId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Requesting user-related ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requesterFullName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Full name of the requesting user. Example: Marcos Ribeiro |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in using the service. Example: True/False |
DELETE /users/{userId}/requesters/{requesterId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID related to the traveling user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requesterId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Requesting user-related ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in using the service. Example: True/False |
GET /users/{userId}/representatives
Retrieves delegates linked to the user
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
User ID to be consulted with delegates. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"whoReceivesEmail": "authorizerAndRepresentatives",
"fullName": "string",
"representativeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2021-01-14T10:21:17.681Z",
"finalDate": "2021-01-14T10:21:17.682Z",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
whoReceivesEmail |
String (Enum) |
28 |
Type of user who will receive the request email. Example: 'authorizerAndRepresentatives', 'onlyRepresentatives' ou 'onlyAuthorizer' |
fullName |
String |
50 |
Full name of the delegate. Example: Cléber Machado |
representativeId |
Guid |
36 |
Delegated user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of inclusion of the link between the user and the delegate. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of completion of the link between the user and the delegate. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the delegate is active or inactive. Example: Yes/No |
POST /users/{userId}/representatives
"whoReceivesEmail": "authorizerAndRepresentatives",
"representativeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2021-01-14T10:21:17.687Z",
"finalDate": "2021-01-14T10:21:17.687Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID related to the traveling user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
whoReceivesEmail |
String (Enum) |
28 |
Yes |
Type of user who will receive the request email. Example: 'authorizerAndRepresentatives', 'onlyRepresentatives' ou 'onlyAuthorizer' |
representativeId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Delegated user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Date of inclusion of the link between the user and the delegate. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Date of completion of the link between the user and the delegate. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in using the service. Example: True/False |
PUT /users/{userId}/representatives
"whoReceivesEmail": "authorizerAndRepresentatives",
"representativeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2021-01-14T10:21:17.687Z",
"finalDate": "2021-01-14T10:21:17.687Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
ID related to the traveling user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
whoReceivesEmail |
String (Enum) |
28 |
Yes |
Type of user who will receive the request email. Example: 'authorizerAndRepresentatives', 'onlyRepresentatives' ou 'onlyAuthorizer' |
representativeId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Delegated user ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Date of inclusion of the link between the user and the delegate. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Date of completion of the link between the user and the delegate. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in using the service. Example: True/False |
DELETE /users/{userId}/representatives/{representativeId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
User-related ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
representativeId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Delegate-related ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in using the service. Example: True/False |
PUT /users/{userId}/sendEmailPassword
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
User ID that will receive an e-mail containing login data and requiring a password change. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"message": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in sending email. Example: True/False |
The service allows you to register profile data for each of the users.
- Bank data
- Mileage Cards
- Passport
- Visa
- Date of birth
GET /users/{userId}/profile
"fullName": "string",
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"birthDate": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.849Z",
"observation": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"cellPhoneDDI": 0,
"sendHTMLEmail": "yes",
"sendPDFFile": "yes",
"showMap": "yes",
"smoker": "yes",
"dashBoard": "yes",
"aircraftPositions": [ "front" ],
"seat": "window",
"departureAirportIATA": "string",
"typeOfMeal": "string",
"gender": "male",
"nationality": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
fullName |
String |
50 |
Full name of the approving user. Example: João Silva |
rg |
String |
14 |
RG (national civil identification document in Brazil) of the user who canceled the OS. Example: 265487745 |
cpf |
String |
14 |
CPF (registration of individuals in Brazil) of the user who cancels the OS. Example: 36548425612 |
birthDate |
String (Date-Time) |
10 |
Date of birth of the traveler. Example: 2019-11-19T17: 55: 32.002Z |
observation |
String |
255 |
Note inserted in the user's profile. Example: User with dietary restrictions |
cellPhone |
Int |
11 |
User phone. Example: 236548856 |
cellPhoneDDI |
Int |
4 |
International Direct Dialing (DDI) related to the user's phone. Example: 55 |
sendHTMLEmail |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines the HTML format for sending e-mails. Example: Yes / No |
sendPDFFile |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines sending PDF files in e-mails. Example: Yes / No |
showMap |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Determines whether the user will have access to the accent map. Example Yes / No |
smoker |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Defines whether the user is a smoker. Example: Yes / No |
dashBoard |
String |
3 |
Information that defines whether the user uses the Dashboard menu on the system. Example: Yes/No |
aircraftPositions |
String (Enum) |
6 |
User seat preference. Example: front, middle or back |
seat |
String (Enum) |
6 |
User seat preference. Example: window or aisle |
departureAirportIATA |
String |
50 |
Home airport frequently used by the user. Example: Congonhas |
typeOfMeal |
String |
50 |
User preferred meal type. Example: Massa |
gender |
String |
6 |
Gender declared in the user's profile. Example: 'male' ou 'female' |
nationality |
String |
40 |
Country of origin of the user. Example: BRAZIL |
PUT /users/{userId}/profile
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"birthDate": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.856Z",
"observation": "string",
"cellPhone": "string",
"cellPhoneDDI": 0,
"sendHTMLEmail": "yes",
"sendPDFFile": "yes",
"showMap": "yes",
"smoker": "yes",
"dashBoard": "yes",
"aircraftPositions": ["front", "middle", "back"],
"seat": "window",
"typeOfMeal": "string",
"gender": "male",
"departureAirportIATA": "string",
"nationality": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
rg |
String |
14 |
No |
RG (national civil identification document in Brazil) of the user who canceled the OS. Example: 265487745 |
cpf |
String |
12 |
No |
CPF (registration of individuals in Brazil) of the user who cancels the OS. Example: 36548425612 |
birthDate |
String (Date-Time) |
10 |
No |
Date of birth of the traveler. Example: 2019-11-19T17:55:32.002Z |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Note inserted in the user's profile. Example: User with dietary restrictions |
cellPhone |
Int |
30 |
No |
User phone. Example: 236548856 |
cellPhoneDDI |
Int |
4 |
No |
International Direct Dialing (DDI) related to the user's phone. Example: 55 |
sendHTMLEmail |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines the HTML format for sending e-mails. Example: Yes / No |
sendPDFFile |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines sending PDF files in e-mails. Example: Yes / No |
showMap |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Determines whether the user will have access to the accent map. Example Yes / No |
smoker |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Defines whether the user is a smoker. Example: Yes / No |
dashBoard |
String |
3 |
No |
Information that defines whether the user uses the Dashboard menu on the system. Example: Yes/No |
aircraftPositions |
String (Enum) |
6 |
No |
User seat preference. Example: front, middle or back |
seat |
String (Enum) |
No |
User seat preference. Example: window or aisle |
typeOfMeal |
String |
50 |
No |
User preferred meal type. Example: Massa |
gender |
String |
6 |
No |
Gender declared in the user's profile. Example: 'male' ou 'female' |
departureAirportIATA |
String |
50 |
No |
Home airport frequently used by the user. Example: Congonhas |
nationality |
String |
2 |
Yes |
Acronym of the country of origin of the user. Example: BR To consult the list of acronyms of the countries, access the WIKI. |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True / False |
GET /users/{userId}/profile/frequentFlyers
"sequence": 0,
"number": "string",
"marketingAirline": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
Sequential number of miles. Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 6 |
number |
String |
20 |
Amount of available miles. Example: 265487745 |
marketingAirline |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the CIA Airline where the miles are linked. Example: JJ, AD, AA |
PUT /users/{userId}/profile/frequentFlyers
"sequence": 0,
"number": "string",
"marketingAirline": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
No |
Sequential number of miles. Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 6 |
number |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Amount of available miles. Example: 15000 |
marketingAirline |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Acronym of the CIA Airline where the miles are linked. Example: JJ, AD, AA |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True/False |
GET /users/{userId}/profile/passports
"sequence": 0,
"passport": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.867Z",
"country": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
Sequential number of passports. Example: 1, 2 |
passport |
String |
30 |
Passport number. Example: BR123456 |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Passport expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
country |
String |
100 |
Country of origin of the passport. Example: Brasil |
PUT /users/{userId}/profile/passports
"sequence": 0,
"passport": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.867Z",
"country": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
No |
Sequential number of passports. Example: 1, 2 |
passport |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Passport number. Example: BR123456 |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Passport expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
country |
String |
2 |
Yes |
Acronym of the country of origin of the passport. Example: BR |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True/False |
GET /users/{userId}/profile/visas
"sequence": 0,
"visa": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.875Z",
"country": "string",
"type": "tourism"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
Sequential number of visas. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
visa |
String |
30 |
Visa fee. Example: 60444378 |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Visa expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
country |
String |
100 |
Country of origin of the visa. Example: Brasil |
type |
String (Enum) |
8 |
Visa type. Example: 'tourism', 'business' |
PUT /users/{userId}/profile/visas
"sequence": 0,
"visa": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.875Z",
"country": "string",
"type": "tourism"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
No |
Sequential number of visas. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
visa |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Visa fee. Example: 60444378 |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Visa expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
country |
String |
2 |
Yes |
Acronym of the country of origin of the visa. Example: BR |
type |
String (Enum) |
8 |
Yes |
Visa type. Example: 'tourism', 'business' |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True/False |
GET /users/{userId}/profile/vaccines
"sequence": 0,
"vaccine": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.875Z",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
Sequential vaccine number. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
vaccine |
String |
30 |
Vaccine name. Example: Coronavac |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Vaccine expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
PUT /users/{userId}/profile/vaccines
"sequence": 0,
"vaccine": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.875Z",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
sequence |
Number |
1 |
No |
Sequential vaccine number. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
vaccine |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Vaccine name. Example: Coronavac |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Vaccine expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True/False |
GET /users/{userId}/profile/creditcards
"cardNumber": "string",
"holderName": "string",
"validity": "2021-01-06T10:50:11.875Z",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
cardNumber |
string |
20 |
Card number linked to the user's profile. Example: 0000-XXXX-XXXX-0000 |
holderName |
String |
255 |
Name of card holder. Example: CLÉBER SOARES S. OLIVEIRA |
validity |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Card expiration date. Example: 2026-01-06T10:50:11.867Z |
GET /users/{userId}/profile/expensecards
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"cardNumber": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-10T15:40:01.022Z",
"flagCard": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Registered card ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
cardNumber |
string |
20 |
Card number linked to the user's profile. Example: 0000-XXXX-XXXX-0000 |
inclusionDate |
DateTime |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the card. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
flag |
String |
15 |
Card banner. Example: Master card, Visa |
PUT /users/{userId}/profile/expensecards
"cardNumber": "string",
"flagCard": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
cardNumber |
string |
20 |
Yes |
Card number linked to the user's profile. Example: 0000-XXXX-XXXX-0000 |
flag |
String |
15 |
Yes |
Card banner. Example: Master card, Visa |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the update was successful. Example: True/False |
DELETE /users/{userId}/profile/expensecards/{expenseCardId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expenseCardId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Card ID to be deleted. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure to delete a card. Example: True/False |
Communities allow you to organize groups of business users who need to view and / or interact on each other's requests. Check the Wiki for more details and community customizations.
Argo Wiki
GET /communities
"communityId": "802720fe-c657-47d4-9e8d-76145001da38",
"changeDate": "2019-09-19T17:20:43.837",
"inclusionDate": "2019-09-19T17:20:43.837",
"clienteId": "ebab7b76-44c7-426f-97ea-22c1cc71ee65",
"type": "close",
"name": "Comunidade B",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
Registered community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
changeDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change to the community registration. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / Time of community registration. Example: Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
clienteId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the community is registered with. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
type |
String (Enum) |
5 |
If the user belongs to an open community, he will view and interact with requests from applicants belonging to the same community. If the user belongs to a closed community, they will not be able to view or interact with requests from applicants in that community. If the user relates to an open or closed community (S), he will see requests from travelers in that community (s) but only see, without interaction. Example: open / close |
name |
String |
50 |
Community name. Example: Operating Community |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the community is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Identifies whether the community is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
GET /communities/{communityId}
"communityId": "802720fe-c657-47d4-9e8d-76145001da38",
"changeDate": "2019-09-19T17:20:43.837",
"inclusionDate": "2019-09-19T17:20:43.837",
"clienteId": "ebab7b76-44c7-426f-97ea-22c1cc71ee65",
"type": "close",
"name": "Comunidade B",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
Registered community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
changeDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change to the community registration. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (Date-Time) |
24 |
Date / Time of community registration. Example: Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
clienteId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer ID that the community is registered with. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
type |
String (Enum) |
5 |
If the user belongs to an open community, he will view and interact with requests from applicants belonging to the same community. If the user belongs to a closed community, they will not be able to view or interact with requests from applicants in that community. If the user relates to an open or closed community (S), he will see requests from travelers in that community (s) but only see, without interaction. Example: open / close |
name |
String |
50 |
Community name. Example: Operating Community |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID that the community is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Identifies whether the community is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
POST /communities
"type": "open",
"name": "Comunidade API ARGO",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
type |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Yes |
If the user belongs to an open community, he will view and interact with requests from applicants belonging to the same community. If the user belongs to a closed community, they will not be able to view or interact with requests from applicants in that community. If the user relates to an open or closed community (S), he will see requests from travelers in that community (s) but only see, without interaction. Example: open / close |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Community name. Example: Operating Community |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID that the community is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Identifies whether the community is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Informs if the community has been successfully registered. Example: True / False |
PUT /communities/{communityId}
"communityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "open",
"name": "Comunidade API ARGO",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Registered community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
type |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Yes |
If the user belongs to an open community, he will view and interact with requests from applicants belonging to the same community. If the user belongs to a closed community, they will not be able to view or interact with requests from applicants in that community. If the user relates to an open or closed community (S), he will see requests from travelers in that community (s) but only see, without interaction. Example: open / close |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Community name. Example: Operating Community |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID that the community is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Identifies whether the community is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
Propriedade |
Tipo |
Tamanho |
Descrição |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the community has been successfully changed. Example: True/False |
DELETE /communities/{communityId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
communityId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Registered community ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the community has been inactivated successfully. Example: True/False |
Corporations can carry out a series of controls, linking requests to projects, such as budget control, travel policy, etc. Through the Argo API it is possible to keep project records always up to date. More info.
GET /projects
"projectId": "e23c742b-8b3a-480e-9cad-bd9a1b33f1ac",
"clientId": "ebab7b76-44c7-426f-97ea-22c1cc71ee65",
"inclusionDate": "2019-11-07T17:26:25.333",
"changeDate": "2019-11-07T17:26:25.333",
"code": "001",
"name": "Projeto API ARGO",
"acronym": "ABC",
"initialDate": "2019-11-07T00:00:00",
"finalDate": "2019-11-30T00:00:00",
"companyId": "a00bed32-9f2d-4748-9b0b-6c761c348ecf",
"projectParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
projectId |
Guid |
36 |
Registered project ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Client ID that the project is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the client. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the customer's last change. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
code |
String |
30 |
Project-related code, used in some situations for integration with third-party systems |
name |
String |
50 |
Project name. Example: Argo API Project |
acronym |
String |
10 |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
initialDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-07T00:00:00 |
finalDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-30T00:00:00 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID linked to the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
projectParentId |
Guid |
36 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Projects list (Parent - Child). This property allows to identify the “Father” of the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the project is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
POST /projects
"code": "002",
"name": "Projeto Argo",
"acronym": "XYZ",
"initialDate": "2019-11-07T20:37:57.461Z",
"finalDate": "2019-11-07T20:37:57.461Z",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"projectParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Project-related code, used in some situations for integration with third-party systems |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Project name. Example: Argo API Project |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
initialDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-07T00:00:00 |
finalDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-30T00:00:00 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID linked to the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
projectParentId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
The Argo system allows you to create the Projects list (Parent - Child). This property allows to identify the “Father” of the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the project is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
ID |
Guis |
36 |
Registered project ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET /projects/{projectId}
"projectId": "e23c742b-8b3a-480e-9cad-bd9a1b33f1ac",
"clientId": "ebab7b76-44c7-426f-97ea-22c1cc71ee65",
"inclusionDate": "2019-11-07T17:26:25.333",
"changeDate": "2019-11-07T17:26:25.333",
"code": "001",
"name": "Projeto API ARGO",
"acronym": "ABC",
"initialDate": "2019-11-07T00:00:00",
"finalDate": "2019-11-30T00:00:00",
"companyId": "a00bed32-9f2d-4748-9b0b-6c761c348ecf",
"projectParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
projectId |
Guid |
36 |
Registered project ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Client ID that the project is linked to. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the client. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the customer's last change. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
code |
String |
30 |
Project-related code, used in some situations for integration with third-party systems |
name |
String |
50 |
Project name. Example: Argo API Project |
acronym |
String |
10 |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
initialDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-07T00:00:00 |
finalDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-30T00:00:00 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID linked to the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
projectParentId |
Guid |
36 |
The Argo system allows you to create the Projects list (Parent - Child). This property allows to identify the “Father” of the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the project is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
PUT /projects/{projectId}
"code": "003",
"name": "Projeto Argo",
"acronym": "XYZ",
"initialDate": "2019-11-07T20:37:57.461Z",
"finalDate": "2020-11-07T20:37:57.461Z",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"projectParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
projectId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Project ID you want to change. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Project-related code, used in some situations for integration with third-party systems |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Project name. Example: Argo API Project |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for cost center. Example: 7829 |
initialDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-07T00:00:00 |
finalDate |
String (Data-Time) |
24 |
No |
It's possible to determine a period in which the Project may be allocated a debt. Only requests that are within the defined period can be opened through the initialDate and finalDate properties. Example: 2019-11-30T00:00:00 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID linked to the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
projectParentId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
The Argo system allows you to create the Projects list (Parent - Child). This property allows to identify the “Father” of the returned Project. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Indicates whether the project is active or inactive. Example: Yes / No |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Tells whether the community has been updated successfully. Example: True / False |
Through the Argo system it is possible to carry out monthly budget control or by request. The budget must always be linked to a cost center and accounting account
In addition to the registration, it is possible to make the budget adjustment (more or less), as needed. Check the Wiki for more details on budget.
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter for the Budget Status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No. |
filters.costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter referring to the cost center ID linked to the budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.ledgerAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter referring to the G / L Account ID linked to the budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.date |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Filter for the period when the budget will work. It will be considered month and year. |
filters.companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Filter referring to the status of the management field (Active / Inactive). Example: yes / no |
filters.observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Filter related to the observation of the registered Budget. Example: Available budget |
filters.order |
String |
30 |
No |
Filter referring to the Budget Request. A budget must be by Period or by Request |
filters.budgetedValue |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
No |
Filter referring to the budget amount created. Example: 50.00 |
"budgetId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"ledgerAccountDescription": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-10T14:45:59.709Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-10T14:45:59.709Z",
"finalDate": "2020-02-10T14:45:59.709Z",
"changeUser": "string",
"finalUser": "string",
"budgetedValue": 0,
"adjustedValue": 0,
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ledgerAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"observation": "string",
"date": "2020-02-10T14:45:59.709Z",
"order": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
budgetId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the consulted budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Budget registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
ledgerAccountDescription |
String |
50 |
Accounting Account Description. Example: Materials |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the cost center linked to the budget. Example: Development |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost Center Code. Example: 001 |
companyName |
String |
30 |
Company Name. Example: Argo Solutions |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the budget. Example: 2020-02-10T16:48:22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Budget change date / time. Example: 2020-02-10T09:48:22.490Z |
finalUser |
String |
100 |
User who finalized the budget structure. Example: “João Tamboré” |
budgetedValue |
Number |
14 |
Budget amount created. Example: 50,000 |
adjustedValue |
Number |
14 |
Adjusted budget amount. It can be positive or negative. Example: -10,000 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID linked to the Budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
ledgerAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting Account ID linked to the budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost center ID linked to the budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the registered Budget. Example: Available budget |
date |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Period when the budget will work. It will be considered month and year. |
order |
String |
30 |
Budget Request. A budget must be by Period or by Request |
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ledgerAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"budgetedValue": 0,
"observation": "string",
"date": "2020-02-10T13:00:03.551Z",
"order": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
ledgerAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Accounting Account ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Cost Center ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
budgetedValue |
Number |
14 |
Yes |
Available amount of the budget being created. Example 1,000 |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Budget Observation. Here you will find more details of the Budget. Example: Budget available for ... |
date |
String (dateTime) |
24 |
No |
Effective Budget Period. A budget must be by Period or by Request |
order |
String |
30 |
No |
Budget Request. A budget must be by Period or by Request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Id |
Guid |
36 |
Record id performed. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET /budgets/{budgetId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
BudGetID |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Budget ID that you want to see details. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"budgetId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"ledgerAccountDescription": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"costCenterCode": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-08T14:37:53.19",
"changeDate": "2020-02-08T14:37:53.19",
"finalUser": "string",
"budgetedValue": 0,
"adjustedValue": 0,
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ledgerAccountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"observation": "string",
"date": "2020-03-01T00:00:00",
"balance": 0,
"budgetAdjusted": [
"sequence": 0,
"adjustedValue": 0,
"changeUser": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2020-10-29T10:32:26.302Z",
"observation": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
budgetId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the consulted budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Budget registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
ledgerAccountDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the Accounting Account linked to the budget. Example: Material |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the cost center linked to the budget. Example: Development |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost Center code linked to the budget. Example: 001 |
companyName |
String |
30 |
Company name linked to the budget Example: Argo Solutions |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the budget. Example: 2020-02-10T16:48:22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Budget change date / time. Example: 2020-02-10T09:48:22.490Z |
finalUser |
String |
100 |
User who finalized the budget structure. Example: João Tamboré |
budgetedValue |
Number |
14 |
Registered budget amount. Example: 50,000 |
adjustedValue |
Number |
14 |
Adjusted budget amount. It can be positive or negative. Example: -10,000 |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
Company ID linked to the Budget. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
ledgerAccountId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting Account ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
Cost center ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the Budget created. Example: Test |
date |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Period when the budget will be valid. It will be considered month and year. Example: 01/2020 |
balance |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
Current budget balance amount. Example: 150.00 or -150.00 |
budgetAdjusted |
BudgetAdjustedRSVM (Object) |
1 |
Budget adjustment history |
budgetAdjusted |
Objeto responsável por transportar as informações do histórico do orçamento |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
sequence |
Number (Int) |
100 |
Identifier of the adjustment made. Example: 1, 2, 3 |
adjustedValue |
Number (Decimal) |
100 |
Adjusted value. Example: 150.00 or -150.00 |
changeUser |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user who made the adjustment. Example: Jorge Machado |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of inclusion of the adjustment. Example: 2018-12-12T17: 25: 00.980 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the adjustment made to the budget. Example: Increased amount for rate correction |
"active": "yes",
"observation": "string",
"adjustedObservation": "string",
"adjustedValue": 0
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Budget registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Observation of the budget that will be changed. Example: test budget |
adjustedObservation |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Description / observation of the budget adjustment. The Budget can be adjusted more or less. Example: Adjustment for March |
adjustedValue |
Number (Decimal) |
14 |
Yes |
Budget adjustment amount: Example: +10,000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Mensagem |
string |
4 |
Success or failure in updating the payment method. Example: True / False |
Through this method, the licensee can obtain all information related to the managerial fields of his database, besides allowing the management (exclusion, insertion and alteration) of the managerial fields found in the respective clients.
GET /managementsfields
"clientId": "string",
"expenseId": "string",
"fieldId": "string",
"caracterQuantity": 0,
"finalizationDate": "string",
"inclusionDate": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"lenght" :0,
"name": "string",
"order": "string",
"product": "string",
"regularExpression": "string",
"required": "string",
"serviceId": "string",
"serviceKey": "string",
"type": "string",
"typeTrip": "string",
"utilization": "string",
"visibility": "string",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID where the managerial field is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fieldId |
String |
100 |
Management field identification ID. Example: sustentacao_rdg_ser_cot_auto |
caracterQuantity |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of characters in the field. Example: 60 |
finalizationDate |
String |
3 |
Management field completion date / time. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
integrationCode |
String |
15 |
Management field integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: '12345' |
length |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Field size (can be null). Example: null, 30 |
name |
String |
255 |
Name of the managerial field. Example: Service / Quotation (Update - AutoComplete Type Field) |
order |
Number (int) |
100 |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 63 |
product |
String (Enum) |
7 |
Type of product used in the management field. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'all' |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
required |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Required information from the management field. Example: Yes / No |
serviceId |
Guid |
36 |
Service type identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceKey |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Service keys in the managerial field Example: 'checkin', 'departure' and 'arrival' |
type |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Type of managerial field. Example: 'text', 'number', 'value', 'date', 'hour', 'yesNo', 'autoComplete' |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
14 |
Type of trip that the management field is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
21 |
Type of use of the management field. Example: 'expenseAdvancePayment', 'backoffice', 'emission', 'politic', 'serviceQuotation', 'serviceRequest', 'request', 'refund' |
visibility |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Management field visibility information. Example: Yes / No |
POST /managementsfields
"fieldId": "string",
"typeTrip": "both",
"caracterQuantity": 0,
"serviceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"serviceKey": "checkin",
"integrationCode": "string",
"name": "string",
"utilization": "expenseAdvancePayment",
"type": "text",
"required": "yes",
"regularExpression": "string",
"order": 0,
"product": "air",
"visibility": "yes",
"expenseId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"lenght": 0,
"sequential": true
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
fieldId |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Management field identification ID. Example: sustentacao_rdg_ser_cot_auto |
typeTrip |
Number (int) |
100 |
No |
Type of trip that the management field is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
caracterQuantity |
Number (int) |
100 |
No |
Number of characters that will be allowed when filling in the field. Example: 60 |
integrationCode |
String |
15 |
Management field integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: '12345' |
serviceId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Service type identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceKey |
String (Enum) |
9 |
No |
Service keys in the management field. Example: 'checkin', 'departure' and 'arrival' |
integrationCode |
String |
15 |
No |
Management field integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: '12345' |
name |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Name of the managerial field. Example: Service / Quotation (Update - AutoComplete Type Field) |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
21 |
Yes |
Type of use of the management field. Example: 'expenseAdvancePayment', 'backoffice', 'emission', 'politic', 'serviceQuotation', 'serviceRequest', 'request', 'refund' |
type |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Yes |
Type of managerial field. Example: 'text', 'number', 'value', 'date', 'hour', 'yesNo', 'autoComplete' |
required |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Required information from the management field. Example: Yes / No |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
No |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
order |
Number (int) |
100 |
Yes |
Order of the managerial field. Example: 63 |
product |
String (Enum) |
7 |
No |
Type of product used in the management field. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'all' |
visibility |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Management field visibility information. Example: Yes / No |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Expense ID where the managerial field is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
length |
Number (int?) |
100 |
No |
Field size (can be null). Example: null, 30 |
sequential |
Boolean |
5 |
No |
Value related to fields of type 'autocomplete'. It informs if the records returned in the autocomplete will be sequential or not, according to the 'order' of each one. Example: True / False |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in the insertion of the managerial field. Example: True / False |
GET /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}/values/{value}
"finalizationDate": "2020-02-17T18:28:31.228Z",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-17T18:28:31.228Z",
"fieldId": "string",
"value": "string",
"order": 0,
"code": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
finalizationDate |
String |
3 |
Date / time of completion of the value of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the value of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
fieldId |
String |
100 |
Management field identification ID. Example: sustentacao_rdg_ser_cot_auto |
value |
String |
50 |
Management field value. Example: 03641 - AASA - CONSOL ELIM - AE |
order |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Value order. Example: 0 |
code |
String |
50 |
Value code. Example: SC-0500-ML02-01-07 |
DELETE /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}/values/{value}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in deleting the value from the management field. Example: True / False |
GET /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}/values
"finalizationDate": "2020-02-17T20:54:33.871Z",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-17T20:54:33.871Z",
"fieldId": "string",
"value": "string",
"order": 0,
"code": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
finalizationDate |
String |
3 |
Date / time of completion of the value of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the value of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
fieldId |
String |
100 |
Management field identification ID. Example: sustentacao_rdg_ser_cot_auto |
value |
String |
50 |
Management field value. Example: 03641 - AASA - CONSOL ELIM - AE |
order |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Value order. Example: 0 |
code |
String |
50 |
Value code. Example: SC-0500-ML02-01-07 |
POST /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}/values
"value": "string",
"order": 0,
"code": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
value |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Management field value. Example: 03641 - AASA - CONSOL ELIM - AE |
order |
Number (int?) |
100 |
No |
Value order. Example: 0 |
code |
String |
50 |
No |
Value code. Example: SC-0500-ML02-01-07 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure to insert the value of the management field. Example: True / False |
DELETE /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}
GET /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}
"clientId": "string",
"expenseId": "string",
"fieldId": "string",
"caracterQuantity": 0,
"finalizationDate": "string",
"inclusionDate": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"lenght" :0,
"name": "string",
"order": "string",
"product": "string",
"regularExpression": "string",
"required": "string",
"serviceId": "string",
"serviceKey": "string",
"type": "string",
"typeTrip": "string",
"utilization": "string",
"visibility": "string",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String |
36 |
Customer identification ID where the field is registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID linked to the registration field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fieldId |
String |
100 |
Management field identification ID. Example: sustentacao_rdg_ser_cot_auto |
caracterQuantity |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of characters in the field. Example: 60 |
finalizationDate |
String |
24 |
Date / time of completion of the value of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the value of the management field. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
integrationCode |
String |
15 |
Management field integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: '12345' |
length |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Field size (can be null). Example: null, 30 |
name |
String |
255 |
Name of the management field. Example: Service / Quotation (Update - AutoComplete Type Field) |
order |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Order of value. Example: 0 |
product |
String (Enum) |
7 |
Type of product used in the management field. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'all' |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
required |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Mandatory information from the management field. Example: Yes / No |
serviceId |
Guid |
36 |
Service type identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceKey |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Service keys in the management field Example: 'checkin', 'departure' and 'arrival' |
type |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Type of the managerial field. Example: 'text', 'number', 'value', 'date', 'hour', 'yesNo', 'autoComplete' |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
14 |
Type of trip that the request is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
utilization |
String (Enum) |
21 |
Type of use of the management field. Example: 'expenseAdvancePayment', 'backoffice', 'emission', 'politic', 'serviceQuotation', 'serviceRequest', 'request', 'refund' |
visibility |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Management field visibility information. Example: Yes / No |
PUT /managementsfields/{managementsFieldId}
"expenseId": "string",
"caracterQuantity": 0,
"integrationCode": "string",
"lenght": 0,
"name": "string",
"order": "string",
"product": "string",
"regularExpression": "string",
"required": "string",
"serviceId": "string",
"serviceKey": "string",
"type": "string",
"typeTrip": "string",
"visibility": "string",
"sequential": "string",
Property |
Like |
Size |
Description |
expenseId |
Guid |
36 |
Expense ID linked to the registration field. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
caracterQuantity |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of characters in the field. Example: 60 |
integrationCode |
String |
15 |
Management field integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: '12345' |
length |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Field size (can be null). Example: null, 30 |
name |
String |
255 |
Name of the management field. Example: Service / Quotation (Update - AutoComplete Type Field) |
order |
Number (int?) |
100 |
Order of value. Example: 0 |
product |
String (Enum) |
7 |
Type of product used in the management field. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'all' |
regularExpression |
String |
255 |
Regular expression of the managerial field. Example: ^ ([0-7] {1,9}) $ |
required |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Mandatory information from the management field. Example: Yes / No |
serviceId |
Guid |
36 |
Service type identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceKey |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Service keys in the management field Example: 'checkin', 'departure' and 'arrival' |
type |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Type of the managerial field. Example: 'text', 'number', 'value', 'date', 'hour', 'yesNo', 'autoComplete' |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
14 |
Type of trip that the request is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
visibility |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Management field visibility information. Example: Yes / No |
sequential |
Boolean |
5 |
No |
Value related to 'autocomplete' fields. It informs if the records returned in the autocomplete will be sequential or not, according to the 'order' of each one. Example: True / False |
Propriedade |
Tipo |
Tamanho |
Descrição |
Message |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True/False |
The Argo system allows its licensees, generally travel agencies, through the ConfigsPolicies service, to recover existing policies for a specific client, as well as copy/clon policies from one client to another client.
GET /policies/{clientId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Client ID for which user wants to consult the policies. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"policyClientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"policyId": "string",
"paramId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"nacInt": "string",
"companyId": "string",
"costCenterId": 0,
"communityId": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"levelId": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"expenseId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"serviceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"airline": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"departure": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"costCenterId": 0,
"arrival": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"cityId": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"hotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"permission": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"coin": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"value": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"percentual": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"time": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"amount": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"hour": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialHour": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"finalHour": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"finalDate": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userIdInclusion": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userIdfinalization": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"reasonId": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"countryId": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"fieldId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"content": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
policyClientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Policy ID on the client. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
policyId |
String |
6 |
Policy identification acronym. Example: RESAER |
paramId |
Number (int) |
100 |
Integer number that identifies parameter used in the policy. Example: ParamId 2 = RESCOM, parameter used in the RESAER policy |
clientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Client ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
nacInt |
String |
1 |
Whether the policy applies to a national or international travel. Example: N or I |
companyId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Company ID to which the policy can have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
costCenterId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Cost center ID to which the policy can have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
communityId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Community ID to which the policy can have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
levelId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Level ID to which the policy can have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
User ID to which the policy can have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
expenseId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Expense ID to which the policy may have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Service ID to which the policy can have some type of link. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
airline |
String |
3 |
Airline to which the policy will be linked. Example: CGH, GRU |
departure |
String |
3 |
Origin/departure location linked to policy: CGH, GRU |
arrival |
String |
3 |
Destination/arrival location linked to policy: CGH, GRU |
cityId |
Number (int) |
100 |
City ID linked to the policy. Example: 5287 - São Paulo |
hotelId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Hotel ID linked to the policy. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
type |
String |
3 |
Policy type. Exemplo: "U", "H", "X" |
permission |
String |
5 |
Whether the policy is allowed or not. Example: True/False |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency code configured in the policy. Example: BRL, USD |
value |
Number (decimal) |
100 |
Cash amount recorded in the policy. Example: 50.0 |
percentual |
Number (int) |
100 |
Percentage recorded in the policy. Example: 50 |
time |
Number (int) |
100 |
Time recorded in the policy. Example: 30 |
amount |
Number (int) |
100 |
Amount recorded in the policy. Example: 100 |
hour |
String(DateTime) |
36 |
Date and Time recorded in the policy. Example: 2020-04-06T10:36:14.586Z |
initialHour |
String(DateTime) |
36 |
Initial date and time recorded in the policy. Example: 2020-04-06T10:36:14.586Z |
finalHour |
String(DateTime) |
36 |
Final date and time recorded in the policy. Example: 2020-04-06T10:36:14.586Z |
inclusionDate |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Policy inclusion date. Example: 2020-04-06T10:36:14.586Z |
finalDate |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Policy removal date. Example: 2020-04-06T10:36:14.586Z |
userIdInclusion |
String(Guid) |
36 |
ID of user who added the policy. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userIdfinalization |
String(Guid) |
36 |
ID of user who removed the policy. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
reasonId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Travel reason ID linked to the policy. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
countryId |
Number (int) |
100 |
Country ID registered in the policy. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fieldId |
String |
100 |
Managerial field ID linked to the policy. Example: Managerial_field_argo |
content |
String(Guid) |
512 |
Policy description. Example: This policy allows hotel reservations. |
POST /policies/clonepolicies
"clientIdOrigin": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientIdDestiny": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
clientIdOrigin |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Yes |
clientId from where the policies will be cloned/copied. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientIdDestiny |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Yes |
clientId to where the policies will be cloned/copied. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Propriedade |
Tipo |
Tamanho |
Descrição |
message |
String |
6 |
List containing the Policy Ids that were cloned for the client. Example: ["RESAER","RESHOS",..."] |
This method allows you to list the cities registered in the system.
GET /cities
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
countryName |
String |
40 |
Yes |
Name of the country. Example: Brazil |
cityName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Name of the city. Example: São Paulo |
"countryId": 0,
"cityId": 0,
"cityName": "string",
"stateAcronym": "string",
"stateName": "string",
"countryAcronym": "string",
"countryName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
countryId |
Number(Integer) |
36 |
Country id for the city. Example: 55 |
cityId |
Number(Integer) |
36 |
City id. Example: 16 |
cityName |
String |
50 |
Name of the city. Example: Osasco |
stateAcronym |
String |
2 |
Acronym / Acronym of the state referring to the city. Example: SP |
stateName |
String |
50 |
Name of the state where the city is located. Example: São Paulo |
countryAcronym |
String |
2 |
Acronym / Acronym of the country referring to the city. Example: BR |
countryName |
String |
40 |
Country name for the city. Example: Brazil |
The Argo system allows the licensee to register their customers, as well as their registration data. The URL will be the address where the client will access the system, this information will come right after the agency's URL.
Example: www.argoit.com.br/nomedaagencia/nomedocliente
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Status of the registration of the client (s) you wish to consult (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
filters.corporateName |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Description of the corporation's name. Example: Argo Solutions |
filters.tradeName |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Trade name of the corporation. Example: Argo |
filters.country |
String |
2 |
No |
Filter - Acronym of the country where the company is headquartered. Example: BR (Brazil) |
filters.expense |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter - Corporations that use the Expense module. Example: Yes / No |
filters.url |
String |
20 |
No |
Filter - URL of the corporation used for user access. Example: https://www.argoit.com.br/ URLagência / URLcliente |
filters.integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process.Example: 001 |
filters.iata |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - International Air Transport Association Code. Example: BWN |
filters.stars |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Customer registration data in globalizers (GDS) .Example: PortView |
filters.email |
String |
50 |
No |
Filter - Corporate main email.Example: useargo@argo.com |
filters.currency |
String |
3 |
No |
Filter - Currency of the corporation. Example: BRL |
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-12T14:48:05.741Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-12T14:48:05.741Z",
"corporateName": "string",
"tradeName": "string",
"country": "string",
"language": "string",
"url": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"companyRegister": "string",
"email": "string",
"currency": "string",
"typeId": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
corporateName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the corporation's name. Example: Argo Solutions |
tradeName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Corporate name of the corporation. Example: Argo |
country |
String |
2 |
Sim |
Company headquarters country. Example: BR (Brazil) |
clientType |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
The type of customer to be registered. Example: 'callCenter' or 'Expense' |
language |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Yes |
Customer language. Example: 'portugueseBR', 'portuguesePT', 'english', 'spanish', 'mexico' |
url |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Customer (corporation) URL served by the travel agency. Example: www.argo.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA/URLdaCORPORAÇÃO |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
iata |
String |
50 |
No |
International Air Transport Association Code Example: 8292 |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Global customer registration data (GDS) Example: 78374ks |
companyRegister |
String |
14 |
No |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the client. Example: 09096135000100 |
email |
String |
50 |
No |
Main corporate email. Example: useargo@argo.com |
currency |
String |
3 |
No |
Corporation currency. Example: BRL |
typeId |
String |
2 |
No |
Corporation type: (AG) for agency or (CL) for client |
"corporateName": "string",
"tradeName": "string",
"country": "string",
"clientType": "callCenter",
"language": "portugueseBR",
"url": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"companyRegister": "string",
"email": "string",
"currency": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
corporateName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the corporation's name. Example: Argo Solutions |
tradeName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Corporate name of the corporation. Example: Argo |
country |
String |
2 |
Sim |
Company headquarters country. Example: BR (Brazil) |
clientType |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
The type of customer to be registered. Example: 'callCenter' or 'Expense' |
language |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Yes |
Customer language. Example: 'portugueseBR', 'portuguesePT', 'english', 'spanish', 'mexico' |
url |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Customer (corporation) URL served by the travel agency. Example: www.argo.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA/URLdaCORPORAÇÃO |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
iata |
String |
50 |
No |
International Air Transport Association Code Example: 8292 |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Global customer registration data (GDS) Example: 78374ks |
companyRegister |
String |
14 |
No |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the client. Example: 09096135000100 |
email |
String |
50 |
No |
Main corporate email. Example: useargo@argo.com |
currency |
String |
3 |
No |
Corporation currency. Example: BRL |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String |
36 |
Identification ID of the registered customer. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET clients/{clientId}
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"active": "yes",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-12T14:48:05.741Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-12T14:48:05.741Z",
"corporateName": "string",
"tradeName": "string",
"country": "string",
"clientType": "callCenter",
"language": "portugueseBR",
"url": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"companyRegister": "string",
"email": "string",
"currency": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String |
36 |
Identification ID of the registered customer. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Customer registration status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
inclusionDate |
Date Time |
24 |
Date / time of customer registration. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
changeDate |
Date Time |
24 |
Date of the customer's last change. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
corporateName |
String |
50 |
Description of the corporation's name. Example: Argo Solutions |
tradeName |
String |
50 |
Corporate name of the corporation. Example: Argo |
country |
String |
2 |
Company headquarters country. Example: BR (Brazil) |
clientType |
String |
10 |
The type of customer to be registered. Example: callCenter or Expense |
language |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Customer language. Example: portugueseBR, portuguesePT, english, spanish, mexico |
url |
String |
20 |
Customer (corporation) URL served by the travel agency. Example: www.argo.com.br/URLdaAGÊNCIA/URLdaCORPORAÇÃO |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
iata |
String |
50 |
International Air Transport Association Code Example: 7273 |
star |
String |
50 |
Customer registration data in globalizers (GDS) Example: 7878js |
companyRegister |
String |
14 |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the client. Example: 09096135000100 |
email |
String |
50 |
Main corporate email. Example: useargo@argo.com |
currency |
String |
3 |
Corporation currency. Example: BRL |
PUT clients/{clientId}
"active": "string",
"corporateName": "string",
"tradeName": "string",
"country": "string",
"clientType": "callCenter",
"language": "portugueseBR",
"integrationCode": "string",
"iata": "string",
"star": "string",
"companyRegister": "string",
"email": "string",
"currency": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Customer status (Active / Inactive). Example: yes/no |
corporateName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the corporation's name. Example: Argo Solutions |
tradeName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Corporate name of the corporation. Example: Argo |
country |
String |
2 |
No |
Company headquarters country. Example: BR (Brazil) |
clientType |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
Type of environment. Example: 'callCenter' or 'Expense' |
language |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Yes |
Customer language. Example: 'portugueseBR', 'portuguesePT', 'english', 'spanish', 'mexico' |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
No |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
iata |
String |
50 |
No |
International Air Transport Association Code Example: 7878 |
star |
String |
50 |
No |
Customer registration data in globalizers (GDS) Example: 7832732js |
companyRegister |
String |
14 |
No |
National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) of the client. Example: 09096135000100 |
email |
String |
50 |
No |
Main corporate email. Example: useargo@argo.com |
currency |
String |
3 |
No |
Corporation currency. Example: BRL |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String (Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True / False |
Through this service, the licensee can obtain all the information related to the hotels of his base, as well as data related to the apartments of these hotels.
Through this method it is also possible to manage (exclude, insert and change) the hotels and apartments in the environment.
GET /hotels
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"hotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-06T19:27:06.987Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-06T19:27:06.987Z",
"active": "yes",
"cityId": 0,
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"cep": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"email": "string",
"site": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"iss": 0,
"tourismTax": 0,
"serviceTax": 0,
"coffee": "yes",
"amenities": "string",
"stars": 0,
"cnpj": "string",
"image": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned hotel. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Hotel inclusion date / time. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
active |
String |
3 |
Hotel status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / no |
cityId |
Int |
5 |
Identification ID of the city where the hotel is located. Example: 44363 |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
address |
String |
50 |
Hotel location address. Example: Rua Frei Mansueto, 160 |
neighborHood |
String |
50 |
Hotel location neighborhood. Example: Meirelles |
cep |
String |
8 |
Hotel location zip code. Example: 14815000 |
telefone |
String |
23 |
Hotel contact phone: Example: +55 (16) 3343-2325 |
email |
String |
50 |
Hotel contact email. Example: hotelsb2b @ hotelsbtwob |
site |
String |
50 |
Hotel website. Example: http://www.hotelsbtwob.com/ |
latitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 255348752 |
longitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 485526208 |
iss |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Tax rate for the service provided by the Hotel. Example: 5.00 |
tourismTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Tourist tax of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
serviceTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Hotel service charge. Example: 5.00 |
coffee |
String |
3 |
Information about the existence of the coffee service at the Hotel. Example yes / no |
amenities |
String |
255 |
Amenities found at the Hotel. Example: WIFI |
stars |
Number (int) |
100 |
Hotel rating. Example: 3 |
cnpj |
String |
18 |
CNPJ of the Hotel. Example: 07849999000197 |
Image |
String |
100 |
Hotel image. Example: http://www.ahstatic.com/photos/9438_ho_02_p_1024x768.jpg |
POST /hotels
"active": "yes",
"cityId": 0,
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"cep": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"email": "string",
"site": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"iss": 0,
"tourismTax": 0,
"serviceTax": 0,
"coffee": "yes",
"amenities": "string",
"stars": 0,
"cnpj": "string",
"image": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Hotel status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / no |
cityId |
Number(Int) |
5 |
Yes |
Identification ID of the city where the hotel is located. Example: 44363 |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
address |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel location address. Example: Rua Frei Mansueto, 160 |
neighborHood |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel location neighborhood. Example: Meirelles |
cep |
String |
8 |
No |
Hotel location zip code. Example: 14815000 |
telephone |
String |
23 |
No |
Hotel contact phone. Example: +55 (16) 3343-2325 |
email |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel contact email. Example: hotelsb2b @ hotelsbtwob |
site |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel website. Example: http://www.hotelsbtwob.com |
latitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
No |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 255348752 |
longitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
No |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 485526208 |
iss |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
No |
Tax rate for the service provided by the Hotel. Example: 5.00 |
tourismTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
No |
Tourist tax of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
serviceTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
No |
Hotel service charge. Example: 5.00 |
coffee |
String |
3 |
No |
Information about the existence of the coffee service at the Hotel. Example yes / no |
amenities |
String |
255 |
No |
Amenities found at the Hotel. Example: WIFI |
stars |
Number (int) |
100 |
No |
Hotel rating. Example: 3 |
cnpj |
String |
18 |
No |
CNPJ of the Hotel. Example: 07849999000197 |
image |
String |
100 |
No |
Hotel image. Example: http://www.ahstatic.com/photos/9438_ho_02_p_1024x768.jpg |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure to include the hotel. Example: True / False |
GET /hotels/{hotelId}
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"hotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-07T19:59:19.778Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-07T19:59:19.778Z",
"active": "yes",
"cityId": 0,
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"cep": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"email": "string",
"site": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"iss": 0,
"tourismTax": 0,
"serviceTax": 0,
"coffee": "yes",
"amenities": "string",
"stars": 0,
"cnpj": "string",
"image": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned hotel. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Hotel inclusion date / time. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the customer's last change. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
active |
String |
3 |
Hotel status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / No |
cityId |
Int |
5 |
Identification ID of the city where the hotel is located. Example: 44363 |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
address |
String |
50 |
Hotel location address. Example: Rua Frei Mansueto, 160 |
neighborHood |
String |
50 |
Hotel location neighborhood. Example: Meirelles |
cep |
String |
8 |
Hotel location zip code. Example: 14815000 |
telefone |
String |
23 |
Hotel contact phone: Example: +55 (16) 3343-2325 |
email |
String |
50 |
Hotel contact email. Example: hotelsb2b @ hotelsbtwob |
site |
String |
50 |
Hotel website. Example: http://www.hotelsbtwob.com |
latitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 255348752 |
longitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 485526208 |
iss |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Tax rate for the service provided by the Hotel. Example: 5.00 |
tourismTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Tourist tax of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
serviceTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Hotel service charge. Example: 5.00 |
coffee |
String |
3 |
Information about the existence of the coffee service at the Hotel. Example: yes / no |
amenities |
String |
255 |
Amenities found at the Hotel. Example: WIFI |
stars |
Number (int) |
100 |
Hotel rating. Example: 3 |
cnpj |
String |
18 |
CNPJ of the Hotel. Example: 07849999000197 |
Image |
String |
100 |
Hotel image. Example: http://www.ahstatic.com/photos/9438_ho_02_p_1024x768.jpg |
PUT /hotels/{hotelId}
"active": "yes",
"cityId": 0,
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"cep": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"email": "string",
"site": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"iss": 0,
"tourismTax": 0,
"serviceTax": 0,
"coffee": "yes",
"amenities": "string",
"stars": 0,
"cnpj": "string",
"image": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
active |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Hotel status (Active / Inactive). Example: Yes / no |
cityId |
Number(Int) |
5 |
Yes |
Identification ID of the city where the hotel is located. Example: 44363 |
name |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
address |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel location address. Example: Rua Frei Mansueto, 160 |
neighborHood |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel location neighborhood. Example: Meirelles |
cep |
String |
8 |
No |
Hotel location zip code. Example: 14815000 |
telephone |
String |
23 |
No |
Hotel contact phone. Example: +55 (16) 3343-2325 |
email |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel contact email. Example: hotelsb2b @ hotelsbtwob |
site |
String |
50 |
No |
Hotel website. Example: http://www.hotelsbtwob.com |
latitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
No |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 255348752 |
longitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
No |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 485526208 |
iss |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
No |
Tax rate for the service provided by the Hotel. Example: 5.00 |
tourismTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
No |
Tourist tax of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
serviceTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
No |
Hotel service charge. Example: 5.00 |
coffee |
String |
3 |
No |
Information about the existence of the coffee service at the Hotel. Example yes / no |
amenities |
String |
255 |
No |
Amenities found at the Hotel. Example: WIFI |
stars |
Number (int) |
100 |
No |
Hotel rating. Example: 3 |
cnpj |
String |
18 |
No |
CNPJ of the Hotel. Example: 07849999000197 |
image |
String |
100 |
No |
Hotel image. Example: http://www.ahstatic.com/photos/9438_ho_02_p_1024x768.jpg |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in updating the hotel. Example: True / False |
DELETE /hotes/{hotelId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in updating the hotel. Example: True / False |
GET /hotels/{hotelId}/apartaments
"apartamentId": 0,
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-10T12:37:08.356Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-10T12:37:08.356Z",
"inativationDate": "2020-02-10T12:37:08.356Z",
"HotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeApartament": "string",
"name": "string",
"coin": "string",
"dailyValue": 0,
"agencyRates": "yes",
"netCommissionedRate": "commissioned",
"justification": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
apartamentId |
Number (int) |
100 |
Identification ID of the returned apartment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion of the apartment. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change to the apartment. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inativationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inactivity of the apartment. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned hotel. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeApartament |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Apartment type. Example: Individual, Double, Triple or Quadruple |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the apartment. Example: standard |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency related to the room rate. Example: BRL |
dailyValue |
Number (Double) |
100 |
Daily rate of the apartment. Example: 45.00 |
agencyRates |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the tariff will be presented only to the user of the travel agency. Example: yes / no |
netCommissionedRate |
String |
12 |
Indicates whether the room rate is Net or Commissioned. Example: Net / Commissioned |
Justification |
String |
255 |
Justification when there is a change in the hotel tariff. |
POST /hotels/{hotelId}/apartaments
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeApartament": "string",
"name": "string",
"coin": "string",
"dailyValue": 0,
"agencyRates": "yes",
"netCommissionedRate": "commissioned"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeApartament |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Apartment type Example: Single, Double, Triple or Quadruple |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the apartment. Example: standard |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency related to the room rate. Example: BRL |
dailyValue |
Number (Double) |
100 |
Daily rate of the apartment. Example: 45.00 |
agencyRates |
String |
3 |
Indicate whether the tariff will be presented only to the user of the travel agency. Example: yes / no |
netCommissionedRate |
String |
12 |
Indicate whether the room rate is Net or Commissioned. Example: Net / Commissioned |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure to include the apartment. Example: True / False |
GET /hotels/{hotelId}/apartaments/{apartamentId}
"apartamentId": 0,
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inclusionDate": "2020-02-10T12:37:08.356Z",
"changeDate": "2020-02-10T12:37:08.356Z",
"inativationDate": "2020-02-10T12:37:08.356Z",
"HotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeApartament": "string",
"name": "string",
"coin": "string",
"dailyValue": 0,
"agencyRates": "yes",
"netCommissionedRate": "commissioned",
"justification": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
apartamentId |
Number (int) |
100 |
Identification ID of the returned apartment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion of the apartment. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of the last change to the apartment. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
inativationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inactivity of the apartment. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned hotel. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeApartament |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Apartment type. Example: Double, Triple or Quadruple |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the apartment. Example: standard |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency referring to the hotel rate. Example: BRL |
dailyValue |
Number (Double) |
100 |
Daily rate of the apartment. Example: 45.00 |
agencyRates |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the tariff will be presented only to the user of the travel agency. Example: yes / no |
netCommissionedRate |
String |
12 |
Indicates whether the room rate is Net or Commissioned. Example: Net |
Justification |
String |
255 |
Justification when there is a change in the hotel tariff. |
PUT /hotels/{hotelId}/apartaments/{apartamentId}
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeApartament": "string",
"name": "string",
"coin": "string",
"dailyValue": 0,
"agencyRates": "yes",
"netCommissionedRate": "commissioned"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeApartament |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Apartment type Example: Single, Double, Triple or Quadruple |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the apartment. Example: standard |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency related to the room rate. Example: BRL |
dailyValue |
Number (Double) |
100 |
Daily rate of the apartment. Example: 45.00 |
agencyRates |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the tariff will be presented only to the user of the travel agency. Example: yes / no |
netCommissionedRate |
String |
12 |
Indicates whether the room rate is Net or Commissioned. Example: Net / Commissioned |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in updating the apartment. Example: True / False |
DELETE /hotels/{hotelId}/apartaments
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure to delete the apartment. Example: True / False |
The Argo system allows its licensees, usually a travel agency, through the ConfigsJustifications service, to register justifications, as well as manage them such as search and update.
GET /justifications
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
100 |
No |
Filter related to the descriptions recorded in the justifications. Example: Disapproval for a high price. |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Filter related to the status of justifications, in case it is active or not. Example: Yes, No. |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Filter related to the justification integration codes. Example: ST002A |
"justificationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"description": "string",
"active": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
justificationId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Justification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
description |
String |
100 |
Description of the justification. Example: High price disapproval |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Justification status, in case it is active or not. Example: yes, No |
POST /justifications
"typeId": "String",
"description": "String",
"requireDescription": "String",
"helpDescription": "String",
"active": "String",
"integrationCode": "String"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
typeId |
String |
6 |
Yes |
Type of justification. Example: For examples follow the table of types of Justifications. |
description |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Description of the justification. Example: Disapproval for a high price. |
requireDescription |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Whether the justification requires a description. Example: Yes, No |
helpDescription |
String |
255 |
No |
If it is mandatory to fill in the description, a help text can be inserted to help fill in the description.Example: You must inform the reason for the trip. |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Justification status, in case it is active or not. Example: yes, No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Justification integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: BACKGROUND19 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in creating a justification. Example: True / False |
GET /justifications/{justificationId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
justificationId |
Guid |
36 |
Sim |
Justification ID that the user wants to see the details. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
"justificationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"typeId": "string",
"typeDescription": "string",
"description": "string",
"requireDescription": "yes",
"helpDescription": "string",
"initialDate": "2020-04-06T10:40:24.695Z",
"active": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
justificationId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Justification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Customer ID related to justification. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeId |
String |
6 |
Type of justification. Example: For examples follow the table of types of Justifications. |
typeDescription |
String |
30 |
Description of the type of justification. Example: For examples follow the table of types of Justifications. |
description |
String |
100 |
Description of the justification. Example: Disapproval for a high price. |
requireDescription |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Whether the justification requires a description. Example: Yes, No |
helpDescription |
String |
255 |
If it is mandatory to fill in the description, a help text can be inserted to help fill in the description.Example: You must inform the reason for the trip. |
initialDate |
String(DateTime) |
26 |
Date when the justification was registered. Example: 2020-04-06T10: 36: 14.586Z |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Justification status, in case it is active or not. Example: yes, No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
Justification integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: BACKGROUND |
PUT /justifications/{justificationId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
justificationId |
Guid |
36 |
Sim |
Justification ID that the user wants to see the details. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
typeId |
String |
6 |
Yes |
Type of justification. Example: For examples follow the table of types of Justifications. |
description |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Description of the justification. Example: Disapproval for a high price. |
requireDescription |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Whether the justification requires a description. Example: Yes, No |
helpDescription |
String |
255 |
No |
If it is mandatory to fill in the description, a help text can be inserted to help fill in the description.Example: You must inform the reason for the trip. |
active |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Yes |
Justification status, in case it is active or not. Example: yes, No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Justification integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: BACKGROUND |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
4 |
Success or failure in changing the justification. Example: True / False |
The Argo system allows users to assign levels (Example: Executive, operational, etc.). Through this method it is possible to recover the levels registered in the environment.
GET /levels
"levelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"order": 0,
"name": "String"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
levelId |
String (Guid) |
36 |
User level record related ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
order |
Integer |
3 |
Number related to the order of users, in the case of a hierarchy. Example: 1 |
name |
String |
50 |
User name related to the level returned. Example: Pedro Cardoso |
Through this service, the licensee can obtain all information related to the reasons for travel from his database. Through this service it is also possible to manage (insert and change) the travel reasons registered with the client.
For more information on the reason for travel, consult the Wiki.
GET /reasonstravel
"reasonTravelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"description": "string",
"alert": "string",
"initialDate": "2020-02-18T14:39:42.355Z",
"finalDate": "2020-02-18T14:39:42.355Z",
"legs": [
"requiresDescription": "yes",
"requiresAuthorization": "yes",
"quotationAvailable": "yes",
"allowCompanions": "yes",
"validateExpenseReport": "yes",
"closingCard": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
reasonTravelId |
Guid |
36 |
Travel reason identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Sponsor Travel |
alert |
String |
2000 |
Some travel reasons have alerts to give internal information to those who will use it. Example: "I am aware of the Global Policy for International Corporate Travel and understand that [...] of your location if necessary.
I'm aware of ## Accept ##" |
initialDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the reason for travel. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
End date / time of reason for travel. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
legs |
String |
100 |
Field representing products that are related to the reason for travel. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'closingCard' |
requiresDescription |
String (Enum) |
36 |
Requires description information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
requiresAuthorization |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Requires authorization / approval information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
quotationAvailable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs if the reason for travel has quota. Example: Yes / No |
allowCompanions |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Accompanying permission information when using the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
validateExpenseReport |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs you if you will have validation of the travel reason. Example: Yes / No |
closingCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs you if the reason for travel will only be presented at the closing of the card. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
Travel reason integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'MOTIVO1010' |
POST /reasonstravel
"description": "string",
"alert": "string",
"legs": [
"requiresDescription": "yes",
"requiresAuthorization": "yes",
"quotationAvailable": "yes",
"allowCompanions": "yes",
"validateExpenseReport": "yes",
"closingCard": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Sponsor Travel |
alert |
String |
2000 |
No |
Some travel reasons have alerts to give internal information to those who will use it. Example: "I am aware of the Global Policy for International Corporate Travel and understand that [...] of your location if necessary.
I'm aware of ## Accept ##" |
legs |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Field representing products linked to the reason for travel. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'closingCard' |
requiresDescription |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Requires description information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
requiresAuthorization |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Requires authorization information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
quotationAvailable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Field that informs if the reason for travel has quota. Example: Yes / No |
allowCompanions |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Accompanying permission information when using the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
validateExpenseReport |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Field that informs you if you will have validation of the travel reason. Example: Yes / No |
closingCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
No |
Field that informs you if the reason for travel will only be presented at the closing of the card. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
No |
Travel reason integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'MOTIVO1010' |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
reasonTravelId |
Guid |
36 |
Travel reason identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GET /reasonstravel/{reasonTravelId}
"reasonTravelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"description": "string",
"alert": "string",
"initialDate": "2020-02-18T19:37:36.697Z",
"finalDate": "2020-02-18T19:37:36.697Z",
"legs": [
"requiresDescription": "yes",
"requiresAuthorization": "yes",
"quotationAvailable": "yes",
"allowCompanions": "yes",
"validateExpenseReport": "yes",
"closingCard": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
reasonTravelId |
Guid |
36 |
Travel reason identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Sponsor Travel |
alert |
String |
2000 |
Some travel reasons have alerts for internal information to those who will use it. Example: "I am aware of the Global Policy for International Corporate Travel and understand that [...] of your location if necessary.
I'm aware of ## Accept ##" |
initialDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date / time of inclusion / creation of the reason for travel. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
End date / time of reason for travel. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
legs |
String |
100 |
Field representing products linked to the reason for travel. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'closingCard' |
requiresDescription |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Requires description information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
requiresAuthorization |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Requires authorization information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
quotationAvailable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs if the reason for travel has quota. Example: Yes / No |
allowCompanions |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Accompanying permission information when using the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
validateExpenseReport |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs you if you will have validation of the travel reason. Example: Yes / No |
closingCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs you if the reason for travel will be shown only at the closing of the card. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
Travel reason integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'MOTIVO1010' |
PUT /reasonstravel/{reasonTravelId}
"description": "string",
"alert": "string",
"legs": [
"requiresDescription": "yes",
"requiresAuthorization": "yes",
"quotationAvailable": "yes",
"allowCompanions": "yes",
"validateExpenseReport": "yes",
"closingCard": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Sponsor Travel |
alert |
String |
2000 |
Some travel reasons have alerts for internal information to those who will use it. Example: "I am aware of the Global Policy for International Corporate Travel and understand that [...] of your location if necessary.
I'm aware of ## Accept ##" |
legs |
String |
100 |
Field that represents the products allowed for the use of the reason for travel. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'closingCard' |
requiresDescription |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Requires description information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
requiresAuthorization |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Requires authorization information to use the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
quotationAvailable |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs if the reason for travel has quota. Example: Yes / No |
allowCompanions |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Accompanying permission information when using the reason for travel. Example: Yes / No |
validateExpenseReport |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs you if you will have validation of the travel reason. Example: Yes / No |
closingCard |
String (Enum) |
3 |
Field that informs you if the reason for travel will be shown only at the closing of the card. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
Travel reason integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'MOTIVO1010' |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in changing the management field. Example: True / False |
Allows the agency to clone all signatures from one environment (client) to another, as well as querying the signature list in the environment, using clientId.
GET /signatures
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.clientId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Allows to filter by customer ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.webServiceId |
string |
50 |
No |
Allows to filter by webservice provider name. Example: AMADEUSWS |
filters.companyId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Allows to filter by company ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.serviceCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Allows to filter by the ID related to the service station to which the signature is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.type |
String (Enum) |
8 |
No |
Allows to filter by the signature type/product code:
Flights = 0
Hotels = 1
Rental = 2
Bus = 3
SMS = 4
Consolidador = 5
Payment = 6
Invoice = 7
Insurance = 8
filters.active |
String (Enum) |
5 |
No |
Indicates whether the signature is configured as “active” (true), “inactive” (false), or “both” (empty/null) |
"signatureId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"webserviceId": "string",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"consolidatorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"scheme": "string",
"agreement": "string",
"type": 0,
"initialDate": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"finalDate": "2023-09-20T16:43:01.958Z",
"userIdInclusion": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userIdFinalization": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"serviceCenterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"agencyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
signatureId |
Guid |
36 |
Signature ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
webserviceId |
String |
50 |
Returns the webservice provider name. Example: AMADEUSWS |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the consulted company. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
consolidatorId |
Guid |
36 |
Signature Consolidator ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
scheme |
String |
Returns the XML containing the necessary signature information to connect to the provider. |
agreement |
String |
Returns all valid agreements in the signature. Example: TarifaAcordoRotas |
type |
Int |
8 |
Returns signature type/product code:
Flights = 0
Hotels = 1
Rental = 2
Bus = 3
SMS = 4
Consolidador = 5
Payment = 6
Invoice = 7
Insurance = 8
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Returns the date and time when the signature was activated in the environment. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Returns the date and time when signing was deactivated in the environment. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
userIdInclusion |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the user who activated the signature in the environment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userIdFinalization |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the user who deactivated the signature in the environment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
ID related to the service station to which the signature is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Client ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
agencyId |
Guid |
36 |
Agency ID linked to the signature. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
POST /signatures/clonesignatures
"clientIdOrigin": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyIdOrigin": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"webServiceId": "string",
"clientIdDestiny": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyIdDestiny": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
clientIdOrigin |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Client ID (A) that will contain cloned signatures. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyIdOrigin |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID (A) that will contain cloned signatures. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
No |
Webservice provider name. Example: AMADEUSWS |
clientIdDestiny |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Client ID (B) that must receive the other client's (A) cloned signatures. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyIdDestiny |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Company ID (B) that must receive the other company's (A) cloned signatures. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
signatureId |
Guid |
36 |
Signature ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
webserviceId |
String |
50 |
Returns the webservice provider name. Example: AMADEUSWS |
companyId |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the consulted company. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
consolidatorId |
Guid |
36 |
Signature Consolidator ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
scheme |
String |
Returns the XML containing the necessary signature information to connect to the provider. |
agreement |
String |
Returns all valid agreements in the signature. Example: TarifaAcordoRotas |
type |
String (Enum) |
8 |
Returns signature type/product code:
Flights = 0
Hotels = 1
Rental = 2
Bus = 3
SMS = 4
Consolidador = 5
Payment = 6
Invoice = 7
Insurance = 8
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Returns the date and time when the signature was activated in the environment. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Returns the date and time when signing was deactivated in the environment. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
userIdInclusion |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the user who activated the signature in the environment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userIdFinalization |
Guid |
36 |
ID of the user who deactivated the signature in the environment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
serviceCenterId |
Guid |
36 |
ID related to the service station to which the signature is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Client ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
agencyId |
Guid |
36 |
Agency ID linked to the signature. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Through this service, the licensee can obtain all information related to requests.
GET /requests
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
filters.approverId |
Guid |
100 |
No |
Request approver identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
filters.tripStatus |
String (Enum) |
36 |
No |
Status of the requisition trip. Example: 'open', 'requested', 'awaitingPermissionAuthorization', 'awaitingQuotation', 'awaitingDefinitionOfReserve', 'reserving', 'awaitingBudget', 'awaitingSelection', 'waitingDefinitionApprover', 'awaitingApprovalOfCost', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'canceled', 'expired', 'rejected', 'finalized' |
filters.expenseStatus |
String (Enum) |
24 |
No |
Request expense status. Example: 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingLaunch', 'awaitingConfirmation', 'awaitingApproval', 'awaitingPayment', 'finalized' |
filters.advancePaymentStatus |
String (Enum) |
24 |
No |
Advance payment status of the request. Example: 'awaitingApproval', 'awaitingPayment', 'finalized' |
filters.datesFilters |
String |
15 |
Não |
Type of date on which the fields 'Initial Date' and 'Final Date' will be used to make the query. Example: 'approvalDate', 'quotationDate', 'issueDate', 'selectionDate', 'tripInitialDate', 'tripEndDate', 'requestDate' |
filters.initialDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Initial date / time of request creation. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.initialChangeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Initial date / time of request change. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
filters.finalChangeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Final date / time of request change. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
filters.initialApprovationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Initial date / time of request approval. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
filters.finalApprovationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Final date / time of request approval. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
filters.initialApprovationRefundDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Initial date / time of approval of request refund. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
filters.finalApprovationRefundDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Final date / time of approval of request refund. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
filters.finalDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Final date / time of request creation. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
filters.requestNumber |
Number |
20 |
No |
Specific request number to be retrieved. |
filters.page |
String (Enum) |
100 |
No |
Requested page for retrieving request information. Example: 2 |
filters.products |
String (Enum) |
15 |
No |
Product type of the request. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund' |
"amountFlights": 0,
"amountHotels": 0,
"amountRentals": 0,
"amountBus": 0,
"amountServices": 0,
"amountAdvancePayments": 0,
"amountRefunds": 0,
"amountFlightsNationalOnline": 0,
"amountFlightsNationalOffline": 0,
"amountFlightsInternationalOnline": 0,
"amountFlightsInternationalOffline": 0,
"amountHotelsNationalOnline": 0,
"amountHotelsNationalOffline": 0,
"amountHotelsInternationalOnline": 0,
"amountHotelsInternationalOffline": 0,
"amountRentalsNationalOnline": 0,
"amountRentalsNationalOffline": 0,
"amountRentalsInternationalOnline": 0,
"amountRentalsInternationalOffline": 0,
"amountBusNationalOnline": 0,
"amountBusNationalOffline": 0,
"amountBusInternationalOnline": 0,
"amountBusInternationalOffline": 0,
"requestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requestNumber": 0,
"tripStatus": "open",
"expenseStatus": "awaitingIssue",
"advancePaymentStatus": "finalized",
"changeDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
amountFlights |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of flights requested. Example: 2 |
amountHotels |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of hotels requested. Example: 2 |
amountRentals |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of locations in the request. Example: 2 |
amountBus |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of road users in the request. Example: 2 |
amountServices |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of services in the request. Example: 2 |
amountAdvancePayments |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of advance payments for the request. Example: 2 |
amountRefunds |
Number (int) |
100 |
Request refund amount. Example: 2 |
amountFlightsNationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of national online flights request. Example: 2 |
amountFlightsNationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of domestic flights offline request. Example: 2 |
amountFlightsInternationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international online flights requested. Example: 2 |
amountFlightsInternationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international offline flights requested. Example: 2 |
amountHotelsNationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of national hotels online request. Example: 2 |
amountHotelsNationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of national hotels offline request. Example: 2 |
amountHotelsInternationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international hotels online request. Example: 2 |
amountHotelsInternationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international hotels offline request. Example: 2 |
amountRentalsNationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of national online rentals requested. Example: 2 |
amountRentalsNationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Quantity of national offline leases request. Example: 2 |
amountRentalsInternationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international online rentals requested. Example: 2 |
amountRentalsInternationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international offline rentals requested. Example: 2 |
amountBusNationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of national on-line buses requested. Example: 2 |
amountBusNationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of national off-road buses requested. Example: 2 |
amountBusInternationalOnline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international bus lines online request. Example: 2 |
amountBusInternationalOffline |
Number (int) |
100 |
Number of international off-road buses requested. Example: 2 |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requestNumber |
Number (int) |
100 |
Request number returned. Example: 50 |
tripStatus |
String |
32 |
Status of the requisition trip. Example: 'open', 'requested', 'awaitingPermissionAuthorization', 'awaitingQuotation', 'awaitingDefinitionOfReserve', 'reserving', 'awaitingBudget', 'awaitingSelection', 'waitingDefinitionApprover', 'awaitingApprovalOfCost', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'canceled', 'expired', 'rejected', 'finalized' |
expenseStatus |
String |
20 |
Request expense status. Example: 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingLaunch', 'awaitingConfirmation', 'awaitingApproval', 'awaitingPayment', 'finalized' |
advancePaymentStatus |
String |
32 |
Status of the request advance. Example: 'saved', 'awaitingQuotation', 'awaitingSelection', 'awaitingApproval', 'awaitingPayment', 'finalized' |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date/time of request change. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z. |
GET /requests/{requestId}
"agency": "string",
"agencyCode": "string",
"selfTicket": "yes",
"selfBook": "yes",
"typeTrip": "both",
"tripRefunded": "yes",
"country": "string",
"reasonTraveling": "string",
"authorizationCode": "string",
"tripInitialDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"tripFinalDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"expirationDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"quotationDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"emissionDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"selectionDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"requestDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"approvalMeritDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"approvalCostDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"observation": "string",
"conferenceRefundDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"approvalRefundDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"paymentRefundDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"tripCancellationDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"creditAdvancePaymentDate": "2020-02-26T23:50:22.496Z",
"parentRequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"parentRequestNumber": 0,
"requestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requestNumber": 0,
"tripStatus": "open",
"expenseStatus": "awaitingIssue"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
agency |
String |
50 |
Agency name (reason) for the request. Example: RWRD SC |
agencyCode |
String |
50 |
Agency integration code. Example: rwrd-sc |
selfTicket |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the request is a 'SelfTicket' or not. Example: Yes / No |
selfBook |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the request is a 'SelfBook' or not. Example: Yes / No |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
14 |
Type of trip that the request is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
tripRefunded |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the request has been refunded. Example: Yes / No |
country |
String |
255 |
Country name of the request. Example: Brazil |
reasonTraveling |
String |
255 |
Description of the reason for the request. Example: Mission |
authorizationCode |
String |
255 |
Request authorization code. Example: PEC 251735131839.6618.4280 |
tripInitialDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
tripFinalDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
expirationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Expiration date of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
quotationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Request quote date. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
emissionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of issue of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
selectionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of selection of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
requestDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of insertion of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
approvalMeritDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of approval of the merits of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
approvalCostDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of approval of the cost of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
observation |
String |
50 |
Observation of the request. Example: The hotel rate must be discounted. |
conferenceRefundDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Check date for request refund. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
approvalRefundDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Request refund approval date. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
paymentRefundDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of payment of the request refund. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
tripCancellationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Travel cancellation date of the request. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
creditAdvancePaymentDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Request credit advance date. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
parentRequestId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the parent request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
parentRequestNumber |
Number (int) |
100 |
Parent request number. Example: 50 |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
requestNumber |
Number (int) |
100 |
Request number returned. Example: 50 |
tripStatus |
String |
32 |
Request travel status. Example: 'open', 'requested', 'awaitingPermissionAuthorization', 'awaitingQuotation', 'awaitingDefinitionOfReserve', 'reserving', 'awaitingBudget', 'awaitingSelection', 'waitingDefinitionApprover', 'awaitingApprovalOfCost', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingIssue', 'canceled', 'expired', 'rejected', 'finalized' |
expenseStatus |
String |
20 |
Request expense status. Example: 'awaitingIssue', 'awaitingLaunch', 'awaitingConfirmation', 'awaitingApproval', 'awaitingPayment', 'finalized' |
POST /requests/concluderefund/{requestId}
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Request ID that has the refund that must be completed/finalized. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in completing / finalizing the refund. Example: True/False |
GET /requests/roads/terminals
"terminalCity": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
terminalCity |
String |
255 |
Terminal name located in the city. Example: JIQUIRICA (BA, BRAZIL) |
POST /requests
"tripStatus": "open",
"typeTrip": "international",
"reasonTravel": "string",
"observation": "string",
"authorizationCode": "string",
"approvations": [
"login": "string",
"email": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"traveler": {
"login": "string",
"email": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"requester": {
"login": "string",
"email": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"allocations": [
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"percentage": 0,
"levelsCostCenter": [
"level": 0,
"company": "string",
"code": "string",
"acronym": "string",
"description": "string"
"requestFields": [
"field": "string",
"content": "string"
"travelLegs": [
"date": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"origin": "string",
"destination": "string",
"typeDate": "dawnConsideringArrival",
"cabin": "string",
"class": "string",
"observation": "string",
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"card": {
"user": "string",
"formPayment": "string",
"cardNumber": "string"
"advancePayments": [
"expense": "string",
"coin": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"value": 0,
"observation": "string"
"hotels": [
"checkin": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"checkout": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"hotel": "string",
"city": "string",
"cityId": 0,
"typeApartament": "double",
"bedType": "singleType",
"observation": "string",
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"card": {
"user": "string",
"formPayment": "string",
"cardNumber": "string"
"rentals": [
"vehicleCategory": "economic",
"airConditioning": true,
"driver": true,
"carType": "manual",
"provider": "string",
"pickUp": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"dropOff": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"pickUpLocation": "string",
"dropOffLocation": "string",
"observation": "string",
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"card": {
"user": "string",
"formPayment": "string",
"cardNumber": "string"
"roadLegs": [
"originCity": "string",
"originTerminal": "string",
"destinationCity": "string",
"destinationTerminal": "string",
"originCountryCode": 0,
"destinationCountryCode": 0,
"origin": "string",
"destination": "string",
"originCityCode": 0,
"destinationCityCode": 0,
"date": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"schedule": "string",
"period": "AnyTime",
"typeWindowTime": "Undefined",
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"card": {
"user": "string",
"formPayment": "string",
"cardNumber": "string"
"services": [
"service": "string",
"quantidade": 0,
"date": "2020-03-25T13:23:35.611Z",
"observation": "string",
"requestFields": [
"field": "string",
"content": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
tripStatus |
String (Enum) |
36 |
Yes |
Request travel status. Example: 'open', 'awaitingQuotation'. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Yes |
Trip type of request. Example: 'botd', 'international', 'domestic' |
reasonTravel |
String |
40 |
Yes |
Description of the reason for travel registered with the client. Example: Training, Delivery, Meeting with the Client |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Observation entered by the user at the time of requesting the road. Example: "Validate quote for 2 offline orders" |
autdorizationCode |
String |
255 |
No |
Card authorization code linked to expense. Example: 9573 |
traveler |
UserInfo (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting traveler information from the request |
requester |
UserInfo (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the requestor's information from the request |
allocations |
UserInfo (Object) |
1 |
Yes |
Object responsible for transporting information from request allocations |
requestFields |
RequestField (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the information from the managerial fields of the request |
travelLegs |
Leg (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting information from air stretches |
advancePayments |
AdvancePaymentsRQ (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for carrying down payment information |
hotels |
HotelRQ (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting hotel information |
rentals |
RentalRQ (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the rental information from the request |
roadLegs |
Leg (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the information from the road section of the request |
services |
ServiceRQ (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the request service information |
approvations |
Object responsible for carrying the information of the request approvers |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
login |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Login of the user approving the request. Example: approver.um |
email |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Email of the user approving the request. Example: aprovador.um@argo.com |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Full name of the user approving the request. Example: Principal Approver |
traveler |
Object responsible for transporting traveler information from the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
login |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Login of the traveling user of the request. Example: traveler.um |
email |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Traveling user email of the request. Example: traveler.um@argo.com |
fullName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Full name of the traveling user of the request. Example: Main Traveler |
requester |
Object responsible for transporting the requestor's information from the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
login |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Login of the user requesting the request. Example: viajante.um |
email |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Email of the user requesting the request. Example: viajante.um@argo.com |
fullName |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Full name of the user requesting the request. Example: Main Traveler |
allocations |
Object responsible for transporting information from request allocations |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost center code. Example: 128031/26 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Serv. Sup. VP FCA (Nordeste) /Serv.Trecho-EEOEEN |
companyName |
String |
30 |
No |
Name of the company linked to the Cost Center. Example: Volpiano Support and Supervision |
percentage |
Number (Double) |
3 |
Yes |
Percentage of attribution of the debit to the Cost Center. Example: 15.50 |
levelsCostCenter |
LevelCostCenterVM (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for carrying the information from the cost center levels of the allocation of the request |
levelsCostCenter |
Object responsible for carrying the information from the cost center levels of the allocation of the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
level |
Number (Integer) |
100 |
No |
Cost center level linked to the cost center. Example: 1, 2 |
company |
String |
255 |
No |
Company linked to the cost center. Example: Volpiano Support and Supervision - Branch |
code |
String |
30 |
Yes |
Cost center code. Example: 128031/26 |
acronym |
String |
10 |
No |
Acronym for Cost Center. Example: CCVPFCA |
description |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Description of the Cost Center. Example: Serv. Sup. VP FCA (Nordeste) /Serv.Trecho-EEOEEN - Branch |
requestFields |
Object responsible for transporting information from the managerial fields of the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
field |
String |
255 |
No |
Managerial field identifier. Example: provisorio_argo_division |
content |
String |
255 |
No |
Content inserted in the management field. Example: Provisorio |
travelLegs |
Object responsible for transporting information from air stretches |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
origin |
String |
50 |
Yes |
City of origin of the trip segment. Example: Campinas |
destination |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Destination city of the trip segment. Example: São Paulo |
date |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Excerpt date. Example: 2019-02-05 |
schedule |
String |
255 |
No |
Section time. Example: 06 |
period |
String (Enum) |
12 |
No |
Period of the stretch. Example: 'AnyTime', 'EarlyMorning', 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening', 'Defined' |
typeWindowTime |
String (Enum) |
9 |
No |
Time window type of the segment. Example: 'Undefined', 'departure', 'arrival' |
formPayment |
FormPayment (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the information on the payment method for the air leg |
advancePayments |
Object responsible for carrying down payment information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
expense |
String |
255 |
No |
Name of the company linked to the Cost Center. Example: Volpiano Support and Supervision |
coin |
String |
3 |
No |
Type of currency used by the apartment. Example: BRL |
quantity |
Number |
100 |
No |
Amount of advance payment. Example: 2 |
value |
Number |
100 |
No |
Advance amount. Example: 15.00 |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Advance notice. Example: Payment of hotel with expenses paid by the company for the local holiday period |
hotels |
Object responsible for transporting hotel information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
checkin |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Hotel check-in date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
checkout |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Hotel checkout date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
hotel |
String |
50 |
No |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
city |
String |
50 |
No |
City where the hotel is located. Example: RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ |
cityId |
Number |
100 |
Id of the city where the hotel is located. Example: |
typeApartament |
String |
50 |
No |
Type of apartment booked. Example: Single |
bedType |
String |
50 |
No |
Type of bed in the booked apartment. Example: Single |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Observations regarding the rented hotel. |
formPayment |
FormPayment (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the information of the payment method of the accommodation |
rentals |
Object responsible for transporting the rental information from the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
vehicleCategory |
String (Enum) |
12 |
No |
Category to which the vehicle belongs. Example: 'economy', 'intermediate', 'superior', 'compact', 'special' |
airConditioning |
string |
5 |
No |
Field that indicates whether the vehicle has air conditioning or not. Example: true / false |
driver |
string |
3 |
No |
Flag indicating that the vehicle will be hired with a driver |
carType |
String (Enum) |
10 |
No |
Type of vehicle steering. Example: automatic / manual |
provider |
String |
100 |
No |
Provider where the rental information will be requested. Example: AMADEUSWS |
pickUp |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Date of vehicle pickup. Example: 2019-08-18T12: 00: 00 |
dropOff |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Vehicle return date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
pickUpLocation |
String |
255 |
No |
Vehicle pick-up location. Example: São Paulo / SP, Brazil (SAO) |
dropOffLocation |
String |
255 |
No |
Vehicle return location. Example: Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil - Galeao (GIG) |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Observations regarding the rented vehicle. Example: The vehicle has a problem with the lower left door. |
formPayment |
FormPayment (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the rental payment method information |
roadLegs |
Object responsible for transporting the information from the road section of the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
originCity |
String |
50 |
Yes |
City of origin of the trip segment. Example: Campinas |
originTerminal |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Terminal of origin of the trip segment. Example: CAMPINAS (SP, BRAZIL) / SP, Brazil (CPQ) |
destinationCity |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Destination city of the trip segment. Example: São Paulo |
destinationTerminal |
String |
50 |
No |
Destination terminal of the trip segment. Example: SÃO PAULO - TIETE (SP, BRAZIL) / SP, Brazil (SAO) |
originCountryCode |
Number (Integer) |
100 |
No |
Code of the country of origin of the section. Example: 29 |
destinationCountryCode |
Number (Integer) |
100 |
No |
Code of the destination country of the section. Example: 29 |
originCityCode |
Number (Integer) |
100 |
No |
Code of the city of origin of the section. Example: 4831 |
destinationCityCode |
Number (Integer) |
100 |
No |
Code of the destination city of the section. Example: 5287 |
origin |
String |
50 |
No |
City of origin of the trip segment. Example: Campinas |
destination |
String |
50 |
No |
Destination city of the trip segment. Example: São Paulo |
date |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
No |
Excerpt date. Example: 2019-02-05 |
schedule |
String |
255 |
No |
Section time. Example: 06 |
period |
String (Enum) |
12 |
No |
Period of the stretch. Example: 'AnyTime', 'EarlyMorning', 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening', 'Defined' |
typeWindowTime |
String (Enum) |
9 |
No |
Time window type of the segment. Example: 'Undefined', 'departure', 'arrival' |
formPayment |
FormPayment (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the payment method information of the request |
Object responsible for transporting the request service information
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
service |
String |
255 |
No |
Service Name. Example: Purchase of Luggage |
quantidade |
Number |
50 |
No |
Number of services in the request. Example: 1 |
date |
String |
24 |
No |
Service date. Example: 2020-01-08T15: 00: 00 |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Service observation. Example: Airport service request |
requestFields |
ManagementFieldRSVM (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting information from management fields= |
requestFields |
Object responsible for transporting information from management fields |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
content |
String |
50 |
No |
Content displayed in the field. Example: 1/8/2003 |
field |
String |
50 |
No |
Field identifier. Example: sustentacao_ajweg_checkin3 |
formPayment |
Object responsible for carrying the product's payment method information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
No |
Description of the payment method of the request. Example: Billed |
card |
Card (Object) |
1 |
No |
Object responsible for transporting the card information used by the request |
card |
Object responsible for transporting the card information used by the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
user |
String |
255 |
No |
User name card user. Example: Maurício |
formPayment |
String |
255 |
No |
Type of Card Billing. Example: |
cardNumber |
String |
255 |
No |
Card number. Example: 3216-8394-9403-0604 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
nroSolic |
Number (int) |
10 |
Generated request number. Example: 2 |
POST /requests/cancel/{requestId}
"product": "air",
"cancelReason": "string",
"stretchId": 0
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
product |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Yes |
Product information to be canceled. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'road', 'advancedPayment', 'refund', 'all' |
cancelReason |
String |
255 |
Yes |
Description of why the request is being canceled. Example: Canceled By System Administrator - Reason Cancellation: Canceled by the CANEXP automatic cancellation policy |
stretchId |
Number |
3 |
No |
ID of the segment to be canceled. Example: for two-segment-request of which you want to cancel only the first one, stretchId field must be 1. |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in canceling the request. Example: True / False |
POST /requests/{requestId}/issue
"hotel": [
"accommodationId": 1,
"quotationId": 1,
"voucher": "321123",
"voucherDate": "2022-02-09T12:10:47.674Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
accommodationId |
Int |
1 |
Yes |
Accomodation ID to be issued |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Yes |
ID of the quotation to be issued |
voucher |
String |
20 |
Yes |
Voucher number |
voucherDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Yes |
Voucher Issuing date |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
500 |
Success or failure in using the service. |
Through this service it is possible to identify the information of the travel consultant / attendant of the open request in Argo.
GET /requests/{requestId}/agents
"state": "string",
"city": "string",
"gender": "string",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
state |
String |
2 |
State of the request attendant. Exemple: SP |
city |
String |
50 |
City of the request attendant. Exemple: São Paulo |
gender |
String |
6 |
Gender of the request attendant. Exemple: female |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
User identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
24 |
Request attendant contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
24 |
Request attendant login. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
3 |
First name of the request attendant Example: Roberto |
lastName |
Int |
5 |
Last name of the request attendant. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the request attendant. Example: 995463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
8 |
Flag that indicates whether the attendant is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
23 |
Group in which the user is inserted. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
Through this method it is possible to recover the Debit Allocation (Form of payment) used in a given request. To retrieve this information, it is necessary to have the Request ID you wish to consult.
GET /requests/{requestId}/allocations
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"companyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"companyName": "string",
"companyCode": "string",
"companyReference": "string",
"percentage": 0,
"ledgerAccountCode": "string",
"ledgerAccountDescription": "string",
"projectCode": "string",
"projectDescription": "string",
"levelsCostCenters": [
"costCenterCode": "string",
"costCenterDescription": "string",
"level": 0,
"companyName": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost Center code that the debt allocation is related to. Example: 001 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the Cost Center that the debt allocation is related to. Example: Development |
companyId |
String (Guid) |
36 |
Company id that is related to debt allocation. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
companyName |
String |
30 |
Name of the company that is related to the allocation of debt. Example: Argo |
companyCode |
String |
30 |
Company integration code that is related to debt allocation. Example: 50043 |
companyReference |
String |
30 |
Reference of the company that is related to the allocation of debt. Example: 0001/006433 |
percentage |
Integer |
3 |
Percentage that was linked to debt allocation. Example: 50 |
ledgerAccountCode |
String |
20 |
Accounting account code related to debt allocation. Example: 111 |
ledgerAccountDescription |
String |
50 |
Accounting account description related to debt allocation. Example: Argo Accounting Account |
projectCode |
String |
30 |
Project code related to debt allocation. Example: EB4008_VG_25B8750VGN_VN |
projectDescription |
String |
50 |
Project description related to debt allocation. Example: Innovation Activities |
levelsCostCenters |
Levels of Cost Centers linked to debt allocation |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
costCenterCode |
String |
30 |
Cost center code related to debt allocation. Example: 002 |
costCenterDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the cost center related to debt allocation. Example: Argo Cost Center |
level |
Integer |
3 |
Cost center level related to debt allocation. Example: 001 |
companyName |
String |
30 |
Company name related to debt allocation. Example: Argo Solutions |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the data of the approvers of a specific request. To do this, it is necessary to have the ID of the request you want to consult. In addition, through the PUT it is possible to approve / disapprove a request.
GET /requests/{requestId}/approvals
"approver": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"realApprover": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"approved": "yes",
"approvalDate": "2020-03-06T14:32:24.607Z"
approver |
Object contains the approving user information related to the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Id of the client to which the approver is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Approver user id. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
256 |
E-mail of the approving user. Example: pedro.silva@argo.com |
login |
String |
256 |
Approver user login. Example: pedro.silva |
firstName |
String |
20 |
First name of the approving user. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Last name of the approver user. Example: Silva |
telephone |
String |
30 |
Approver user's phone. Example: 5511998525545 |
fax |
String |
30 |
Approver user fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
registration |
Strin |
20 |
Approval user registration. Example: 464545 |
thirdParty |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the approving user is a “third party”. Example: Yes / No |
groups |
String(Enum) |
10 |
Group that the approving user belongs to. Example: admin, financial, manager, user. |
rg |
String |
14 |
RG (national civil identification document in Brazil) of the approving user. Example: 265487745 |
cpf |
String |
12 |
CPF (person registration in Brazil) of the approving user. Example: 36548425612 |
passport |
String |
20 |
Passport of the approving user. Example: BR123456 |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
Approval user registration. Example: 464545 |
fullName |
String |
100 |
Full name of the approving user. Example: Pedro Silva |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
department |
String |
50 |
Department linked to the registration of the approving user. Example: Development |
realApprover |
Object contains the information of the user who approved the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Id of the client to which the approver is linked. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Approver user id. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
256 |
E-mail of the approving user. Example: pedro.silva@argo.com |
login |
String |
256 |
Approver user login. Example: pedro.silva |
firstName |
String |
20 |
First name of the approving user. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Last name of the approver user. Example: Silva |
telephone |
String |
30 |
Approver user's phone. Example: 5511998525545 |
fax |
String |
30 |
Approver user fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
registration |
String |
20 |
Approval user registration. Example: 464545 |
thirdParty |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the approving user is a “third party”. Example: Yes / No |
groups |
String(Enum) |
10 |
Group that the approving user belongs to. Example: admin, financial, manager, user. |
rg |
String |
14 |
RG (national civil identification document in Brazil) of the approving user. Example: 265487745 |
cpf |
String |
12 |
CPF (person registration in Brazil) of the approving user. Example: 36548425612 |
passport |
String |
20 |
Passport of the approving user. Example: BR123456 |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
Approval user registration. Example: 464545 |
fullName |
String |
100 |
Full name of the approving user. Example: Pedro Silva |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
department |
String |
50 |
Department linked to the registration of the approving user. Example: Development |
approved |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the request has an approved status. Example: Yes |
approvalDate |
String(Datetime) |
24 |
Date the request was approved. Example: 2020-03-06T14: 32: 24.607Z |
PUT /requests/{requestId}/approvals
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
typeOfReprovation |
String(Enum) |
7 |
Yes |
Type of product to be approved / disapproved. Example: air, rental, hotels, road, advancedPayment, conference, refund |
action |
String(Enum) |
10 |
No |
Action to be taken in relation to the Request. Example: approve, disapprove |
approver |
Object contains the approving user's information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
numberList |
Number(Integer) |
100 |
No |
Number in the list of approvers. Example: 1 |
representative |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver is a delegate. Example: Yes, No |
allocation |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver has allocation. Example: Yes, No |
level |
String(Enum) |
3 |
No |
Whether the approver has a level. Example: Yes, No |
scope |
Number(Decimal) |
100 |
No |
The Argo system allows the creation of approval structures by range of values for the types of "sequential" and "single". This property allows defining the scope registered in the structure |
email |
String |
256 |
Yes |
E-mail of the approving user. Example: argo@useargo.com |
login |
String |
256 |
Yes |
Approver user login. Example: argo.teste |
fullName |
String |
100 |
No |
Full name of the approving user. Example: João Silva |
reason |
String |
200 |
No |
Reason for approval / disapproval. Example: Value above the allowed |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
String(Enum) |
5 |
Action return message. Example: True / False |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the data of an air quote entered in a request. To obtain this data, it is necessary to inform the OS ID.
For more information on air quotes, consult the Wiki.
GET /requests/{requestId}/flights/quotations
"webServiceId": "string",
"locator": "string",
"ticket": "string",
"ticketDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"coin": "string",
"bacenCodeCoin": "string",
"taxCoin": "string",
"justificationLegs": [
"type": "string",
"description": "string"
"bacenCodeCoinTaxCode": "string",
"codeAgreementApplied": "string",
"taxValue": 0,
"taxIva": 0,
"taxTua": 0,
"otherTax": 0,
"ticketValue": 0,
"ticketValueMore": 0,
"ticketValueLess": 0,
"ticketExchange": 0,
"valueTicketReference": 0,
"exchangeTax": 0,
"totalValue": 0,
"approvedTotalValue": 0,
"fullFare": 0,
"departureDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"reissue": {
"reissueOriginalTicket": "string",
"reissueNumberMcoCredit": "string",
"reissueDateMcoCredit": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"reissueValueMcoCredit": 0,
"reissueNumberEmdFine": "string",
"reissueDateEmdFine": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"emdAuthorizationReissue": "string",
"reissueAmountEmdFine": 0
"arrivalDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"immediateIssue": true,
"onlineIssue": true,
"observation": "string",
"id": "string",
"quotationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"online": "yes",
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"typePayment": "invoiced",
"code": "string",
"air": "yes",
"hotels": "yes",
"rental": "yes",
"service": "yes",
"bus": "yes",
"restrictive": "yes",
"alternativeUATP": "yes",
"card": {
"paymentName": "string",
"name": "string",
"cardNumber": "string",
"flag": "string",
"active": "yes",
"providerId": "string",
"webServiceId": "string",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"billingCode": "string",
"billingDescription": "string"
"cardAuthorization": "string"
"issuedOnline": "yes",
"agentUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"issuerUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"airOffereds": [
"id": "string",
"airline": "string",
"numberFlight": "string",
"date": "string",
"hour": "string",
"scales": 0,
"connections": 0,
"amount": "string",
"totalAmount": 0,
"grouped": "yes"
"airQuotedsLegs": [
"LegId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"parentLegId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"quantityScales": 0,
"quantityConnections": 0,
"departureDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"arrivalDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"departure": "string",
"departureDescription": "string",
"departureCity": "string",
"departureCountry": "string",
"arrival": "string",
"arrivalDescription": "string",
"arrivalCity": "string",
"arrivalCountry": "string",
"cabin": "string",
"cabinClass": "string",
"fareCode": "string",
"marketingAirline": "string",
"marketingAirlineDescription": "string",
"operationAirline": "string",
"operationAirlineDescription": "string",
"departureTerminal": "string",
"flightNumber": "string",
"aircraft": "string",
"seat": "string",
"observation": "string",
"locatorAirline": "string",
"brandedName": "string"
"feesLeg": [
"feeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"finalDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"initialHour": "string",
"finalHour": "string",
"dayWeek": "monday",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"typeTrip": "both",
"action": "quotation",
"online": "yes",
"service": "air",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0,
"ceilingPrice": 0,
"inclusionDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
Code of the web service where the air quote was consulted. Example: GOL |
locator |
String |
10 |
Reservation locator. Example: ZN3FYK |
ticket |
String |
20 |
Ticket number. Example: XQL6MX |
ticketDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Ticket issue date. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency used in the quote. Example: BRL |
bacenCodeCoin |
Number(int) |
14 |
Currency code according to the Bacen table, related to air price. Example: 790 |
taxCoin |
Number(double) |
16 |
Currency exchange rate related to air quote. Example: BRL |
justificationLegs |
Object responsible for returning the justification of the air quote |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
type |
String |
255 |
Type of justification. Example: REPHOS, ESCAER, ESCHOS |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the justification. Example: The chosen flight has a value above that allowed. |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
bacenCodeCoinTaxCode |
Number(int) |
14 |
Bacen code for currency exchange rate. Example: 790 |
codeAgreementApplied |
String |
50 |
Codeshare code of the airline that sold the ticket. Example: JJ124 |
taxValue |
Number(double) |
16 |
Ticket fee amount. Example: 65.9 |
taxIva |
Number(decimal) |
16 |
Sum of IVA ticket fees. Example: 80.9 |
taxTua |
Number(decimal) |
16 |
Sum of TUA fees on the ticket. Example: 120.6 |
otherTax |
Number(decimal) |
16 |
Sum of other ticket fees. Example: 37.1 |
ticketValue |
Number(double) |
16 |
Ticket / ticket value. Example: 1460.97 |
ticketValueMore |
Number(double) |
16 |
Value added to the ticket price. Example: 0 |
ticketValueLess |
Number(double) |
16 |
Value decreased to the ticket value. Example: 0 |
ticketExchange |
Number(double) |
16 |
Ticket exchange value. Example: 1 |
valueTicketReference |
Number(double) |
16 |
Ticket reference value. Example: 1718.1 |
exchangeTax |
Number(double) |
16 |
Exchange rate value. Example: 1 |
totalValue |
Number(double) |
16 |
total ticket value. Example: 1526.87 |
approvedTotalValue |
Number(double) |
16 |
Total value approved for quotation. Example: 1525.87 |
fullFare |
Number(double) |
16 |
Full fare value of the flight related to the quote. Example: 4398 |
departureDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Flight departure date related to the quote. Example: 2020-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
reissue |
Object responsible for returning ticket reissue information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
reissueOriginalTicket |
String |
20 |
Ticket number that was reissued. Example: 9572388231627 |
reissueNumberMcoCredit |
String |
20 |
Ticket number reissued with MCO (Miscellaneous charges order) credit. Example: 9572388231929 |
reissueDateMcoCredit |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Ticket date reissued with MCO (Miscellaneous charges order) credit. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
reissueValueMcoCredit |
Number(Decimal) |
16 |
Ticket value reissued with MCO (Miscellaneous charges order) credit. Example: 850.00 |
reissueNumberEmdFine |
String |
20 |
EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) number with the reissue fine. Example: EGSD / V6X / SC-PENF |
reissueDateEmdFine |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) date with the reissue fine. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
emdAuthorizationReissue |
String |
20 |
EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) authorization code for the reissue. Example: 072189 |
reissueAmountEmdFine |
Number(Decimal) |
16 |
Amount of the EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) fine for the reissue. Example: 150.00 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
arrivalDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Flight arrival date. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
immediateIssue |
Boolean |
5 |
Ownership indicates whether the issue was carried out immediately. Example: false |
onlineIssue |
Boolean |
5 |
Property indicates whether the issue was On-Line. Example: true |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observations regarding quotation. Example: Quoted with a value higher than expected. |
id |
Number(int) |
50 |
Flight identification ID in the air quote. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Number(int) |
50 |
Id for identifying quotes. If an air segment has 7 quotes, it is this variable that will be increased |
online |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the reservation was made through the On-Line module. Example: yes / no |
formPayment |
Object responsible for returning the payment method information for the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the payment method of the request. Example: Billed |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Payment types used in the request. Example: 'direct Payment', 'creditCard', 'governmentBody', 'invoiced' |
code |
String |
50 |
Payment method integration code. (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'TIPOFATURA1010' |
Air |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether the payment method can be used for the purchase of air. Example: yes / no |
hotels |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment method can be used to purchase accommodation. Example: yes / no |
rental |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the purchase of Lease. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether the payment method can be used to purchase the Service. Example: yes / no |
bus |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the acquisition of Rodoviário. Example: yes / no |
restrictive |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether the billing is of the restrictive type. Example: yes / no |
alternativeUATP |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the billing is of the UATP type. Example: yes / no |
card |
Object responsible for returning credit card information related to payment method |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
paymentName |
String |
50 |
Name of the payment method of the card. Example: Credit card |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of card holder. Example: Argo Cartão |
cardNumber |
String |
255 |
Card number. Example: 3216-8394-9403-0604 |
flag |
String |
50 |
Indicates the card's flag. Example: Visa, Mastercard |
active |
String |
3 |
Field indicates whether the card is active. Example: yes / no |
providerId |
String |
50 |
Card provider identifier. Example: T0009015590A999118 |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
Card's WebService identifier (Virtual card only). Example: B2BPAY, WEX, CONFERMA |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
billingCode |
String |
50 |
Payment method billing code. Example: BV5 |
billingDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the billing code of the form of payment. Example: TOTAL BILLING FOR THE AGENCY |
cardAuthorization |
String |
50 |
Inform the authorization number of the card (when the option to pay the way) on the issue of air. |
issuedOnline |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the quote was issued online. Example: Yes, No |
agentUser |
Object responsible for returning the information of the attending user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
User identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
OS attendant contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
Request attendant login. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
255 |
First name of the request attendant Example: Roberto |
lastName |
String |
255 |
Last name of the request attendant. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the request attendant. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the request attendant. Example: 9 95463154 |
registration |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
thirdParty |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Flag that indicates whether the attendant is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String(Enum) |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted: Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
passport |
String |
20 |
User passport number. Example: BR123456 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Attendant user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Operational |
issuerUser |
Object responsible for returning the issuing user's information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
User identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
Contact email of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
Login of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
255 |
First name of the issuer of the request Example: Roberto |
lastName |
String |
255 |
Last name of the issuer of the request. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
registration |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
thirdParty |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Flag that indicates whether the issuer is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String(Enum) |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
passport |
String |
20 |
User passport number. Example: BR123456 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Main Emitter |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Issuing user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Operational |
airOffereds |
Object responsible for returning the information of the flights offered |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
String |
5 |
Flight ID offered. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
airline |
String |
50 |
Airline quote. Example: G3 |
numberFlight |
String |
4 |
Flight number of the quote. Example: 1557 |
date |
String |
40 |
Flight date. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
hour |
String |
20 |
Flight time. Example: 07:05 |
scales |
String |
4 |
Number of stops the flight has. Example: 0 |
connections |
String |
4 |
Number of connections the flight has. Example: 0 |
amount |
String |
100 |
Ticket value. Example: 1150.00 |
totalAmount |
Number |
100 |
Total ticket value. Example: 1715.00 |
grouped |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the flight was grouped in a locator. Example: Yes, No |
airQuotedsLegs |
Object responsible for returning the information of the offered sections |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
LegId |
String(Enum) |
36 |
ID of the offered section. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
parentLegId |
String(Enum) |
36 |
Snippet ID "Parent". Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
quantityScales |
Number(Int) |
100 |
Number of scales of the stretch. Example: 2 |
quantityConnections |
Number(Int) |
100 |
Number of connections of the section. Example: 1 |
departureDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Departure date of the leg. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
arrivalDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Arrival date of the leg. Example: 2020-09-19T16: 48: 22.490Z |
departure |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the airport of origin. Example: SAO, GIG |
departureDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the city of origin. Example: São Paulo |
departureCity |
String |
50 |
City of origin of the section. Example: São Paulo |
departureCountry |
String |
50 |
Country of Origin of the section. Example: Brazil |
arrival |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the destination airport. Example: SAO, GIG |
arrivalDescription |
String |
50 |
Destination airport description. Example: Congonhas |
arrivalCity |
String |
50 |
Destination airport city. Example: São Paulo |
arrivalCountry |
String |
50 |
Destination destination country. Example: Brazil |
cabin |
String |
1 |
Class of service, that is, the cabin that will be used. Example: Y |
cabinClass |
String |
5 |
Tariff class of the stretch. Example: W |
fareCode |
String |
2000 |
Code that contains important information about the flight. Example: K100BG/OWNR/N§0~{0}31~X |
marketingAirline |
String |
3 |
S airline that sold the ticket. Example: JJ, G3 |
marketingAirlineDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the airline that sold the ticket. Example: Latam, Passaredo, Azul |
operationAirline |
String |
3 |
Airline operating the section. Example: JJ, G3 |
operationAirlineDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the airline operating the stretch. Example: Latam, Passaredo, Azul |
departureTerminal |
String |
100 |
Name of the originating terminal. Example: Congonhas |
flightNumber |
String |
5 |
Flight number. Example: 1890, 3557 |
aircraft |
String |
30 |
Aircraft model. Example: E95 |
seat |
String |
60 |
Aircraft seat number. Example: 18D |
observation |
String |
200 |
Relevant observations related to the stretch. Example: Emergency meeting |
locatorAirline |
String |
10 |
Airline locator. Example: SZFOEV |
brandedName |
String |
1000 |
Through this property it is possible to find flight's fare family description. e.g. Azul |
feesLeg |
Object responsible for returning the fee information for the air quote segments |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
feeId |
Int |
50 |
Fee identification ID linked to the request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
initialHour |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Request start time. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalHour |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End time of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
dayWeek |
String |
10 |
Day of the week. Example: 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday' |
name |
String |
50 |
Fee name. Example: Experience Bundle |
description |
String |
1024 |
Fee Description. Example: R$ 15.00 will be charged for Issuing Bundle of National or International sections, made Online or Offline. For all requests (opened from 29/11/2019) on this client. If the call is made between 00:00 and 23:59. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the 'fee' is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
action |
String |
13 |
Type of action taken to collect the Fee. Example: 'quotation', 'ticketing' |
online |
String |
3 |
Field that informs if the fee is related to an online transaction. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
7 |
Type of service that the fee includes. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'bus', 'bundle' |
amount |
Number |
100 |
Fee amount. Example: 20 |
percentage |
Number |
100 |
Fee percentage. Example: 5 |
ceilingPrice |
Number |
100 |
Fee ceiling value. Example: 35 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Fee inclusion date. Example: 2020-03-11T19:29:50.873Z |
PUT /requests/{requestId}/flights/quotations
"quotationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"legs": [
"legId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"webServiceId": "string",
"departure": "string",
"arrival": "string",
"flightDate": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"departureDate": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"arrivalDate": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"days": "string",
"compartment": "string",
"cabinClass": "string",
"operationAirline": "string",
"flightNumber": "string",
"quantityScales": 0,
"quantityConnections": 0,
"aircraft": "string",
"seat": "string",
"fareCode": "string",
"baggage": "string",
"refund": "string",
"flightChange": "string",
"connections": [
"legId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"operationAirline": "string",
"departure": "string",
"arrival": "string",
"compartment": "string",
"flightDate": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"arrivalDate": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"departureHour": "string",
"arrivalHour": "string",
"scales": 0,
"flightNumber": "string",
"aircraft": "string",
"cabinClass": "string",
"seat": "string",
"fareCode": "string",
"airlineLocator": "string"
"payment": {
"formPaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"receipt": "string",
"codeAgreementApplied": "string",
"ciaValidator": "string"
"ticketNumber": "string",
"ticketDate": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"ticketCurrency": "string",
"ticketValue": 0,
"tax": 0,
"taxCurrency": "string",
"reference": 0,
"fullFare": 0,
"reissue": {
"reissueOriginalTicket": "string",
"reissueNumberMcoCredit": "string",
"reissueDateMcoCredit": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"reissueValueMcoCredit": 0,
"reissueNumberEmdFine": "string",
"reissueDateEmdFine": "2023-12-18T15:18:34.248Z",
"emdAuthorizationReissue": "string",
"reissueAmountEmdFine": 0
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Request ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
quotationId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Yes |
Quotation id. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
legId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Yes |
ID of the offered section. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
No |
Code of the web service where the air quote was consulted. Example: GOL |
departure |
String |
3 |
No |
Acronym of the airport of origin. Example: SAO, GIG |
arrival |
String |
3 |
No |
Acronym of the destination airport. Example: SAO, GIG |
flightDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Ticket date. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
departureDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Flight departure date related to the quote. Example: 2020-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
arrivalDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Arrival date of the leg. Example: 2020-09-19T16: 48: 22.490Z |
days |
String |
50 |
No |
Number of days the trip will last. Example: 1 |
compartment |
String |
1 |
No |
Class of service, that is, the cabin that will be used. Example: Y |
cabinClass |
String |
5 |
No |
Tariff class of the stretch. Example: W |
operationAirline |
String |
3 |
No |
Airline operating the section. Example: JJ, G3 |
flightNumber |
String |
5 |
No |
Flight number. Example: 1890, 3557 |
quantityScales |
Number(Int) |
100 |
No |
Quantity of scales of the stretch. Example: 2 |
quantityConnections |
Number(Int) |
100 |
No |
Quantity of connections of the section. Example: 1 |
aircraft |
String |
30 |
No |
Aircraft model. Example: E95 |
seat |
String |
60 |
No |
Aircraft seat number. Example: 18D |
fareCode |
String |
2000 |
No |
Code that contains important information about the flight. Example: K100BG/OWNR/N§0~{0}31~X |
baggage |
String |
1 |
No |
Informs the use of baggage on the flight. Example: 1 (for Yes) or 0 (for No) |
refund |
String |
1 |
No |
Informs if there was any refund for the trip. Example: 1 (for Yes) or 0 (for No) |
flightChange |
String |
1 |
No |
Informs if there was a flight change on the trip. Example: 1 (for Yes) or 0 (for No) |
ticketNumber |
String |
20 |
No |
Ticket number. Example: XQL6MX |
ticketDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Ticket issue date. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
ticketCurrency |
String |
3 |
No |
Currency used on the ticket. Example: USD |
ticketValue |
Number(double) |
16 |
No |
Ticket Value. Example: 65.9 |
tax |
Number(double) |
16 |
No |
Ticket fee amount. Example: 65.9 |
taxCurrency |
String |
3 |
No |
Tax currency. Example: BRL |
reference |
Number(double) |
16 |
No |
Reference ticket value. Example: 1718.1 |
fullFare |
Number(double) |
16 |
No |
Full fare value of the flight related to the quote. Example: 4398 |
connections |
Object responsible for returning the information of connections of the section |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
legId |
Guid |
36 |
Connections legId. Examplo: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
operationAirline |
String |
3 |
Airline operating the connection. Example: JJ, G3 |
departure |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the airport of origin of the connection. Example: SAO, GIG |
arrival |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the destination airport of the connection. Example: SAO, GIG |
compartment |
String |
1 |
Class of service, that is, the cabin that will be used on the connection. Example: Y |
flightDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Departure date of the connection. Example: 2019-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
arrivalDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Arrival date of the connection. Example: 2020-09-19T16: 48: 22.490Z |
departureHour |
String |
5 |
Departure hour of the connection. Example: 11:30 |
arrivalHour |
String |
5 |
Arrival hour of the connection. Example: 11:30 |
scales |
Number(Int) |
100 |
Quantity of scales of the connection. Example: 2 |
flightNumber |
String |
1 |
Flight number of the connection. Example: 1890, 3557 |
aircraft |
String |
30 |
Aircraft model of the connection. Example: E95 |
cabinClass |
String |
5 |
Tariff class of the connection. Example: W |
seat |
String |
60 |
Aircraft seat number of the connection. Example: 18D |
fareCode |
String |
2000 |
Code that contains important information about the flight. Example: K100BG/OWNR/N§0~{0}31~X |
airlineLocator |
String |
1 |
Airline locator of the connection. Example: JJ |
payment |
Object responsible for returning the payment method information for the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
Billing type ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
cardId |
Guid |
36 |
Card ID used in the billing type. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
receipt |
String |
50 |
Receipt of the billing type. Example: 'Cartão Cadastrado' |
codeAgreementApplied |
String |
50 |
Codeshare code of the airline that sold the ticket. Example: JJ124 |
ciaValidator |
String |
3 |
Cia validator. Example: JJ, G3 |
reissue |
Object responsible for returning ticket reissue information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
reissueOriginalTicket |
String |
20 |
Ticket number that was reissued. Example: 9572388231627 |
reissueNumberMcoCredit |
String |
20 |
Ticket number reissued with MCO (Miscellaneous charges order) credit. Example: 9572388231929 |
reissueDateMcoCredit |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Ticket date reissued with MCO (Miscellaneous charges order) credit. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
reissueValueMcoCredit |
Number(Decimal) |
16 |
Ticket value reissued with MCO (Miscellaneous charges order) credit. Example: 850.00 |
reissueNumberEmdFine |
String |
20 |
EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) number with the reissue fine. Example: EGSD / V6X / SC-PENF |
reissueDateEmdFine |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) date with the reissue fine. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
emdAuthorizationReissue |
String |
20 |
EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) authorization code for the reissue. Example: 072189 |
reissueAmountEmdFine |
Number(Decimal) |
16 |
Amount of the EMD (Electronic Miscellaneous Document) fine for the reissue. Example: 150.00 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in the changing of the flight quotation. Example: True/False |
Through this method it is possible to recover Fees charged in a given request. To perform this query, it is necessary to inform the OS ID. For more information about fee, consult the Wiki.
GET /requests/{requestId}/fees
"feeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.204Z",
"finalDate": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.204Z",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"typeTrip": "both",
"action": "quotation",
"online": "yes",
"service": "air",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0,
"ceilingPrice": 0,
"inclusionDate": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.204Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
feeId |
Int |
50 |
Fee identification ID linked to the request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
name |
String |
50 |
Fee name. Example: Experience Bundle |
description |
String |
1024 |
Fee Description. Example: R $ 15.00 will be charged for Issuing Bundle of National or International sections, made online or Offline. For all requests (opened from 29/11/2019) on this client. If the call is made between 00:00 and 23:59. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the 'fee' is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
action |
String |
13 |
Type of action taken for Fee. Example: 'quotation', 'ticketing' |
online |
String |
3 |
Field that informs if the fee is online. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
7 |
Type of fee service. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'bus', 'bundle' |
amount |
Number |
100 |
Fee amount. Example: 20 |
percentage |
Number |
100 |
Fee percentage. Example: 5 |
ceilingPrice |
Number |
100 |
Fee ceiling value. Example: 35 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Fee inclusion date. Example: |
Through this method, it is possible to retrieve the data for issuing an air request. To retrieve the details, it is necessary to enter the OS ID.
GET /requests/{requestId}/flights/requesteds
"id": "string",
"quotationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"date": "2020-03-05T16:51:01.221Z",
"departure": "string",
"departureDescription": "string",
"arrival": "string",
"arrivalDescription": "string",
"online": "yes",
"cabin": "string",
"compartment": "string",
"observation": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Number(Integer) |
3 |
Air search code of the requested stretch. Example: 0 |
quotationId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Quotation id related to the requested segment. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
date |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Date of the requested stretch. Example: 2020-09-18T16: 48: 22.490Z |
departure |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the airport of origin. Example: CGH, GIG |
departureDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the city of origin. Example: São Paulo, Congonhas |
arrival |
String |
3 |
Acronym of the destination airport. Example: CGH, GIG |
arrivalDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the destination city. Example: São Paulo, Congonhas |
online |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the section related to the request was chosen via finder (online). Example: Yes |
cabin |
String |
1 |
Class of service (reserved cabin). Example: Y |
observation |
String |
255 |
Relevant observations related to the stretch. Example: Emergency meeting |
Through this method, it is possible to recover the FollowUp data of a Service Order. To recover such details, the ID of the Service Order must be informed in the requestId.
GET /requests/{requestId}/followups
"recipients": "string",
"message": "string",
"inclusionDate": "2021-01-12T19:05:55.719Z",
"sentBy": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
recipients |
String |
512 |
E-mail Addresses of all the recipients to whom were sent a FollowUp e-mail. Example: email1@teste.com;email2@teste |
message |
String |
512 |
Message registered in the FollowUp. Example: Service Order created by Consultant in the name of a Traveller |
inclusionDate |
DateTime |
23 |
Date/time of FollowUp's creation. Example: 2021-01-06T16:15:01.000 |
sentBy |
String |
20 |
Name of the user responsible for creating the FollowUp. Example: argo |
POST /requests/{requestId}/followups
"recipients": "usuario@teste.com",
"copyRecipients": "copia@teste.com",
"AllRecipients": true,
"message": "It was not possible to ticket a Service Order due to a problem with pricing.",
"sentByEmail": true,
"sentToAgency": true
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
recipients |
String |
512* |
No |
E-mail Addresses of the recipients to whom the FollowUp message should be sent. Example: email1@teste.com;email2@teste.com / * OBS: The sum of the length of the fields recipients, copyrecipients, Agency e-mails (sentToAgency) and other e-mails (AllRecipients) must not be higher than 512 characters. |
copyRecipients |
String |
512* |
No |
E-mail Addresses of the copy recipients to whom the FollowUp message should be sent. Example: email3@teste.com;email4@teste.com / * OBS: The sum of the length of the fields recipients, copyrecipients, Agency e-mails (sentToAgency) and other e-mails (AllRecipients) must not be higher than 512 characters. |
AllRecipients |
Boolean |
5 |
No |
Defines whether or not the e-mail Addresses of everyone involved in the Service Order must be added to the recipient's list, when sending the FollowUp e-mail. Example: True/False / * OBS: The sum of the length of the fields recipients, copyrecipients, Agency e-mails (sentToAgency) and other e-mails (AllRecipients) must not be higher than 512 characters. |
message |
String(Guid) |
512 |
Yes |
Message registered in the FollowUp. Example: Service Order created by Consultant in the name of a Traveller |
sentByEmail |
Boolean |
5 |
No |
Defines whether or not a FollowUp must be sent by e-mail. Example: True/False |
sentToAgency |
Boolean |
5 |
No |
Defines whether or not the Agency e-mail addresses must be added automatically to the recipient's list, when sending the FollowUp e-mail. Example: True/False / * OBS: The sum of the length of the fields recipients, copyrecipients, Agency e-mails (sentToAgency) and other e-mails (AllRecipients) must not be higher than 512 characters. |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Message |
Number (int?) |
- |
Number of FollowUp messages already registered in that Service Order. Example: 5 |
Returning the hotel apartment information from the quote. To perform this query, it is necessary to inform the OS ID.
GET /requests/{requestId}/hotels/apartmentdetails
"hotelRequestedId": "int",
"quotationId": "int",
"apartmentName": "string",
"apartmentType": "string",
"apartmentId": 0,
"checkin": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z",
"checkout": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z",
"expirationDate": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
hotelRequestedId |
Int |
50 |
Hotel identification ID in the quote. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Selected Quotation identification ID (Hotels product only). Example: 1, 3, 5 |
apartmentName |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the hotel was booked through the module. Example: yes / no |
apartmentType |
String |
3 |
Value describing the type of the apartment. Example: Individual, Double, Triple or Quadruple |
apartmentId |
Int |
100 |
Identification ID of the returned apartment. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
checkin |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Hotel check-in date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
checkout |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Hotel checkout date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
expirationDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Deadline for Cancellation without Penalty. Example: 2019-12-18T20:33:58.400 |
Through this method it is possible to obtain all the information related to the hosting quote linked to a given request. To perform this query, it is necessary to inform the OS ID.
GET /requests/{requestId}/hotels/quotations
"id": "string",
"quotationId": "string",
"online": "yes",
"hotel": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"localization": "string",
"country": "string",
"hotelData": {
"hotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"city": "string",
"webServiceId": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"neighborHood": "string",
"cep": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"email": "string",
"webSite": "string",
"latitude": "string",
"longitude": "string",
"iss": 0,
"tourismTax": 0,
"serviceTax": 0,
"coffee": "yes",
"amenities": "string",
"stars": 0,
"hotelApartament": {
"hotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"name": "string",
"apartamentType": "string",
"apartamentId": 0,
"expiration": "string",
"coin": "string",
"dailyValue": 0
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"typePayment": "invoiced",
"code": "string",
"air": "yes",
"hotels": "yes",
"rental": "yes",
"service": "yes",
"bus": "yes",
"restrictive": "yes",
"alternativeUATP": "yes",
"card": {
"paymentName": "string",
"name": "string",
"cardNumber": "string",
"flag": "string",
"active": "yes",
"providerId": "string",
"webServiceId": "string",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"billingCode": "string",
"billingDescription": "string"
"justificationLegs": [
"type": "string",
"description": "string"
"dailyQuantity": 0,
"coin": "string",
"bacenCodeCoin": "string",
"dailyValue": 0,
"totalValue": 0,
"approvedTotalValue": 0,
"webService": "string",
"observation": "string",
"voucher": "string",
"voucherDate": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z",
"agentUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"issuerUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"hostedOffer": [
"id": "string",
"hotel": "string",
"apartament": "double",
"bed": "doubleType",
"observation": "string",
"value": "string",
"totalValue": 0
"apartamentType": "double",
"bedType": "doubleType",
"dailyValuePlus": 0,
"dailyValueLess": 0,
"dailyPercentagePlus": 0,
"dailyPercentageLess": 0,
"totalPercentagePlus": 0,
"totalPercentageLess": 0,
"fees": [
"feeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.872Z",
"finalDate": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.872Z",
"initialHour": "string",
"finalHour": "string",
"dayWeek": "monday",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"typeTrip": "both",
"action": "quotation",
"online": "yes",
"service": "air",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0,
"ceilingPrice": 0,
"inclusionDate": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.873Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Int |
50 |
Hotel identification ID in the quote. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Selected Quotation identification ID (Hotels product only). Example: 1, 3, 5 |
online |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the hotel was booked through the module. Example: yes / no |
dailyQuantity |
Number |
100 |
Number of nights inserted in the quotation. Example: 10 |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency used in the quote. Example: BRL |
bacenCodeCoin |
Number |
5 |
Currency code at the Central Bank (Bacen) used by the hotel. Example: 790 |
dailyValue |
Number |
100 |
Daily rate entered in the quote. Example: 45.00 |
totalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total value of the hotel. Example: 450.00 |
approvedTotalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total approved amount. Example: 450.00 |
webService |
String |
255 |
Web Service used in booking. Example: AMADEUSWS |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the hotel quote. Example: EXECUTIVE TWIN BREAKFAST INCLUIDED |
voucher |
String |
255 |
Hotel voucher. Example: 1911995542/5525518 |
voucherDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date the Voucher was confirmed. Example: 2019-12-18T20: 33: 58.400 |
netCommissionedRateType |
String |
12 |
Indicates whether the room rate is Net or Commissioned. Example: Net / Commissioned |
apartamentType |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Value describing the type of the apartment. Example: 'induvidual', 'double', 'triple' or 'quadruple' |
bedType |
String (Enum) |
10 |
Bed type. Example: 'singleType', 'doubleType' and 'twinType' |
dailyValuePlus |
Number |
100 |
Value added to the daily rate of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
dailyValueLess |
Number |
100 |
Value decreased to the daily rate of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
dailyPercentagePlus |
Number |
100 |
Percentage added to the daily value of the hotel. Example: 2.00 |
dailyPercentageLess |
Number |
100 |
Percentage decreased to the daily value of the hotel. Example: 2.00 |
totalPercentagePlus |
Number |
100 |
Percentage added to the total value. Example: 5.00 |
totalPercentageLess |
Number |
100 |
Percentage decreased to value. Example: 5.00 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Accounting account identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
User ID to which the card belongs. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
100 |
E-mail of the registered user. Example: pedro@silva.com |
login |
String |
50 |
Registered user login. Example: Argo2019 |
firstname |
String |
20 |
Registered user name. Example: Pedro |
lastName |
String |
20 |
Last name of the registered user. Example: Silva |
telephone |
String |
30 |
User phone. Example: 5511998525545 |
fax |
String |
30 |
User fax. Example: 5511998525545 |
registration |
String |
255 |
Approval user registration. Example: 464545 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the approving user is a “third party”. Example: Yes / No |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group that the approving user belongs to. Example: admin, financial, manager, user. |
rg |
String |
15 |
RG (national civil identification document in Brazil) of the approving user. Example: 265487745 |
cpf |
String |
15 |
CPF (person registration in Brazil) of the approving user. Example: 36548425612 |
passport |
String |
20 |
Passport of the approving user. Example: BR1234566 |
employeeId |
String |
20 |
Approval user registration. Example: 464545 |
fullname |
String |
100 |
Full name of the approving user. Example: Pedro Silva |
integrationCode |
String |
50 |
Code that can be used by other systems in the integration process. Example: 001 |
department |
String |
50 |
Department linked to the registration of the approving user. Example: Development |
hotelData |
Object responsible for returning hotel information from the quote |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned hotel. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
city |
String |
50 |
Name of the city where the hotel is located. Example: Adamantina |
webServiceId |
String |
255 |
Web Service identifier that provides hotel information. Example: AMADEUS |
integrationCode |
String |
3 |
Travel reason integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'MOTIVO1010' |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
address |
String |
50 |
Hotel location address. Example: Rua Frei Mansueto, 160 |
neighborHood |
String |
50 |
Hotel location neighborhood. Example: Meirelles |
cep |
String |
8 |
Hotel location zip code. Example: 14815000 |
telephone |
String |
23 |
Hotel contact phone: Example: +55 (16) 3343-2325 |
email |
String |
50 |
Hotel contact email. Example: hotelsb2b @ hotelsbtwob |
webSite |
String |
50 |
Hotel website. Example: http://www.hotelsbtwob.com/ |
latitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 255348752 |
longitude |
Number (Float?) |
100 |
Geographic coordinates of the Hotel's location. Example: 485526208 |
iss |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Tax rate for the service provided by the Hotel. Example: 5.00 |
tourismTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Tourist tax of the hotel. Example: 10.00 |
serviceTax |
Number (Decimal?) |
100 |
Hotel service charge. Example: 5.00 |
coffee |
String |
3 |
Information about the existence of the coffee service at the Hotel. Example yes / no |
amenities |
String |
255 |
Amenities found at the Hotel. Example: WIFI |
stars |
Number (int) |
100 |
Hotel rating. Example: 3 |
hotel |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
city |
String |
50 |
City where the hotel is located. Example: RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ |
state |
String |
2 |
Acronym of the state where the hotel is located. Example: SP |
localization |
String |
50 |
Hotel location address. Example: Rua Frei Mansueto, 160 |
country |
String |
50 |
Acronym of the country where the hotel is located. Example: BR |
hotelApartament |
Object responsible for returning the hotel apartment information from the quote |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned hotel. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
name |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
apartamentType |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Value describing the type of the apartment. Example: Individual, Double, Triple or Quadruple |
apartamentId |
Number (int) |
100 |
Identification ID of the returned apartment. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
expiration |
String |
50 |
Date of validity of the apartment rate. Example: 2019-09-18 |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency related to the room rate. Example: BRL |
dailyValue |
Number (Double) |
100 |
Daily rate of the apartment. Example: 45.00 |
formPayment |
Object responsible for returning the payment method information for the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the payment method of the request. Example: Billed |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Payment types used. Example: 'direct Payment', 'creditCard', 'governmentBody', 'invoiced' |
code |
String |
50 |
Payment method integration code. (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'TIPOFATURA1010' |
air |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the air product.Example: yes / no |
hotels |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the hotel product. Example: yes / no |
rental |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the rental product. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Service product. Example: yes / no |
bus |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Road product. Example: yes / no |
restrictive |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the billing is of the restrictive type. Example: yes / no |
alternativeUATP |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the billing is of the UATP type. Example: yes / no |
card |
Object responsible for returning the card information used in the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
paymentName |
String |
50 |
Card payment method name.Example: Credit card |
name |
String |
255 |
Username of the cardholder. Example: Pedro Silva |
cardNumber |
String |
255 |
Card number. Example: 3216-8394-9403-0604 |
flag |
String |
50 |
Indicates the card's flag. Example: Visa, Mastercard |
active |
String |
3 |
Field indicates whether the card is active. Example: yes / no |
providerId |
String |
50 |
Card provider identifier. Example: T0009015590A999118 |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
Card's WebService identifier (Virtual card only). Example: B2BPAY, WEX, CONFERMA |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
cardAuthorization |
String |
50 |
Inform the authorization number of the card (when the option to pay the way) on the issue of air.o |
billingCode |
String |
50 |
Payment method billing code. Example: BV5 |
billingDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the billing code of the form of payment. Example: TOTAL BILLING FOR THE AGENCY |
justificationLegs |
Object responsible for returning the hotel quote justifications |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
type |
String |
255 |
Type of justification. Example: REPHOS, ESCAER, ESCHOS |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the justification. Example: Hotel does not fall under the traveler's daily rate. |
agentUser |
Object responsible for returning the information of the attending user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
User identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
Request attendant contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
OS requester login. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
255 |
First name of the request attendant. Example: Roberto |
lastName |
String |
255 |
Last name of the request attendant. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the OS attendant. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the request attendant. Example: 9 95463154 |
registration |
String |
20 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag that indicates whether the attendant is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted: Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Attendant user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
issuerUser |
Object responsible for returning the issuing user's information |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
User identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
Contact email of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
Login of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
255 |
First name of the issuer of the request. Example: Roberto |
lastName |
String |
255 |
Last name of the issuer of the request. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
registration |
String |
20 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the issuer is a third party or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted: Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
passport |
String |
20 |
User passport. Example: BR123456 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Issuing user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUEMISSOR1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Purchasing |
hostedOffer |
Object responsible for returning the information of the offered accommodation |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
String |
50 |
Identifier of the accommodation offered (combination of hostingId and quotationId). Example: 1_1, 0_1 |
hotel |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
apartament |
String (Enum) |
50 |
Value describing the type of the apartment. Example: 'induvidual', 'double', 'triple' or 'quadruple' |
bed |
String (Enum) |
10 |
Type of bed offered. Example: 'singleType', 'doubleType' and 'twinType' |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the accommodation offered. Example: EXECUTIVE TWIN BREAKFAST INCLUIDED |
hotel |
String |
50 |
Name of the Hotel. Example: Comfort Hotel Fortaleza |
value |
String |
100 |
Values charged for the accommodation offered. Example: 45.00 + 10.00 |
totalValue |
Number |
100 |
Calculation of the values presented in the 'value' property (Daily value + Taxes). Example: 55.00 |
fees |
Object responsible for returning the fee information for the accommodation quote |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
feeId |
Int |
50 |
Fee identification ID linked to the request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
name |
String |
50 |
Fee name. Example: Experience Bundle |
description |
String |
1024 |
Fee Description. Example: R$ 15.00 will be charged for Issuing Bundle of National or International sections, made Online or Offline. For all requests (opened from 29/11/2019) on this client. If the call is made between 00:00 and 23:59. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the 'fee' is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
action |
String |
13 |
Type of action taken for Fee. Example: 'quotation', 'ticketing' |
online |
String |
3 |
The property informs if the fee is online. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
7 |
Type of fee service. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'bus', 'bundle' |
amount |
Number |
100 |
Fee amount. Example: 20 |
percentage |
Number |
100 |
Fee percentage. Example: 5 |
ceilingPrice |
Number |
100 |
Fee ceiling value. Example: 35 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Fee inclusion date. Example: 2020-03-11T19: 29: 50.873Z |
GET /requests/{requestId}/hotels/apartamentdetails
Returning the hotel apartment information from the quote. To perform this query, it is necessary to inform the OS ID.
"hotelRequestedId": "int",
"quotationId": "int",
"apartamentName": "string",
"apartamentType": "string",
"apartamentId": 0,
"checkin": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z",
"checkout": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z",
"expirationDate": "2020-03-11T19:29:50.871Z"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
hotelRequestedId |
Int |
50 |
Hotel identification ID in the quote. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Selected Quotation identification ID (Hotels product only). Example: 1, 3, 5 |
apartamentName |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the hotel was booked through the module. Example: yes / no |
apartamentType |
String |
3 |
Value describing the type of the apartment. Example: Individual, Double, Triple or Quadruple |
apartamentId |
Int |
100 |
Identification ID of the returned apartment. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
checkin |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Hotel check-in date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
checkout |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Hotel checkout date. Example: 2019-08-22T12: 00: 00 |
expirationDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Deadline for Cancellation without Penalty. Example: 2019-12-18T20:33:58.400 |
POST /requests/{requestId}/hotels/quotations
"requestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"accommodationId": 0,
"currencyCode": "string",
"exchange": 0,
"formPaymentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"timeLimitNoShow": "2022-02-22T19:07:50.849Z",
"taxAmount": 0,
"dailyAmount": 0,
"address": "string",
"checkIn": "2022-02-22T19:07:50.849Z",
"checkOut": "2022-02-22T19:07:50.849Z",
"hotelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"hotelCode": "string",
"webServiceId": "string",
"cityCode": 0,
"hotelName": "string",
"locator": "string",
"voucher": "string",
"issueDate": "2022-02-22T19:07:50.849Z",
"apartamentType": "string",
"bedType": "string",
"breakfast": true,
"observation": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
requestId |
Guid |
36 |
Yes |
Request ID |
accommodationId |
Int |
1 |
Yes |
Accomodation ID to be quoted. Example: 1; 2 |
currencyCode |
String |
3 |
Yes |
Currency code. Example: BRL |
exchange |
number |
21 |
No |
Exchange rate |
formPaymentId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Payment form ID |
cardId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Card ID used in the payment form |
timeLimitNoShow |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Reservation expiration date/time |
taxAmount |
Number |
21 |
No |
Tax amount. Example: 450.00 |
dailyAmount |
Number |
21 |
Yes |
Daily rate amount. Example: 450.00 |
address |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Hotel address. Example: Frei Mansueto Road, 160 |
checkIn |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Hotel checkin date |
checkOut |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Yes |
Check-out date |
hotelId |
Guid |
36 |
No |
Hotel ID (Argo Database Record) |
hotelCode |
String |
255 |
No |
Hotel code (Hotel record integration code or code returned by provider) |
webServiceId |
String |
10 |
No |
Provider ID. Example: HOTELB2B |
cityCode |
int |
4 |
No |
City code |
hotelName |
String |
50 |
Yes |
Hotel name |
locator |
String |
30 |
No |
Reservation record locator |
voucher |
String |
20 |
No |
Reservation voucher number |
issueDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
No |
Voucher issue date |
apartamentType |
String |
1 |
Yes |
Apartment type |
bedType |
String |
1 |
No |
Bed type |
breakfast |
String (Boolean) |
5 |
No |
Breakfast. Example: true/false |
observation |
String |
255 |
No |
Quotation comments |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Selected Quotation identification ID (Hotels product only). Example: 1, 3, 5 |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve data from hotels linked to a specific request. In order to obtain this information, it is necessary that the ID of the OS you want to search is informed in the query.
GET /requests/{requestId}/hotels/requesteds
"id": 0,
"online": "yes",
"checkin": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.250Z",
"checkout": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.250Z",
"city": "string",
"apartamentType": "string",
"bedType": "string",
"observation": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Int |
50 |
Hotel identification ID in the request. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
online |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the hotel was booked through the On-Line module. Example: yes / no |
checkin |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Hotel check-in date. Example: 2019-08-22T12:00:00 |
checkout |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Hotel checkout date. Example: 2019-08-22T12:00:00 |
city |
String |
50 |
City where the hotel is located. Example: RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ |
apartamentType |
String |
50 |
Type of apartment booked. Example: Single |
bedType |
String |
50 |
Type of bed in the booked apartment. Example: Single |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observations regarding the rented hotel. Example. Double room with air |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the travel justifications inserted in a request. The inclusion of justification in an OS can occur for several reasons, such as the non-compliance with travel policies. To obtain this data, it is necessary to inform the request ID. For more information see the Wiki.
GET requests/{requestId}/justifications
"type": "string",
"description": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
type |
String |
6 |
Justification type related to the request. Example: ESCAER, ESCHOS |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the justification related to the request. Example: Best rate in the period. |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the managerial fields linked to a given request. To obtain this information, it is necessary to enter the request ID.
GET /requests/{requestId}/managementfields
"managementFieldId": "string",
"content": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
managementFieldId |
String |
100 |
Management field ID related to the request. Example: Reserva_Ficticia_Argo |
content |
String |
8000 |
Management field content related to the request. Example: E2989298929 |
POST /requests/{requestId}/managementfields
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
complement |
String |
10 |
No |
Complement of the management field related to the request. Example: Argo_reserva |
managementFieldId |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Management field ID related to the request. Example: Reserva_Ficticia_Argo |
content |
String |
8000 |
Yes |
Management field content related to the request. Example: E2989298929 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in the insertion of the management field. Example: True/False |
PUT /requests/{requestId}/managementfields
Property |
Type |
Size |
Required |
Description |
complement |
String |
10 |
No |
Complement of the management field related to the request. Example: Argo_reserva |
managementFieldId |
String |
100 |
Yes |
Management field ID related to the request. Example: Reserva_Ficticia_Argo |
content |
String |
8000 |
Yes |
Management field content related to the request. Example: E2989298929 |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
message |
String |
5 |
Success or failure in changing the management field. Example: True/False |
The reason for travel is mandatory information when opening the OS. Through this method it is possible to recover it. Remembering that to obtain this information, it is necessary to inform the request ID. For more information on the reason for travel, consult the Wiki.
GET requests/{requestId}/reasonstravel
"reasonTravelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"description": "string",
"alert": "string",
"initialDate": "2020-03-05T10:51:18.895Z",
"finalDate": "2020-03-05T10:51:18.895Z",
"legs": [
"requiresDescription": "yes",
"requiresAuthorization": "yes",
"quotationAvailable": "yes",
"allowCompanions": "yes",
"validateExpenseReport": "yes",
"closingCard": "yes",
"integrationCode": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
reasonTravelId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Travel reason id linked to the request. Example: 58791410-a137-4c50-b948-v090f2b474fv |
description |
String |
50 |
Description of the reason for travel. Example: Training |
alert |
String |
2000 |
Alert message when the travel reason is selected. Example: Travel reason does not allow international travel |
initialDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
Start date of reason for travel. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
finalDate |
String(DateTime) |
24 |
End date of the reason for travel. Example: 2019-10-02T19: 47: 10.450Z |
legs |
String(Enum) |
15 |
Which products the travel reason is linked to. Example: Air, Rental, Refund |
requiresDescription |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether description is mandatory when the reason for travel is selected. Example: Yes / No |
requiresAuthorization |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the request requires authorization when the reason for travel is selected. Example: Yes / No |
quotationAvailable |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the travel reason entered in the request requires a quote. Example: Yes / No |
allowCompanions |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the travel reason selected in the request allows the inclusion of companions. Example: Yes / No |
validateExpenseReport |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the travel reason entered in the request requires accountability. Example: Yes / No |
closingCard |
String(Enum) |
3 |
Indicates whether the reason for travel entered in the request allows the card to be closed. Example: Yes / No |
integrationCode |
String |
30 |
Travel reason integration code. Example: 175 |
Through this method it is possible to get all the information related to a rental quotation for a specific request. To perform this query, it is necessary to inform the request id.
GET /requests/{requestId}/rentals/quotations
"id": "String",
"quotationId": "String",
"carRental": "String",
"carRentalIata": "String",
"vehicle": "String",
"pickUpLocation": "String",
"dropOffLocation": "String",
"pickUpAdress": "String",
"dropOffAdress": "String",
"airConditioning": "yes",
"driver": "yes",
"category": "economy",
"gear": "automatic",
"gps": "yes",
"observation": "String",
"integrationCode": "String",
"country": "String",
"webService": "String",
"voucher": "String",
"voucherDate": "2021-03-18T18:50:52.974Z",
"dailyQuantity": 0,
"coin": "String",
"bacenCodeCoin": "String",
"dailyValue": 0,
"totalValue": 0,
"approvedTotalValue": 0,
"dailyValuePlus": 0,
"dailyValueLess": 0,
"dailyPercentagePlus": 0,
"dailyPercentageLess": 0,
"totalPercentagePlus": 0,
"totalPercentageLess": 0,
"additionalServicesValue": 0,
"returnValue": 0,
"safeValue": 0,
"otherValue": 0,
"agentUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "String",
"login": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"telephone": "String",
"fax": "String",
"registration": "String",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "String",
"cpf": "String",
"passport": "String",
"employeeId": "String",
"fullName": "String",
"integrationCode": "String",
"department": "String"
"issuerUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "String",
"login": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"telephone": "String",
"fax": "String",
"registration": "String",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "String",
"cpf": "String",
"passport": "String",
"employeeId": "String",
"fullName": "String",
"integrationCode": "String",
"department": "String"
"fees": [
"feeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2021-03-18T18:50:52.974Z",
"finalDate": "2021-03-18T18:50:52.974Z",
"initialHour": "String",
"finalHour": "String",
"dayWeek": "monday",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"typeTrip": "both",
"action": "quotation",
"online": "yes",
"service": "air",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0,
"ceilingPrice": 0,
"inclusionDate": "2021-03-18T18:50:52.974Z"
"justificationLegs": [
"type": "String",
"description": "String"
"formPayment": {
"description": "String",
"typePayment": "invoiced",
"code": "String",
"air": "yes",
"hotels": "yes",
"rental": "yes",
"service": "yes",
"bus": "yes",
"restrictive": "yes",
"alternativeUATP": "yes",
"card": {
"paymentName": "String",
"name": "String",
"cardNumber": "String",
"flag": "String",
"active": "yes",
"providerId": "String",
"webServiceId": "String",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"billingCode": "String",
"billingDescription": "String"
"rentalOffer": [
"id": "String",
"airConditioning": "yes",
"category": "economy",
"driver": "yes",
"totalValue": 0
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Int |
2 |
Identification ID of the Vehicle Rental Requested. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
2 |
Id for identifying quotes. If a rental segment has 7 quotes, this variable will be increased |
carRental |
String |
10 |
Name of the rental company. |
carRentalIata |
String |
10 |
Iata code of the rental company. Example: 7878 |
vehicle |
String |
50 |
Vehicle (name, brand). Vehicle details. Example. Ford Focus |
pickUpLocation |
String |
255 |
Vehicle pick-up location.Example. São Paulo (Address) |
dropOffLocation |
String |
255 |
Place of return of the vehicle.Example. São Paulo (Address) |
pickUpAdress |
String |
255 |
Vehicle pick-up address.Example. Sao Paulo |
dropOffAdress |
String |
255 |
Vehicle return address.Example. Sao Paulo |
airConditioning |
String |
3 |
Field that indicates whether the vehicle has air conditioning or not. Example: yes / no |
driver |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the vehicle will be hired with a driver. Example: Yes / No |
category |
String (Enum) |
30 |
Indicates the vehicle category. Example: Economy, Superior, Special, etc. |
gear |
String (Enum) |
10 |
Indicates the type of vehicle exchange. Example: Manual or automatic |
gps |
String |
3 |
Indicates whether the vehicle will be hired with GPS.Example: yes / No |
country |
String |
50 |
Acronym of the country of the rental segment. Example BRL |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Attendant user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
Observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the quotation of the vehicle. Example: Withdraw at 12hrs. |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency representation of the quotation performed Example: BRL |
bacenCodeCoin |
Number |
5 |
Currency code at the Central Bank (Bacen) used by the rental. Example: 790 |
dailyQuantity |
Number |
100 |
Number of daily rates for vehicle rental Example: 5 |
dailyValue |
Number |
100 |
Daily rental value. Example: 70.00 |
totalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total rental amount. Example: 150.00 |
approvedTotalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total approved amount. Example: 450.00 |
dailyValuePlus |
Number |
100 |
Value added to the daily rate of the rental. Example: 10.00 |
dailyValueLess |
Number |
100 |
Value decreased to the daily rate of the rental. Example: 10.00 |
dailyPercentagePlus |
Number |
100 |
Percentage added to the daily value of the rental. Example: 2.00 |
dailyPercentageLess |
Number |
100 |
Percentage decreased to the daily value of the rental. Example: 2.00 |
totalPercentagePlus |
Number |
100 |
Percentage added to the total value. Example: 5.00 |
totalPercentageLess |
Number |
100 |
Percentage decreased to value. Example: 5.00 |
returnValue |
Number |
100 |
Return value |
safeValue |
Number |
100 |
Insurance value. |
otherValue |
Number |
100 |
Other values entries |
voucher |
String |
255 |
Rental voucher. Example: 1911995542/5525518 |
voucherDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date the Voucher was confirmed. Example: 2019-12-18T20: 33: 58.400 |
webService |
String |
255 |
Web Service identifier that provides hotel information. Example: AMADEUS |
additionalServicesValue |
Number |
100 |
Additional values |
justificationLegs |
Object responsible for returning the hotel quote justifications |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
type |
String |
255 |
Type of justification. Example: REPHOS, ESCAER, ESCHOS |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the justification. Example: Hotel does not fall under the traveler's daily rate. |
agentUser |
Object responsible for returning the information of the attending user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Purchasing |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Issuing user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUEMISSOR1010' |
email |
String |
50 |
Contact email of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
Login of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the issuer is a third party or not. Example: yes / no |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted: Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
issuerUser |
Object responsible for returning user information Issuer |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Attendant user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
email |
String |
50 |
Contact email of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
Login of the issuer of the request. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the issuer of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the user is a third party or not. Example: yes / no |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
fees |
Object displays the Fee structure linked to the vehicle quote |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
feeId |
Guid |
36 |
Fee Id applied to the request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDate |
String |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalDate |
String |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
name |
String |
100 |
Fee name. Example: Experience Bundle |
description |
String |
1024 |
Fee Description. Example: R$ 15.00 will be charged for Issuing Bundle of National or International sections, made Online or Offline. For all requests (opened from 29/11/2019) on this client. If the call is made between 00:00 and 23:59. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
20 |
Type of trip that the 'fee' is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
action |
String |
20 |
Type of action taken for Fee. Example: 'quotation', 'ticketing' |
online |
String |
3 |
The property informs if the fee is online. Example: yes / no |
service |
String(Enum) |
20 |
Type of fee service. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'bus', 'bundle' |
amount |
double |
10 |
Fee amount. Example: 20 |
percentage |
double |
10 |
Fee percentage. Example: 5 |
ceilingProce |
double |
10 |
Fee ceiling value. Example: 35 |
inclusionDate |
String |
24 |
Fee inclusion date. Example: 2020-03-11T19: 29: 50.873Z |
formPayment |
Object responsible for returning the payment method information for the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the payment method of the request. Example: Billed |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Payment types used. Example: 'direct Payment', 'creditCard', 'governmentBody', 'invoiced' |
code |
String |
50 |
Payment method integration code. (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'TIPOFATURA1010' |
Air |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment can be used for airfare. Example: yes / no |
hotels |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment can be used for hosting. Example: yes / no |
rental |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment can be used for Rental. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether payment can be used for Service. Example: yes / no |
bus |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the payment can be used for road transport. Example: yes / no |
restrictive |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether payment is restrictive. Example: yes / no |
alternativeUATP |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether the payment is UATP. Example: yes / no |
billingCode |
String |
50 |
Payment method billing code. Example: BV5 |
billingDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the billing code of the form of payment. Example: TOTAL BILLING FOR THE AGENCY |
card |
Object responsible for returning the card information used in the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
paymentName |
String |
50 |
Card payment method name.Example: Credit card |
name |
String |
50 |
Username of the cardholder. Example: Pedro Silva |
cardNumber |
String |
255 |
Card number. Example: 3216-8394-9403-0604 |
flag |
String |
50 |
Indicates the card's flag. Example: Visa, Mastercard |
active |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the card is active. Example: yes / no |
providerId |
String |
50 |
Field indicating whether the card is active. Example: yes / no |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
Card's WebService identifier (Virtual card only). Example: B2BPAY, WEX, CONFERMA |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
rentalOffer |
Object responsible for returning rental offers |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
String |
50 |
Rental offer id. |
category |
String |
20 |
Offer category. Enum (economy,intermediate,superior,compact,special) |
totalValue |
double |
10 |
Total ammount of the offer. |
airConditioning |
String |
3 |
Field that indicates whether the vehicle has air conditioning or not. Example: yes / no |
driver |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the vehicle will be hired with a driver. Example: Yes / No |
Through this method, it is possible to retrieve information related to vehicle rentals linked to a specific request. To obtain this data, it is necessary to inform the OS ID.
GET /requests/{requestId}/rentals/requesteds
"id": 0,
"carRental": "string",
"pickUpLocation": "string",
"dropOffLocation": "string",
"dropOffDate": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.277Z",
"pickUpDate": "2020-03-10T21:33:17.277Z",
"airConditioning": "yes",
"driver": "yes",
"category": "economy",
"gear": "automatic",
"observation": "string",
"gps": "yes"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Int |
50 |
Rental identification ID in the request. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
carRental |
String |
50 |
Name of the rental company where the rental was made. Example: ATESA |
pickUpLocation |
String |
255 |
Vehicle pick-up location. Example: São Paulo / SP, Brazil (SAO) |
dropOffLocation |
String |
255 |
Vehicle return location. Example: Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil - Galeao (GIG) |
dropOffDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Vehicle return date. Example: 2019-08-22T12:00:00 |
pickUpDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date of vehicle pickup. Example: 2019-08-18T12:00:00 |
airConditioning |
String |
3 |
Field indicates whether the vehicle has air conditioning. Example: yes / no |
driver |
String |
3 |
Field indicates whether the vehicle has a private driver. Example: yes / no |
category |
String (Enum) |
12 |
Category to which the vehicle belongs. Example: 'economy', 'intermediate', 'superior', 'compact', 'special' |
gear |
String (Enum) |
10 |
Type of vehicle exchange. Example: automatic / manual |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observations regarding the rented vehicle. Example: Withdraw from 8:00 am. |
gps |
String |
3 |
Field indicates if the vehicle has GPS. Example: yes / no |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the data of a requestor from a specific OS. To obtain this information, it is necessary to enter the request ID.
GET / requests/{requestId}/requesters
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
Identification ID of the returned requesting user. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
24 |
Contact email of the requesting party. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
24 |
Login of the request requester. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
3 |
Request requester first name Example: Roberto |
lastName |
Int |
5 |
Request requester's last name. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone number of the requestor. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
Request requester fax. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
8 |
Flag that indicates whether the attendant is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
25 |
Group the user is inserted in. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the data that was quoted in a given road request.
When making this request, the data that the consultant entered in the request (On-Line / Off-Line) will be returned. In the case of an On-Line quote, the sections with the lowest values will be recorded as offered quotations.
GET /requests/{requestId}/roads/quotations
"id": "2",
"quotationId": "1",
"online": "no",
"typeTrip": "domestic",
"agent": {
"clientId": "3f9a4a0c-9c7f-414d-8d15-a8502bb4f6cb",
"email": "rodrigo.lins@useargo.com",
"login": "rodrigo.lins@argo",
"thirdParty": "no",
"groups": [
"fullName": "RODRIGO LINS"
"emitter": {
"clientId": "3f9a4a0c-9c7f-414d-8d15-a8502bb4f6cb",
"email": "rodrigo.lins@useargo.com",
"login": "rodrigo.lins@argo",
"thirdParty": "no",
"groups": [
"fullName": "RODRIGO LINS"
"inclusionDate": "2020-03-23T09:12:00.587",
"changeDate": "2020-03-23T09:12:00.587",
"expirationDate": "2020-03-27T12:00:00",
"boarding": "2020-06-06T19:00:00",
"landing": "2020-06-06T23:00:00",
"originTerminal": "São Paulo - Barra Funda (SP, Brasil) / SP, Brasil (SAO)",
"originCity": "São Paulo",
"destinationCity": "Catanduva",
"destinationTerminal": "CATANDUVA (SP, BRASIL) / SP, Brasil",
"marketingAirline": "Viação Commeta",
"formPayment": {
"description": "Cartao - tdos produtos",
"typePayment": "creditCard",
"air": "yes",
"hotels": "yes",
"rental": "yes",
"service": "yes",
"bus": "yes",
"restrictive": "no",
"alternativeUATP": "no",
"card": {
"cardNumber": "1111-1111-1111-1111",
"flag": "VI",
"active": "no",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"feesLeg": [
"feeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"finalDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z",
"initialHour": "string",
"finalHour": "string",
"dayWeek": "monday",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"typeTrip": "both",
"action": "quotation",
"online": "yes",
"service": "air",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0,
"ceilingPrice": 0,
"inclusionDate": "2020-03-11T18:38:52.583Z"
"voucher": "ARGO01CONF",
"voucherDate": "2021-07-26T00:00:00.000",
"coin": "BRL",
"bacenCodeCoin": "790",
"passageValuePlus": 0.0,
"passageValueLess": 0.0,
"percentagePassagePlus": 0.0,
"percentagePassageLess": 0.0,
"totalValue": 150.0,
"percentageTotalPlus": 0.0,
"percentageTotalLess": 0.0,
"observation": ""
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Int |
50 |
Identification ID of what was requested from the Bus. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Id for identifying quotes. If a stretch of road has 7 quotes, it is this variable that will be increased |
online |
String |
3 |
Field indicating whether the hotel was booked online. Example: yes / no |
typeTrip |
String (enum) |
15 |
Indicates what type of trip is being made for this segment. Ex: Domestic, International |
agent |
Object responsible for returning the information of the attending user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
email |
String |
50 |
Request attendant contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
OS attendant login. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the attendant of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the request attendant. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicates whether the attendant is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group the user is inserted in. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Attendant user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
groups |
String(Enum) |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted: Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
emitter |
Object responsible for returning the information of the emitter user |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
email |
String |
50 |
Request attendant contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
OS attendant login. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Telephone of the attendant of the request. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the request attendant. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicates whether the attendant is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group the user is inserted in. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Attendant user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
groups |
String(Enum) |
10 |
Group in which the user is inserted: Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
inclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of request for the road section. Example: 2019-04-12T09:38:37.503 |
changeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Record change date. It will be the same date of inclusion if the record has not been changed. Example: 2019-04-12T09: 38: 37.503 |
expirationDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Deadline for Cancellation without Penalty. Example: 2019-12-18T20:33:58.400 |
boarding |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Travel boarding date. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
landing |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Trip arrival date. Example: 2019-09-18T16:48:22.490Z |
originTerminal |
String |
50 |
Full description of the source. City, state and bus terminal. Example: São Paulo - Barra Funda (SP, Brazil) / SP, Brazil (SAO) |
originCity |
String |
50 |
City of origin the traveler requested the trip from. Example: São Paulo |
destinationCity |
String |
50 |
Destination city. Example: São José |
destinationTerminal |
String |
50 |
Full description of the destination: City, state and bus terminal. Example: São José do Rio Preto (SP, Brazil) / SP, Brazil (SJP) |
marketingAirline |
String |
50 |
Bus company that issued the ticket. Example: Viação Cometa |
formPayment |
Object responsible for returning the payment method information for the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the payment method of the request. Example: Billed |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Payment types used. Example: 'direct Payment', 'creditCard', 'governmentBody', 'invoiced' |
code |
String |
50 |
Payment method integration code. (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'TIPOFATURA1010' |
air |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the air product. Example: yes / no |
hotels |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the hosting product. Example: yes / no |
rental |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Lease product. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Service product. Example: yes / no |
bus |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Road product. Example: yes / no |
restrictive |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether the billing is of the restrictive type. Example: yes / no |
alternativeUATP |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the billing is of the UATP type. Example: yes / no |
billingCode |
String |
50 |
Payment method billing code. Example: BV5 |
billingDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the billing code of the form of payment. Example: TOTAL BILLING FOR THE AGENCY |
card |
Object responsible for returning the card information used in the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
user |
String |
255 |
Name of the user who used the card. Example: Mauritius |
formPayment |
String |
255 |
Type of Card Billing. Example: Credit card |
cardNumber |
String |
255 |
Card number. Example: 3216-8394-9403-0604 |
flag |
String |
50 |
Indicates the card's flag. Example: Visa, Mastercard |
active |
String |
3 |
Field indicates whether the card is active. Example: yes / no |
providerId |
String |
50 |
Card provider identifier. Example: T0009015590A999118 |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
Card's WebService identifier (Virtual card only). Example: B2BPAY, WEX, CONFERMA |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
feesLeg |
Object responsible for returning the fee information for the air quote segments |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
feeId |
Int |
50 |
Fee identification ID linked to the request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
initialHour |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Request start time. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalHour |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End time of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
dayWeek |
String |
10 |
Day of the week. Example: 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday' |
name |
String |
50 |
Fee name. Example: Experience Bundle |
description |
String |
1024 |
Fee Description. Example: R$ 15.00 will be charged for Issuing Bundle of National or International sections, made Online or Offline. For all requests (opened from 29/11/2019) on this client. If the call is made between 00:00 and 23:59. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the 'fee' is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
action |
String |
13 |
Type of action taken to collect the Fee. Example: 'quotation', 'ticketing' |
online |
String |
3 |
Field that informs if the fee is related to an online transaction. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
7 |
Type of service that the fee includes. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'bus', 'bundle' |
amount |
Number |
100 |
Fee amount. Example: 20 |
percentage |
Number |
100 |
Fee percentage. Example: 5 |
ceilingPrice |
Number |
100 |
Fee ceiling value. Example: 35 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Fee inclusion date. Example: 2020-03-11T19:29:50.873Z |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
voucher |
String |
255 |
Bus passage voucher. Example: 1911995542/5525518 |
voucherDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date the Voucher was confirmed. Example: 2019-12-18T20: 33: 58.400 |
coin |
String |
3 |
Currency used in the quote. Example: BRL |
bacenCodeCoin |
Number |
5 |
Currency code at the Central Bank (Bacen) used by the bus company. Example: 790 |
passageValuePlus |
Number |
100 |
Value added to the value of the passage. Example: 10.00 |
passageValueLess |
Number |
100 |
Value decreased to the value of the passage. Example: 10.00 |
percentagePassagePlus |
Number |
100 |
Percentage added to the value of the passage. Example: 2.00 |
percentagePassageLess |
Number |
100 |
Percentage decreased to the value of the passage. Example: 2.00 |
totalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total value of the passage. Example: 45.00 |
percentageTotalPlus |
Number |
100 |
Percentage added to the total value. Example: 5.00 |
percentageTotalLess |
Number |
100 |
Percentage decreased to the total value. Example: 5.00 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the quotation of the road section. Example: Visit a supplier |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the data from the road request. To obtain this information, you need to enter the OS ID.
For more information regarding the road application, consult the Wiki.
GET /requests/{requestId}/roads/requesteds
"id": "1",
"date": "2019-05-05T00:00:00",
"inclusionDate": "2019-04-12T09:38:37.503",
"changeDate": "2019-04-12T09:38:37.503",
"originCity": "São Paulo",
"originTerminal": "São Paulo - Barra Funda (SP, Brasil) / SP, Brasil (SAO)",
"destinationCity": "São José do Rio Preto",
"destinationTerminal": "São José do Rio Preto (SP, Brasil) / SP, Brasil (SJP)",
"finder": "no",
"typeTrip": "domestic",
"observation": "",
"dateFlag": "IS"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
Id |
String |
2 |
Identification ID of what was requested on the road. If there are 2 road requests, each section will contain a separate code.Example: 1 and 2 |
Date |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Departure date of the road section. Example: 2019-04-12T09:38:37.503 |
InclusionDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Date of request for the road section. Example: 2019-04-12T09:38:37.503 |
ChangeDate |
String (Date Time) |
24 |
Record change date. It will be the same date of inclusion if the record has not been changed. Example: 2019-04-12T09: 38: 37.503 |
originCity |
String (Number) |
4 |
City of origin the traveler requested the trip from. Example: São Paulo |
originTerminal |
String |
100 |
Full description of the source. City, state and bus terminal. Example: São Paulo - Barra Funda (SP, Brazil) / SP, Brazil (SAO) |
destinationCity |
String (Number) |
4 |
Destination city. Example: São José |
destinationTerminal |
String |
100 |
Full description of the destination: City, state and bus terminal. Example: São José do Rio Preto (SP, Brazil) / SP, Brazil (SJP) |
finder |
string |
3 |
Flag indicates whether the snippet was requested online. Ex yes / no |
typeTrip |
String (enum) |
15 |
Indicates the type of tripExample: Domestic, International |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the request of the road sectionExample: Visit to supplier |
dateFlag |
String |
2 |
Indicative of how the time will be considered for the segment. Example: IS - indifferentConsideringDeparture; PC - dawnConsideringArrival |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve the quote data for the service (s) linked to a request. To obtain this data, it is necessary to inform the request ID. For more information on service quotes, consult the Wiki.
GET /requests/{requestId}/services/quotations
"id": "string",
"quotationId": "string",
"service": "string",
"serviceDate": "2020-03-19T11:54:19.958Z",
"provider": "string",
"totalValue": 0,
"approvedTotalValue": 0,
"observation": "string",
"voucher": "string",
"voucherDate": "2020-03-19T11:54:19.958Z",
"formPaymentUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"formPayment": {
"description": "string",
"typePayment": "invoiced",
"code": "string",
"air": "yes",
"hotels": "yes",
"rental": "yes",
"service": "yes",
"bus": "yes",
"restrictive": "yes",
"alternativeUATP": "yes",
"card": {
"paymentName": "string",
"name": "string",
"cardNumber": "string",
"flag": "string",
"active": "yes",
"providerId": "string",
"webServiceId": "string",
"cardId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"billingCode": "string",
"billingDescription": "string"
"schedulingUser": {
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string"
"serviceFields": [
"field": "string",
"content": "string"
"fees": [
"feeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"initialDate": "2020-03-19T11:54:19.958Z",
"finalDate": "2020-03-19T11:54:19.958Z",
"initialHour": "string",
"finalHour": "string",
"dayWeek": "monday",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"typeTrip": "both",
"action": "quotation",
"online": "yes",
"service": "air",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0,
"ceilingPrice": 0,
"inclusionDate": "2020-03-19T11:54:19.958Z"
"coin": "string",
"servicesOffers": [
"id": "string",
"service": "string",
"totalValue": 0
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Int |
50 |
Service identification ID. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
2 |
Id for identifying quotes. |
service |
String |
255 |
Service name entered in the quote. Example: TRANSFER |
serviceDate |
String |
24 |
Service date. Example: 2020-01-08T15: 00: 00 |
provider |
String |
50 |
Provider where the service information comes from. Example: ARGO, AMADEUSWS |
coin |
String |
3 |
Type of currency used in the quote. Example: BRL |
totalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total value of the service. Example: 450.00 |
approvedTotalValue |
Number |
100 |
Total approved amount. Example: 450.00 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Observation of the service quotation. Example: Airport service request |
voucher |
String |
255 |
Service voucher amount. Example: 1911995542/5525518 |
voucherDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Date the Voucher was confirmed. Example: 2019-12-18T20: 33: 58.400 |
formPayment |
Object responsible for returning the payment method information for the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
description |
String |
255 |
Description of the payment method of the request. Example: Billed |
typePayment |
String (Enum) |
15 |
Payment types used. Example: 'direct Payment', 'creditCard', 'governmentBody', 'invoiced' |
code |
String |
50 |
Payment method integration code. (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'TIPOFATURA1010' |
air |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the air product. Example: yes / no |
hotels |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the hosting product. Example: yes / no |
rental |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Lease product. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Service product. Example: yes / no |
bus |
String |
3 |
The property indicates whether the payment method can be used for the Road product. Example: yes / no |
restrictive |
String |
3 |
Ownership indicates whether the billing is of the restrictive type. Example: yes / no |
alternativeUATP |
String |
3 |
Property indicates whether the billing is of the UATP type. Example: yes / no |
billingCode |
String |
50 |
Payment method billing code. Example: BV5 |
billingDescription |
String |
50 |
Description of the billing code of the form of payment. Example: TOTAL BILLING FOR THE AGENCY |
card |
Object responsible for returning the card information used in the request |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
user |
String |
255 |
Name of the user who used the card. Example: Mauritius |
formPayment |
String |
255 |
Type of Card Billing. Example: Credit card |
cardNumber |
String |
255 |
Card number. Example: 3216-8394-9403-0604 |
flag |
String |
50 |
Indicates the card's flag. Example: Visa, Mastercard |
active |
String |
3 |
Field indicates whether the card is active. Example: yes / no |
providerId |
String |
50 |
Card provider identifier. Example: T0009015590A999118 |
webServiceId |
String |
50 |
Card's WebService identifier (Virtual card only). Example: B2BPAY, WEX, CONFERMA |
cardId |
String(Guid) |
36 |
Card ID registered. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
formPaymentUser |
Object responsible for returning the information of the user who used the payment method |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
User contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
User login. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
User phone. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
User fax. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicates whether the user is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group the user is inserted in. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
User integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUARIO1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
formPaymentUser |
Object responsible for returning the information of the user who used the payment method |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
User contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
User login. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
User phone. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
User fax. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the user is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group the user is inserted in. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
User integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUARIO1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
schedulingUser |
Object responsible for returning the information of the user who booked the service |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Customer identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
50 |
User contact email. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
50 |
User login. Example: roberto.luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
User phone. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
User fax. Example: 9 95463154 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicating whether the user is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
10 |
Group the user is inserted in. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
15 |
User ID number. Example: 45.585.412-X |
cpf |
String |
15 |
User CPF number. Example: 665.854.965-63 |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Principal Approver |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
User integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process) .Example: 'USER1010' |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Operational |
serviceFields |
Object responsible for returning information from management fields |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
content |
String |
50 |
Content displayed in the field. Example: 1/8/2003 |
field |
String |
50 |
Field identifier. Example: sustentacao_ajweg_checkin3 |
fees |
Object responsible for returning fee information from service quote |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
feeId |
Int |
50 |
Fee identification ID linked to the request. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
initialDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Start date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End date of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
initialHour |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Request start time. Example: 2019-08-22 |
finalHour |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
End time of the request. Example: 2019-08-22 |
dayWeek |
String |
10 |
DDay of the week of the request. Example: 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday' |
name |
String |
50 |
Fee name. Example: Experience Bundle |
description |
String |
1024 |
Fee Description. Example: R$ 15.00 will be charged for Issuing Bundle of National or International sections, made Online or Offline. For all requests (opened from 29/11/2019) on this client. If the call is made between 00:00 and 23:59. |
typeTrip |
String (Enum) |
13 |
Type of trip that the 'fee' is linked to. Example: 'both', 'international', 'domestic' |
action |
String |
13 |
Type of action taken for Fee. Example: 'quotation', 'ticketing' |
online |
String |
3 |
Field that informs if the fee is online. Example: yes / no |
service |
String |
7 |
Type of fee service. Example: 'air', 'hotels', 'rental', 'service', 'bus', 'bundle' |
amount |
Number |
100 |
Fee amount. Example: 20 |
percentage |
Number |
100 |
Fee percentage. Example: 5 |
ceilingPrice |
Number |
100 |
Fee ceiling value. Example: 35 |
inclusionDate |
String (DateTime) |
24 |
Fee inclusion date. Example: 2020-03-11T19: 29: 50.873Z |
servicesOffers |
Object responsible for returning the information of the offered service |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
service |
String |
50 |
Service Name. Example: Cleaning apartment windows |
id |
String |
50 |
Identifier of the offered service (combination of the service and quotation). Example: 1_1, 0_1 |
totalValue |
Number |
100 |
Calculation of the values presented in the 'value' property (Daily value + Taxes). Example: 55.00 |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve information from service requests. To obtain this data it is necessary to inform the request ID. For more information regarding services, consult the Wiki.
GET /requests/{requestId}/services/requested
"id": "string",
"service": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"date": "2020-03-25T11:03:21.630Z",
"observation": "string",
"managementsFields": [
"field": "string",
"content": "string"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
id |
Number |
50 |
Service identification ID. Example: 1, 3, 5 |
service |
String |
255 |
Service Name. Example: Purchase of Luggage |
quantity |
Number |
50 |
Number of services in the request. Example: 1 |
date |
String |
24 |
Service date. Example: 2020-01-08T15:00:00 |
observation |
String |
255 |
Service observation. Example: Service request at the airport |
managementsFields |
Object responsible for returning information from management fields |
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
content |
String |
50 |
Content displayed in the field.Example: 08/01/2003 |
field |
String |
50 |
Field identifier. Example: sustentacao_ajweg_checkin3 |
Through this method it is possible to retrieve data related to travelers linked to a request.
GET / requests/{requestId}/travelers
"typeUser": "string",
"clientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"email": "string",
"login": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"telephone": "string",
"fax": "string",
"registration": "string",
"thirdParty": "yes",
"groups": [
"rg": "string",
"cpf": "string",
"passport": "string",
"employeeId": "string",
"fullName": "string",
"integrationCode": "string",
"department": "string",
"product" = "string",
"id" = "int",
"quotationId" = "int"
Property |
Type |
Size |
Description |
typeUser |
String (Enum) |
9 |
Type of user in the request. Example: Traveler/Companion |
clientId |
Guid |
36 |
Returned customer identification ID.Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
userId |
Guid |
36 |
User identification ID returned. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
email |
String |
24 |
Contact e-mail of the request traveler. Example: roberto.luiz@fdtps.br |
login |
String |
24 |
Request traveler login. Example: roberto.luiz |
firstName |
String |
50 |
Request Traveler's First Name. Example: Roberto |
lastName |
String |
50 |
Last name of the request traveler. Example: Luiz |
telephone |
String |
50 |
Request traveller's phone. Example: 9 95463154 |
fax |
String |
50 |
Fax of the request traveler. Example: 9 95463154 |
registration |
String |
20 |
Registration of the traveling user. Example: 464545 |
thirdParty |
String |
3 |
Flag indicates whether the traveler is outsourced or not. Example: yes / no |
groups |
String |
25 |
Group to which the user is linked. Example: 'user', 'admin', 'manager', 'financial' |
rg |
String |
50 |
User ID number. Example: 00.000.000-0 |
cpf |
String |
50 |
User CPF number. Example: 000.000.000-00 |
passport |
String |
20 |
User passport. Example: BR123456 |
fullName |
String |
255 |
Full name of the user. Example: Roberto Oliveira Luiz |
integrationCode |
String |
255 |
Traveling user integration code (This code can be used by other systems in the integration process). Example: 'USUATENDENTE1010' |
employeeId |
String |
255 |
User registration identifier. Example: 10377192 |
department |
String |
255 |
User department. Example: Legal |
product |
string |
255 |
Name of the related product. Example: Hotels |
id |
Int |
50 |
Hotel identification ID in the quote (Hotels product only). Example: 1, 3, 5 |
quotationId |
Int |
50 |
Selected Quotation identification ID (Hotels product only). Example: 1, 3, 5 |